BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt

it was not a CLANDESTINE BREAK-IN ----it was a demonstration
That ended up with 5 people dead.

basic training in the military ends up with a few
dead-----every session. Demonstrations in the
60s and 70s that resulted in a few "trespass" arrests
and lots of break-ins, did not include a few dead? Hunting season includes a few dead (beyond the bear, ducks, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
and deer)
I support this shooting and believe it was warranted, as I support shootings of negroes by white cops when warranted.

This wasn't some school field trip to the nation's capitol. This was a violent mob forcing themselves into an area where they were not permitted. It's not like they were showing up to watch the vote on some farm bill. They were showing up to wreck the joint. We know they were setting out to do that, because that's what they were doing...
it's our capitol, not theirs. And cops were letting people in. so you're incorrect sir.
Just because it's a public building doesn't mean anyone can enter any area at any time. Case in point, the Oval Office is a public building -- try entering it uninvited. See how far you get before you're shot Ashli style.
So much for an open democratic government working for the people. The police state rolls on and some Americans have no problem with it.
I support this shooting and believe it was warranted, as I support shootings of negroes by white cops when warranted.

This wasn't some school field trip to the nation's capitol. This was a violent mob forcing themselves into an area where they were not permitted. It's not like they were showing up to watch the vote on some farm bill. They were showing up to wreck the joint. We know they were setting out to do that, because that's what they were doing...
it's our capitol, not theirs. And cops were letting people in. so you're incorrect sir.
Just because it's a public building doesn't mean anyone can enter any area at any time. Case in point, the Oval Office is a public building -- try entering it uninvited. See how far you get before you're shot Ashli style.

it was not a CLANDESTINE BREAK-IN ----it was a demonstration

Still a break in. Still illegal. Still threatening peoples' lives.

so you support the killing of ANYONE ----"breaking in"
If they are a threat to others who rightfully belong in there, yes.
so you support the killing of ANYONE ----"breaking in"
The congresses use of the "castle doctrine"
she wasn't in the building. If I recall, two Missourians were arrested for merely pointing unloaded firearms at a crowd walking up their private drive. Why?
The following does a good job of explaining what our government has become...

As journalist Sharyl Attkisson observed, “What’s been most striking to me is just how one-sided the rules are when Americans take on their own government…. It has been dismaying to learn the extent to which rules and laws shield the government from accountability for its abuses—or even lawbreaking…. It’s been a long and frightening lesson…. The rules seem rigged to protect government lawlessness, and the playing field is uneven. Too many processes favor the government. The deck is still stacked.

Because the system is rigged—because there are no real consequences for agents of the police state who inflict violence on the American people—and because “we the people” are at the mercy of a government that has almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they are supposed to “serve and protect”—Americans will continue to die at the hands of a government that sees itself as judge, jury and executioner.
Machinery of Death: When the Government Acts as Judge, Jury, and Executioner - LewRockwell
I support this shooting and believe it was warranted, as I support shootings of negroes by white cops when warranted.

This wasn't some school field trip to the nation's capitol. This was a violent mob forcing themselves into an area where they were not permitted. It's not like they were showing up to watch the vote on some farm bill. They were showing up to wreck the joint. We know they were setting out to do that, because that's what they were doing...
it's our capitol, not theirs. And cops were letting people in. so you're incorrect sir.
Just because it's a public building doesn't mean anyone can enter any area at any time. Case in point, the Oval Office is a public building -- try entering it uninvited. See how far you get before you're shot Ashli style.
So much for an open democratic government working for the people. The police state rolls on and some Americans have no problem with it.
There were no lawmakers working after they had to run and hide from seditious insurgents storming the Capitol in search of lawmakers to kill.
I support this shooting and believe it was warranted, as I support shootings of negroes by white cops when warranted.

This wasn't some school field trip to the nation's capitol. This was a violent mob forcing themselves into an area where they were not permitted. It's not like they were showing up to watch the vote on some farm bill. They were showing up to wreck the joint. We know they were setting out to do that, because that's what they were doing...
it's our capitol, not theirs. And cops were letting people in. so you're incorrect sir.
Just because it's a public building doesn't mean anyone can enter any area at any time. Case in point, the Oval Office is a public building -- try entering it uninvited. See how far you get before you're shot Ashli style.

it was not a CLANDESTINE BREAK-IN ----it was a demonstration

Still a break in. Still illegal. Still threatening peoples' lives.

so you support the killing of ANYONE ----"breaking in"
If they are a threat to others who rightfully belong in there, yes.

how were they a threat ABOVE the crowd that busted up the MACY's WINDOWS at Herald Square in order to
LOOT the place? ----I have NO DOUBT that there were some people in the Store----somewhere
It's a public building that houses restricted areas. She was trying to break into a restricted area.

