BREAKING! Investigators Have Evidence Biden as VP Shared Classified National Defense Info – Including Briefings on US Troops & NATO Cables with Hunter

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
And Hunter had zero security clearances for this type of National Security military information. This should be immediate grounds for impeachment and jail. This is pure espionage!


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Not espionage. It doesn't rise to that level, any more than J6 was an insurrection.

It's just laziness and stupidity. The stuff that gets us all in trouble.
And Hunter had zero security clearances for this type of National Security military information. This should be immediate grounds for impeachment and jail. This is pure espionage!


Hahaha. It had to be Gateway Pundit!
And Hunter had zero security clearances for this type of National Security military information. This should be immediate grounds for impeachment and jail. This is pure espionage!


No right wing rag lies more than the Gateway Pundit.

And Hunter had zero security clearances for this type of National Security military information. This should be immediate grounds for impeachment and jail. This is pure espionage!


Oh, I didn't even have to open the post to know it was Jack Hoft's bird cage liner with the latest "bombshell" news. :auiqs.jpg:

Any day now...
Gateway Pundit isn't the original source, dumbass. Click the link and read the source material.
This guy is.

Hardly an example of credibility.

On Twitter, he has publicly accused the only two female Muslim members of Congress (Rep. Ilhan Omar [D-MN] and Rashida Tlaib [D-MI]) of being “plants of CAIR” to “infiltrate” the U.S. government. In a March 2018 tweet, Sperry hoped for Muslim civil rights organization, CAIR, to be “shut down” after accusing it of being a Muslim Brotherhood “frontgroup,” a longstanding conspiracy theory trying to malign American Muslim civic organizations.

This is what happens. One right wing source is used as the source for another right-wing source. What is lacking is an actual primary source though.
And Hunter had zero security clearances for this type of National Security military information. This should be immediate grounds for impeachment and jail. This is .pure espionage!


Here we go again with thegatewaypundit!
100% Fake news.
Are you Trumptard MAGAts completely incapable of learning? Over and over one of you will cite some anti-Biden "bombshell story" from this bullshit (ahem!) "source."
Then of course you all get excited and do your little circle-jerk thing on another bogus thread with a fake news OP for a day or two.
Then reality sets in and once again you all have to make up yet ANOTHER BS conspiracy theory to explain why the first fake news conspiracy theory (Biden busted) never materialized.
And rinse and repeat.
Wouldn't it be easier to vet your news sources more carefully to avoid cult propaganda like thegatewaypundit and brietbart, to begin with?
Here we go again with thegatewaypundit!
100% Fake news.
Are you Trumptard MAGAts completely incapable of learning? Over and over one of you will cite some anti-Biden "bombshell story" from this bullshit (ahem!) "source."
Then of course you all get excited and do your little circle-jerk thing on another bogus thread with a fake news OP for a day or two.
Then reality sets in and once again you all have to make up yet ANOTHER BS conspiracy theory to explain why the first fake news conspiracy theory (Biden busted) never materialized.
And rinse and repeat.
Wouldn't it be easier to vet your news sources more carefully to avoid cult propaganda like thegatewaypundit and brietbart, to begin with?
You're incapable of debunking the story and emails.
Here we go again with thegatewaypundit!
100% Fake news.
Are you Trumptard MAGAts completely incapable of learning? Over and over one of you will cite some anti-Biden "bombshell story" from this bullshit (ahem!) "source."
Then of course you all get excited and do your little circle-jerk thing on another bogus thread with a fake news OP for a day or two.
Then reality sets in and once again you all have to make up yet ANOTHER BS conspiracy theory to explain why the first fake news conspiracy theory (Biden busted) never materialized.
And rinse and repeat.
Wouldn't it be easier to vet your news sources more carefully to avoid cult propaganda like thegatewaypundit and brietbart, to begin with?
In 1982 I was up for meritorious promotion to Cpl/E-4, part of the promotion process was knowledge of current events. That was when I first started really following politics. Since 1982 I have no idea how many stolen elections and conspiracy theories I have heard from the Republicans. Thousands at least, this is just one more. And no, they never seem to get tired of being wrong.
That email sent to the Ukrainian energy commissioner was basically a classified document verbatim Sent by Hunter given to him by the big guy

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