Breaking: Clinton Team & Media Panic After Hillary Fails To Pack High School Gym-----Trump Lures 12K

There is no reason at all to accept polls as any more credible than any other media, especially now that most media are no longer embarrassed or ashamed to openly lie now.
Reality is setting in. I mean come on, think about it.....the first woman Democratic nominee for president can't pack a high school gym.

Hillary Can't Fill High School Gym in Iowa - Trump Sells Out 12,000 Seat FL Arena

poor kkk'er. no one is panicking. trump is a side show.

this is current reality:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

hint: bernie's crowds of college students didn't give him the votes of the rest of the party...and dumb donald's white supremacist angry males won't give him the rest of the electorate. but thanks so much for yet another moronic troll thread.
There is no reason at all to accept polls as any more credible than any other media, especially now that most media are no longer embarrassed or ashamed to openly lie now.

i suppose that's true in the opposite world in which trump's dum dums live.
Reality is setting in. I mean come on, think about it.....the first woman Democratic nominee for president can't pack a high school gym.

Hillary Can't Fill High School Gym in Iowa - Trump Sells Out 12,000 Seat FL Arena

poor kkk'er. no one is panicking. trump is a side show.

this is current reality:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

hint: bernie's crowds of college students didn't give him the votes of the rest of the party...and dumb donald's white supremacist angry males won't give him the rest of the electorate. but thanks so much for yet another moronic troll thread.
In your marxist dreams.
Nobody in their right mind would consider voting for Crooked Hillary.
There is no reason at all to accept polls as any more credible than any other media, especially now that most media are no longer embarrassed or ashamed to openly lie now.

Especially when you are losing.

Then everyone is lying.

Except you. You are right.

Because you couldn't possibly be wrong.

There's no chance of that.

It's everybody else's fault.
Ah .... two angry gimps didn't like me pointing out the obvious. What a shock!
There is more. I saved a link to a news report someone here posted on another forum. I believe it was Picaro but I cannot remember. He will as I am crediting it to him unless someone else tells me it was their news link and not his.

I have that .link, and it was posted on this site somewhere, but I didn't post it. I saw it here, but I can't remember where or who posted it, Jeremiah. Good info, though.
Thanks for letting me know, Picaro. For whoever posted that link the other night on USMB - many thanks as it was your story. .....and what a story it was! Definitely a time to be in prayer for our nation. Like never before...
Early this morning I saw this story posted by Moorelloyd on the Politics forum. I was not surprised to learn that Obama is now claiming he is being "forced out" of the White House. He's adamant that he's not quitting. Considering the small crowds that have attended Hillary's meetings it is likely that there are a number of people behind closed doors that have known this for some time:

very brief video - pretty telling though..

transcript of interview:
Have you taken any divots out of the South Lawn here?” he was asked by David Feherty.

“The rough’s a little thick here, I don’t practice that much,” the president responded.

“You know, I’m a… I’m not a hack,” Obama said, divulging about his golf game he’s worked extensively on during some 300 rounds during his presidency.

“But I’m not quitting my day job.”

“Actually you are quitting your day job fairly shortly,” Feherty jumped in, referring to the president’s term expiring in January.

“Then I may get good. I’m being forced out, I didn’t quit,” Obama said.

Then talking about his game again, he said, “I’m an honest 13 (handicap). I think my irons are good. My drive is straight but unimpressive in length.”

So will he actually leave? We’ll find out in January.
Obama says he’s being ‘forced out’ of White House

Forced out??????

This egomaniac thinks that the office of the Presidency was created exclusively for him, to last until he dies.

The limit of two terms was established by Constitution.having seen what abusing power can do to the nation by power hungry tyrants like FDR.

Two terms should be the limit for senators and members of the House as well.

