BREAKING: Biden administration reverses Trump policy, sends troops to Somalia

No evidence to support your lying ass as usual you war loving freak!

So now you have invoke Trump, Bush and who else would you like to invoke so you can defend Biden stupidity?

Maybe Andrew Jackson?

So seeing you couldn’t provide on ounce of evidence I support Trump tell me you are trolling to divert this thread from the actual conversation about Biden wanting to get those like you killed but seeing you never served and are a coward my opinion is you are hoping he send White and Hispanic Troops to get killed so you can smile with joy!
Dumb ass I need to defend Biden, I thought you bad ass right wingers were all for fighting Al Qaeda.
Please post where all these conflicts and wars are based on a doctrine by Jimmy Carter.
Because it's been our foreign policy since he introduced it in 1980:

"Let our position be absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force."
Since when does one US Senator order troops to invade a country.
One doesn't....but he did vote for it, along with others.

he authorized the troops. He didn't vote no...every conflict you listed that a GOP President was involved in, had to be approved, and Joey Xiden did just that.
One doesn't....but he did vote for it, along with others.

he authorized the troops. He didn't vote no...every conflict you listed that a GOP President was involved in, had to be approved, and Joey Xiden did just that.
So how is that different than all the Republicans who voted for the 94 Crime Bill.
Because it's been our foreign policy since he introduced it in 1980:

"Let our position be absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force."
So why is it justified for Republicans, but not justified for Democrats.
I never said anything about justification…
Somila isn’t in the Middle East
Who claimed Somalia was in the ME? So you are saying that Republicans are responsible for the 94 crime bill since everyone of them voted for it.
Who claimed Somalia was in the ME? So you are saying that Republicans are responsible for the 94 crime bill since everyone of them voted for it.
you suggested it was

No republicans voted for the Carter Doctrine

The racist 94 crime bill was written by your plantation master, Xiden, signed by Clinton…and thankfully Trump ans the GoP…and has nothing to do with the Carter Doctrine, that set the ball rolling in the ME..nor does it have anything to do with Xiden sending troops to another African country to kill brown people
you suggested it was

No republicans voted for the Carter Doctrine

The racist 94 crime bill was written by your plantation master, Xiden, signed by Clinton…and thankfully Trump ans the GoP…and has nothing to do with the Carter Doctrine, that set the ball rolling in the ME..nor does it have anything to do with Xiden sending troops to another African country to kill brown people
See DS boot licker, EVERY republican signed that 94 crime bill, but being the sell out, right wing ho you are you won't admit it.
He isn't sending me anywhere and the only ass kissing that has gone on in this country is by you stupid ass, Trump Humpers who bow at the alter of Trump.
I really wish you guys would stop projecting your moral failing of worship of human beings on normal people.
Look asshole you have been told a few times now this thread is not about Bush and it is about Biden usage of troops being sent to Somalia and all you are doing is diverting the conversation to troll this thread!

Also idiot did Biden vote for authorization and if so he allowed Bush to use those Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq!

What part of that do you not understand?

Oh, wait you believe someone vote is nullified if the President does what he has stated he would do with that authorization and shit goes wrong, well as long as they are a Democrat!

Now kindly explain why you are in support of sending Troops into a country we are not at war with?
Because Biden the Great White Father wishes it.
Why send troops to that shithole?? Kinda dumb if you ask me. Thats where Blackhawk down occurred, It took threats to get the pilot they captured back.What a shithole. Get our people out.
We have no business there. This is just an attempt by the failed and incompetent Biden Admin to distract the American people.

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