BREAKING: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents

Oh my! It will be interesting to see if any “faith leaders” and white Christian nationalists like Trump has become are on the list.,

Dobbs was a morally driven decision based on the anti/feminist white Christian moral crusade of Phyllis Schlafly etc etc etc that followed the morality shift in the Sixties because of Black Americans wanting to sit anywhere on a public bus, stopping the Commie Domino Effect in the by defending the Imperial Catholic regimes in Buddhist South Vietnam and the Sexual Revolution that stated with THE PILL.
Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte

View attachment 881791

Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

See Post #11,309 Here is a point made there:

The white Christian Nationalists’ culture war is really about “the form of the family.” as social conservatives who in mindless lockstep lament the fact that the godly model of the traditional family that is based on heterosexual marriage is no longer a “general norm” . The culture war has been and is being fought over the continued advance of the sexual revolution of the Sixties which as a result of the opposition to the War in Vietnam, and the demand for minority civil rights, and “THE PILL” in the words of Yuval Levin the SIXTIES ;

“surely the most culturally transformative of all the waves of change, liberation, and individualism that swept over American life in the postwar era.”

Edgetho in #54 15.04.05 wrote: Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican. •¥¥¥• vdgvthv.15.04.05 #54

NotfooledbyW in #41 23.12.31 said: Were you old enough Saint Edgetho to watch the War in Vietnam on TV in April 1967 when MLK delivered a speech in opposition to the war that claimed 20,000 US lives by then? nf.23.12.31 #41 to vdgvthv.15.04.05 #54

Still no answer to #41 from St. Edgetho. It was not a tough question.

Johngaltshrugged in #3 said: Good riddance. Purge all the wolves from the church leadership. •¥• He drives people away from the Word of God with his duplicity & scumbags like him deserve all the shame, ridicule & hardships coming his way. •¥¥• jhngltshrggd.22.08.06 #3

Wondering why Saint Johngaltshrugged wants to keep DJT as head of the entire white Christian Nationalist movement from the Oval Office?

nf.24.01.01 #20
to jhngltshrggd.22.08.06 #3

READ - "When Clinton is named, and all of the other Democrat supporters that went there, I will ignore that and just want to point out the lone conservative... and be outraged."
NotfooledbyW in #20 24.01.01 wrote: “Oh my! It will be interesting to see if any “faith leaders” and white Christian nationalists like Trump has become, are on the list.” nf.24.01.01 #20 to jhngltshrggd.22.08.06 #3

iamwhatiseem in #21 24.01.01 said: “”READ - "When Clinton is named, and all of the other Democrat supporters that went there, I will ignore that and just want to point out the lone conservative... and be outraged."” mwhtvsm.24.01.01 #21 to nf.24.01.01 #20

That is not how {NotfooledbyW in #20 24.01.01} reads. Trump is the leader of the white Christian Nationalists’ puritanical patriotic citizens ‘greatness’movement. DJT is that movement’s High Priest and Pussy Grabber representing the entire GOP right now.

I am writing about these RIGHTWING FAITH leaders seen here touching their political messiah.

Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

While I have your attention Saint Iamwhatiseem, Do you agree with the following silliness posted in Edgetho #54 15.04.05 eight years ago?

Edgetho in #54 15.04.05 wrote: Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican. •¥¥¥• vdgvthv.15.04.05 #54

nf.23.01.01 #23
to mwhtvsm.24.01.01 #21
Last edited:
Oh my! It will be interesting to see if any “faith leaders” and white Christian nationalists like Trump has become are on the list.,

Dobbs was a morally driven decision based on the anti/feminist white Christian moral crusade of Phyllis Schlafly etc etc etc that followed the morality shift in the Sixties because of Black Americans wanting to sit anywhere on a public bus, stopping the Commie Domino Effect in the by defending the Imperial Catholic regimes in Buddhist South Vietnam and the Sexual Revolution that stated with THE PILL.
Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte

View attachment 881791

Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

See Post #11,309 Here is a point made there:

The white Christian Nationalists’ culture war is really about “the form of the family.” as social conservatives who in mindless lockstep lament the fact that the godly model of the traditional family that is based on heterosexual marriage is no longer a “general norm” . The culture war has been and is being fought over the continued advance of the sexual revolution of the Sixties which as a result of the opposition to the War in Vietnam, and the demand for minority civil rights, and “THE PILL” in the words of Yuval Levin the SIXTIES ;

“surely the most culturally transformative of all the waves of change, liberation, and individualism that swept over American life in the postwar era.”

Edgetho in #54 15.04.05 wrote: Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican. •¥¥¥• vdgvthv.15.04.05 #54

NotfooledbyW in #41 23.12.31 said: Were you old enough Saint Edgetho to watch the War in Vietnam on TV in April 1967 when MLK delivered a speech in opposition to the war that claimed 20,000 US lives by then? nf.23.12.31 #41 to vdgvthv.15.04.05 #54

Still no answer to #41 from St. Edgetho. It was not a tough question.