Honesty and integrity would be restored and corruption - if not eliminated - at least reduced.
Early this morning I saw this story posted by Moorelloyd on the Politics forum. I was not surprised to learn that Obama is now claiming he is being "forced out" of the White House. He's adamant that he's not quitting. Considering the small crowds that have attended Hillary's meetings it is likely that there are a number of people behind closed doors that have known this for some time:

very brief video - pretty telling though..

transcript of interview:
Have you taken any divots out of the South Lawn here?” he was asked by David Feherty.

“The rough’s a little thick here, I don’t practice that much,” the president responded.

“You know, I’m a… I’m not a hack,” Obama said, divulging about his golf game he’s worked extensively on during some 300 rounds during his presidency.

“But I’m not quitting my day job.”

“Actually you are quitting your day job fairly shortly,” Feherty jumped in, referring to the president’s term expiring in January.

“Then I may get good. I’m being forced out, I didn’t quit,” Obama said.

Then talking about his game again, he said, “I’m an honest 13 (handicap). I think my irons are good. My drive is straight but unimpressive in length.”

So will he actually leave? We’ll find out in January.
Obama says he’s being ‘forced out’ of White House

Forced out??????

This egomaniac thinks that the office of the Presidency was created exclusively for him, to last until he dies.

The limit of two terms was established by Constitution.having seen what abusing power can do to the nation by power hungry tyrants like FDR.

Two terms should be the limit for senators and members of the House as well.

Honesty and integrity would be restored and corruption - if not eliminated - at least reduced.

I see that someone is awake this morning. Good.
Trump sells tickets to his event?
He gives them away, moron, but you have to have a ticket to get in.

They have to, otherwise the crowds get too large and create a hazard, plus the assorted fire regulations and the like make it just common sense to do so.
Mostly he gives out tickets so leftwing agitators can't claim it's a "public" event.

Yes, that too, but most venue owners have insurance companies that require some sort of control and ordinance compliance. Some popular ministers have the same problems with crowds at big venues, like stadiums and halls, and do the same thing; it's not just a Trump thing. they also require security presence as well.
Early this morning I saw this story posted by Moorelloyd on the Politics forum. I was not surprised to learn that Obama is now claiming he is being "forced out" of the White House. He's adamant that he's not quitting. Considering the small crowds that have attended Hillary's meetings it is likely that there are a number of people behind closed doors that have known this for some time:

very brief video - pretty telling though..

transcript of interview:
Have you taken any divots out of the South Lawn here?” he was asked by David Feherty.

“The rough’s a little thick here, I don’t practice that much,” the president responded.

“You know, I’m a… I’m not a hack,” Obama said, divulging about his golf game he’s worked extensively on during some 300 rounds during his presidency.

“But I’m not quitting my day job.”

“Actually you are quitting your day job fairly shortly,” Feherty jumped in, referring to the president’s term expiring in January.

“Then I may get good. I’m being forced out, I didn’t quit,” Obama said.

Then talking about his game again, he said, “I’m an honest 13 (handicap). I think my irons are good. My drive is straight but unimpressive in length.”

So will he actually leave? We’ll find out in January.
Obama says he’s being ‘forced out’ of White House

Forced out??????

This egomaniac thinks that the office of the Presidency was created exclusively for him, to last until he dies.

The limit of two terms was established by Constitution.having seen what abusing power can do to the nation by power hungry tyrants like FDR.

Two terms should be the limit for senators and members of the House as well.

Honesty and integrity would be restored and corruption - if not eliminated - at least reduced.

Obama's "I have a phone and a pen" declaration reminded me of Idi Amin and Emperor Bokassa and Robert Mugabe and that over rated asshole Nelson Mandela and that military genius of Liberia, Charles Taylorof Liberia..

All petty power hungry little minds.
Early this morning I saw this story posted by Moorelloyd on the Politics forum. I was not surprised to learn that Obama is now claiming he is being "forced out" of the White House. He's adamant that he's not quitting. Considering the small crowds that have attended Hillary's meetings it is likely that there are a number of people behind closed doors that have known this for some time:

very brief video - pretty telling though..

transcript of interview:
Have you taken any divots out of the South Lawn here?” he was asked by David Feherty.

