Breaking: Berkeley Mayor Told Local Police to Stand Down So Conservatives Could Get Pummeled

So you need government? lol

Do you support government officials ordering the police to stand down so that their political allies can violently attack their shared political enemies for the purpose of suppressing their Right to Speech?
Hey is this the moment when you whine about being attacked after saying that liberals are pussies?

Lmao...the tough Republicans couldn't fight back against tree hugging peaceniks? :badgrin:
Hey is this the moment when you whine about being attacked after saying that liberals are pussies?

Lmao...the tough Republicans couldn't fight back against tree hugging peaceniks? :badgrin:
And when we do the likes of you whine and complain and say you never did anything to cause it.
This is why us Nationalists must take back our country in order to preserve our civilized constitutional rights that are being threatened by the violent left.

Nationalism needs to go away. There's a big difference between patriotism and nationalism. Do not confuse the two
What's wrong with Nationalism?

Nationalism is telling the government to come in and protect what I like, when the government complies, it then becomes socialism as well...which national socialism abbreviated in German is Nazi. Antifa is bad as well, pretty much has the same goals in mind except very communistic, so it's just on the other side of the spectrum.
This is why us Nationalists must take back our country in order to preserve our civilized constitutional rights that are being threatened by the violent left.

Nationalism needs to go away. There's a big difference between patriotism and nationalism. Do not confuse the two
What's wrong with Nationalism?

Nationalism is telling the government to come in and protect what I like, when the government complies, it then becomes socialism as well...which national socialism abbreviated in German is Nazi. Antifa is bad as well, pretty much has the same goals in mind except very communistic, so it's just on the other side of the spectrum.
Nationalism is America First along with great pride and patriotism for your country. Buy American, Hire American......That's a great recipe to make America great again!
Hey is this the moment when you whine about being attacked after saying that liberals are pussies?

Lmao...the tough Republicans couldn't fight back against tree hugging peaceniks? :badgrin:
And when we do the likes of you whine and complain and say you never did anything to cause it.

When you do its usually women you swing on or just suckered punches from the blindside.

Tell me more about how a bunch of pussies beat you. Show me on this doll how they hurt you.
This is why us Nationalists must take back our country in order to preserve our civilized constitutional rights that are being threatened by the violent left.

Nationalism needs to go away. There's a big difference between patriotism and nationalism. Do not confuse the two
What's wrong with Nationalism?

Nationalism is telling the government to come in and protect what I like, when the government complies, it then becomes socialism as well...which national socialism abbreviated in German is Nazi. Antifa is bad as well, pretty much has the same goals in mind except very communistic, so it's just on the other side of the spectrum.
Nationalism is America First along with great pride and patriotism for your country. Buy American, Hire American......That's a great recipe to make America great again!

It's America first through socialism, by sicking the government on whatever it is, is deemed un-nationalistic. It's a system that says instead of freeing people more, we need to punish those who go against whatever it is we deem unationalistic. You want to buy American, be prepared to pay twice the price, if you can afford it great, but many in America cannot, and we're not talking about just cheap plastic trinkets, we're talking about almost everything going up in price, clothing, auto industry, home goods, lawn goods, building materials/tools, and pretty much anything you take for granted in your daily living. If China wants to practice policy that's devaluing their products so you get them cheaper...that's good for you, bad for China. Let them devalue and manipulate their currency, it's hurting them a lot more than hurting us, to the point where American companies are still making more profit off of Chinese products. They are tipping the scales in our favor, let them. Trade tariffs are what plunged us into the Great Depression. Here's how we make America great again, CUT government spending, drastically. Give tax cuts to the demand side, there's no reason someone making only 50,000 should be paying 10,000 in taxes. Lax strangling regulation, there's no reason 60% of a cost of building a new house is not even building the actual house, it's keeping compliant with regulations. Stop the fed from manipulating our own currency, and force inverstors to actually have to invest in new business, let the zombie business die off like they should have years ago. Free up the economy, and let people (demand side) keep more of their money, they will finally pay to fix their driveway, or buy that boat, add an addition to their house, or invest in that apartment building.

Real patriotism is loving the ideas that found this nation, land of the FREE, home of the brave. Socialism is not one of those ideas, nor is nationalism, both of those combined are fascism. Americans are already strapped for cash, we cannot afford a trade war.

Is Based Stick Man Not So Based?

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