Johngaltshrugged in #3 said: Good riddance. Purge all the wolves from the church leadership. •¥• He drives people away from the Word of God with his duplicity & scumbags like him deserve all the shame, ridicule & hardships coming his way. •¥¥• jhngltshrggd.22.08.06 #3

Wondering why Saint Johngaltshrugged wants to keep DJT as head of the entire white Christian Nationalist movement from the Oval Office?

nf.24.01.01 #20
to jhngltshrggd.22.08.06 #3
I didn't watch the war in Viet Nam on TV because --

I was in it. As an Infantryman. I later helped write a book on the War, a handbook to be sure, but it is till referenced at West Point.

And Republicans didn't start the Viet Nam War, dimocrrap FILTH did. Period. 2/3 of the KIA's in that useless War happened under dimocrap scum presidents.

Not to be too hard on JFK. He was just following through on the Truman Doctrine. He thought he was doing the right thing. It was the scum-sucking piece of human SHIT, LBJ, that used the War to further his personal agendas.

Nixon ended the War by defeating the NVA. The VC were basically gone by then. The NVA used the age-old, tried and true communist trick of getting the locals to rise-up (The '68 Tet Offensive) and get wiped out (they did. BIGLY) so the Northern communists could take over. They did.

But Nixon kicked their fucking asses for them. And dimocrap FILTH couldn't have that, now could they?

Still not sure what Nixon did wrong but he stupidly resigned instead of fighting it out with the TRUE ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.......... dimocrap FILTH. I shit you not, they are the enemy of America. And anything and everything else good and decent in this world.

dimocraps are the sleaziest filth to ever exist on this, or any other, Planet.

In any case, we now have a Man that is aware of what FILTH dimocraps are. And it scares the shit out of you, doesn't it?

Yes, it does.

eat a dick
Not only is Bill Clinton being identified as Doe 36, but a thorough review of all the court filings indicates that a total of ZERO allegations of wrongdoing against Doe 36 are contained therein.

Court documents naming Jeffrey Epstein's associates to be unsealed: What to know
Man walks into a house with a gun in his hand. A few minutes later, a shot is heard. The Police are called and find a dead, recently shot, Man on the floor.

It's called 'circumstantial evidence. And, in case you didn't know, the VAST majority of criminal cases in the USA, where the defendant is found guilty, it is through the use of Circumstantial Evidence.

ABC is a piece of shit. They are owned and operated by Disney
Uh oh! The perv is officially busted. I expect suicides for the first month of January.

Democrats will be Democrats with kids. Their current Messiah sniffs and gropes them, infront of the cameras.
This is another one of those times where we all know what was going on, then act surprised when it is conclusively proven.
Uh oh! The perv is officially busted. I expect suicides for the first month of January.

Doubtful. I have seen no evidence that Bill is a pedo. I do believe he was screwing ghislaine maxwell. She is much more his type.

But prince andrew....he has some 'splainin to do...
If someone broke the law, if someone followed Epstein's lead, we have to nail them. Big time, and make a fuckin' example of them.

Whatever party they belong to. This ain't about politics.

See how easy that is?

Clinton was, Trump was not.
Your credibility has been shattered s long time.

Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing by Clinton, and there is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton. But Giuffre's claim that she met the ex-president on Epstein's private Caribbean island emerged as a contentious issue in the litigation, which was settled in 2017. Maxwell contended Clinton had never been to Little St. James -- as Epstein's island was known -- and assailed Giuffre's claim as a fabrication that shattered her credibility.

Personal flight logs kept by one of Epstein's pilots -- which surfaced in separate lawsuits against Epstein -- showed that Clinton and his entourage had flown extensively on Epstein's jumbo-jet to international destinations such as Paris, Bangkok and Brunei in 2002 and 2003. But none of the available records included the former president on a trip to Epstein's

Your credibility has been shattered s long time.

Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing by Clinton, and there is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton. But Giuffre's claim that she met the ex-president on Epstein's private Caribbean island emerged as a contentious issue in the litigation, which was settled in 2017. Maxwell contended Clinton had never been to Little St. James -- as Epstein's island was known -- and assailed Giuffre's claim as a fabrication that shattered her credibility.

Personal flight logs kept by one of Epstein's pilots -- which surfaced in separate lawsuits against Epstein -- showed that Clinton and his entourage had flown extensively on Epstein's jumbo-jet to international destinations such as Paris, Bangkok and Brunei in 2002 and 2003. But none of the available records included the former president on a trip to Epstein's

My credibility? You repeat garbage from known liars. The media and our government will never tell you the truth. You should know that by now.
Your credibility has been shattered s long time.

Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing by Clinton, and there is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton. But Giuffre's claim that she met the ex-president on Epstein's private Caribbean island emerged as a contentious issue in the litigation, which was settled in 2017. Maxwell contended Clinton had never been to Little St. James -- as Epstein's island was known -- and assailed Giuffre's claim as a fabrication that shattered her credibility.

Personal flight logs kept by one of Epstein's pilots -- which surfaced in separate lawsuits against Epstein -- showed that Clinton and his entourage had flown extensively on Epstein's jumbo-jet to international destinations such as Paris, Bangkok and Brunei in 2002 and 2003. But none of the available records included the former president on a trip to Epstein's

Yeah a convicted sex trafficker shattered the credibility of one of her victims by claiming she didn’t traffic her

Are you insane?

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