“The rough’s a little thick here, I don’t practice that much,” the president responded.

“You know, I’m a… I’m not a hack,” Obama said, divulging about his golf game he’s worked extensively on during some 300 rounds during his presidency.

“But I’m not quitting my day job.”

“Actually you are quitting your day job fairly shortly,” Feherty jumped in, referring to the president’s term expiring in January.

“Then I may get good. I’m being forced out, I didn’t quit,” Obama said.

Then talking about his game again, he said, “I’m an honest 13 (handicap). I think my irons are good. My drive is straight but unimpressive in length.”

So will he actually leave? We’ll find out in January.
Obama says he’s being ‘forced out’ of White House

Forced out??????

This egomaniac thinks that the office of the Presidency was created exclusively for him, to last until he dies.

The limit of two terms was established by Constitution.having seen what abusing power can do to the nation by power hungry tyrants like FDR.

Two terms should be the limit for senators and members of the House as well.

Honesty and integrity would be restored and corruption - if not eliminated - at least reduced.

Obama's "I have a phone and a pen" declaration reminded me of Idi Amin and Emperor Bokassa and Robert Mugabe and that over rated asshole Nelson Mandela and that military genius of Liberia, Charles Taylorof Liberia..

All petty power hungry little minds.

He probably wanted to be called 'Caliph' instead of 'President'.
i heard Hillary is off to Detroit? I guess rats will be flocking to her event because of the free food.
You mean you win by cheating?

No, win by getting more votes, of course.

Does it ever bother you that your party has no integrity?

It clearly doesn't bother you. Your projection is amusing. The prospect of losing big seems to have made you desperate, hence your kook conspiracy theories.

I will readily concede that the Republicans are no sainted bunch - surely this is the truth but I do not see that Trump is cheating his way into the White House.

Agreed. He'll try, but he can't cheat his way out of the hole he's in. He'll be losing the old fashioned way, by getting far fewer votes.

Tell me, if Hillary suddenly takes ill and Obama steps up to say he's staying in office will that be acceptable to you too?

Of course not. It would be acceptable to nobody. If Clinton takes ill, another candidate will be substituted, and the election will go on. However, since she's quite healthy, such a scenario is highly unlikely.

You see, I do not believe that if you know these kind of things are being done you can remain in it without being guilty yourself. After all, what you are condoning is lawlessness. Surely you realize that you will one day face God for this and spend eternity in hell over it. Is it worth that to you?

Do you understand you're now serving Satan, the lord of lies? Everyone else does. It's a pity you can't see it. Satan is clever that way.

If I were serving Satan I would not warn you that what you are doing will send you to hell. I would watch you send yourself there without a single warning. Satan's servants would never feel such compassion and mercy for you as I feel for you right this second. No. I am a servant of the Most High God and there are no coincidences with God.

You and I were supposed to cross paths so that I could warn you that what these people have promised you is in reality not in their hand to deliver. Not to mention the fact that they are liars who have proven time and again they do not keep their word. Why would they make the exception for you?

What reward can you expect for all of your support and help in assisting them to destroy America? The same that all communists have rewarded the ones they refer to as "useful idiots." When the time comes and they no longer have need of any of you you they will line you all up against a brick wall and let a firing squad finish you off...

Satan is a hard taskmaster and the truth is, Mamooth, you are in way over your head. There is only one answer for you and His Name is Jesus Christ. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Some will do it here, some in heaven, and the rest in hell. But every tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow to Jesus Christ including yours.

I do feel compassion and mercy for you. I do pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will grant you an awakened conscience that will reveal to you every wicked act you've committed against God Almighty and the humility to ask His forgiveness, repent and turn from your wickedness before it brings forth your eternal destruction. Time is running out. Don't wait. To day is the day of Salvation.

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