No different than my example of a bank guard letting somebody into the bank, but shooting them if they try to get into the vault.
it was the front entrance, so you're mistaken.
Why do you always post bullshit?

WASHINGTON — A woman was shot and killed Wednesday afternoon inside the U.S. Capitol building as Trump supporters tried to break into the House Chamber.

making it as far as the House Chambers where minutes earlier, Congress had been voting to certify the electoral college results
Just because it's a public building doesn't mean anyone can enter any area at any time. Case in point, the Oval Office is a public building -- try entering it uninvited. See how far you get before you're shot Ashli style.
So much for an open democratic government working for the people. The police state rolls on and some Americans have no problem with it.

Congress is a unique building. It is both a public building, that has within it Top Secret restricted areas. Which means entry into those restricted areas can be repelled by the force necessary to prevent entry.

In addition the area was an area being used to protect the members of congress from outside harm. Making it not just restricted by statute, but restricted by order of the secret service.
I support this shooting and believe it was warranted, as I support shootings of negroes by white cops when warranted.

This wasn't some school field trip to the nation's capitol. This was a violent mob forcing themselves into an area where they were not permitted. It's not like they were showing up to watch the vote on some farm bill. They were showing up to wreck the joint. We know they were setting out to do that, because that's what they were doing...
it's our capitol, not theirs. And cops were letting people in. so you're incorrect sir.
Just because it's a public building doesn't mean anyone can enter any area at any time. Case in point, the Oval Office is a public building -- try entering it uninvited. See how far you get before you're shot Ashli style.

it was not a CLANDESTINE BREAK-IN ----it was a demonstration

Still a break in. Still illegal. Still threatening peoples' lives.

so you support the killing of ANYONE ----"breaking in"
If they are a threat to others who rightfully belong in there, yes.

how were they a threat ABOVE the crowd that busted up the MACY's WINDOWS at Herald Square in order to
LOOT the place? ----I have NO DOUBT that there were some people in the Store----somewhere
I have no idea wtf you're talking about. Nor does it matter since this case has nothing to do with other cases. Ashli Shootingtarget was leading a mob into a restricted area where lawmakers were hiding. She was attempting to break in through a guarded window which was barricaded on the other side. That made her and the mob behind her an immediate threat to lawmakers.

She chose to do that. The bitch died a traitor.
so you support the killing of ANYONE ----"breaking in"

The congresses use of the "castle doctrine"
oh................~~~~~~ ~~ that~~~makes ~~uhm
'' ~~~ sense----sorta ~~~~
I feel like someone explaining arithmetic.s

A castle doctrine, also known as a castle law or a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place (for example, a vehicle or home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder
so you support the killing of ANYONE ----"breaking in"

The congresses use of the "castle doctrine"
oh................~~~~~~ ~~ that~~~makes ~~uhm
'' ~~~ sense----sorta ~~~~
I feel like someone explaining arithmetic.s

A castle doctrine, also known as a castle law or a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place (for example, a vehicle or home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder
Again, why was the Missouri couple arrested?
Just because it's a public building doesn't mean anyone can enter any area at any time. Case in point, the Oval Office is a public building -- try entering it uninvited. See how far you get before you're shot Ashli style.
So much for an open democratic government working for the people. The police state rolls on and some Americans have no problem with it.

Congress is a unique building. It is both a public building, that has within it Top Secret restricted areas. Which means entry into those restricted areas can be repelled by the force necessary to prevent entry.

In addition the area was an area being used to protect the members of congress from outside harm. Making it not just restricted by statute, but restricted by order of the secret service.
Murder was unnecessary. Don’t you think?
The mod shut down the thread before I could get the link posted.

The man should be arrested and charged with the murder of an unarmed citizen. If the races had been reversed, there would have been nationwide riots. But as usual when a democrat gets caught committing a crime, the MSM and democrats response is ------ crickets.
If the races had been reversed -- there wouldn't have been an insurrection at the Capitol......

Black folks don't try to storm the Capitol because their preferred candidate lost an election.....

Black folks have had LEGITIMATE REASONS thru out history to storm the US Capitol; but this ain't it
Naw, they've been Burning, Looting and Murdering in multiple cities around the US for the democrats regularly for the last four years--take your innocent BS down the road. Racist bigot.

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