Biden Team Concerned Robert Hur’s Report Will Include ‘Embarrassing’ Photos of Stolen Classified Documents Stored in Biden Delaware Garage –

Biden Team Concerned Robert Hur’s Report Will Include ‘Embarrassing’ Photos of Stolen Classified Documents Stored in Biden Delaware Garage


4 Feb 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden’s team is ‘concerned’ Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which is expected to be released soon, will include ’embarrassing’ photos of stolen classified documents stored in Biden’s Delaware garage.
Robert Hur is not expected to charge Joe Biden even though he stole classified documents and improperly stored them in his Delaware garage and other unsecured locations.
Rather, the special counsel will release a report on his investigation.
“The prosecutor investigating why classified documents ended up at President Biden’s home and former office is preparing a report that is expected to be sharply critical of how he and his longtime aides handled the material, but the probe isn’t likely to result in a criminal case, according to people familiar with the matter.” The Wall Street Journal reported in November.
At least 5 White House aides, including former White House Counsel Dana Remus were involved in Biden’s classified documents scandal.
Joe Biden STOLE SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center.
Biden also stored classified documents in his garage next to his Corvette where his son Hunter had access to the sensitive materials.
Nine boxes of documents were taken from Joe Biden’s lawyer’s Boston office and we have no idea what is in those boxes because the National Archives is covering up for Biden.
Joe Biden also withheld information from the Senate Intel Committee.
Last October Joe Biden’s scandal spokesman Ian Sams said Biden spent two days with Special Counsel Robert Hur about his handling of stolen classified documents.
Recall that Biden’s Justice Department wasted no time indicting Trump for lawfully storing presidential records at Mar-a-Lago.
Biden’s corrupt DOJ also released staged photos of the ‘classified’ documents stored at Trump’s Florida residence shortly after the raid in August 2022.


Senators are not allowed to remove High Security Documents from the Senate SCIF. That is theft!
Garland and his Stasi GoJ have a big problem. How can they prosecute TRUMP and not Biden?
Certaubly this is a glaring example of the two-tiered and politicized justice system in the US. Yet, millions pretend to not see it.
Garland must be made to forced to explain the reasoning behind charging Trump and no charges for Biden, especially when Biden has been caught with stolen Highly classified materials.
Then there's rge fact that Biden's lawyers were allowed to go through the documents to see what was there. THAT is a federal crime because none of the lawyers had any kind of clearance. Everything related to this case shows Biden committing numerous felonies, Trump committing ZERO felonies.
Then there's the “Embarrassing” photos of criminal evidence…taken at the scene of the crimes!
Hmmm..., Try that if your last name isn’t “Joe Biden.”
Those “Embarrassing” photos should be enough to get him in front of a firing squad for espionage, or at least 20 years make large stones into pebbles.

Read more:

Well that didn't work out very well.​

Well that didn't work out very well

‘A nightmare’: Special counsel’s assessment of Biden’s mental fitness triggers Democratic panic

Polls have long found that questions about his age and mental abilities have plagued Biden’s standing with the public.
8 Feb 2024 ~~ By Peter Nicholas

President Joe Biden sidestepped any criminal charges as the investigation into his handling of classified documents concluded, but the political blowback from the special counsel’s report Thursday could prove even more devastating, reinforcing impressions that he is too old and impaired to hold the highest office.
Special counsel Robert Hur’s portrait of a man who couldn’t remember when he served as Barack Obama’s vice president, or the year when his beloved son Beau died, dealt a blow to Biden’s argument that he is still sharp and fit enough to serve another four-year term.
n deciding not to charge Biden with any crimes, the special counsel wrote that in a potential trial, “Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview with him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
It was tough enough for Biden to reassure voters about his heath before Hur’s report hit like a thunderclap Thursday afternoon, prompting members of his own party to question whether he could remain the nominee in November.
“It’s a nightmare,” said a Democratic House member who asked to speak anonymously to provide a frank assessment, adding that “it weakens President Biden electorally, and Donald Trump would be a disaster and an authoritarian.”
The Hur report strips away the defenses that Biden’s press operation has used to protect him and raises fresh doubts about whether Biden is up to the rigors of the presidency, Democratic strategists said in interviews.
“This is beyond devastating,” said another Democratic operative, speaking on condition of anonymity to talk candidly about Biden’s shortcomings. “It confirms every doubt and concern that voters have. If the only reason they didn’t charge him is because he’s too old to be charged, then how can he be president of the United States?”
Asked if Hur’s report changes the calculus for Democrats who expect Biden to be the party’s nominee, this person said: “How the f--- does it not?”

This us a sure sign that the Quisling Media and the Democrat CPUSA is in a dither and a state of disarray.
It appears that the strategy of Biden, his handlers and Merrick Garland has blown up in their faces.
The sought to use the so called investigation to clear Biden of any charges for the theft of Security sensitive documents stolen fron a Senate SCIF by Biden while Senator and as Vice President.
Instead the investigation and subsquent questioning of Biden under oath has proven that Biden has and extreme loss of mental acuity and "impaired to hold the highest office".

Biden Team Concerned Robert Hur’s Report Will Include ‘Embarrassing’ Photos of Stolen Classified Documents Stored in Biden Delaware Garage


4 Feb 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden’s team is ‘concerned’ Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which is expected to be released soon, will include ’embarrassing’ photos of stolen classified documents stored in Biden’s Delaware garage.
Robert Hur is not expected to charge Joe Biden even though he stole classified documents and improperly stored them in his Delaware garage and other unsecured locations.
Rather, the special counsel will release a report on his investigation.
“The prosecutor investigating why classified documents ended up at President Biden’s home and former office is preparing a report that is expected to be sharply critical of how he and his longtime aides handled the material, but the probe isn’t likely to result in a criminal case, according to people familiar with the matter.” The Wall Street Journal reported in November.
At least 5 White House aides, including former White House Counsel Dana Remus were involved in Biden’s classified documents scandal.
Joe Biden STOLE SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center.
Biden also stored classified documents in his garage next to his Corvette where his son Hunter had access to the sensitive materials.
Nine boxes of documents were taken from Joe Biden’s lawyer’s Boston office and we have no idea what is in those boxes because the National Archives is covering up for Biden.
Joe Biden also withheld information from the Senate Intel Committee.
Last October Joe Biden’s scandal spokesman Ian Sams said Biden spent two days with Special Counsel Robert Hur about his handling of stolen classified documents.
Recall that Biden’s Justice Department wasted no time indicting Trump for lawfully storing presidential records at Mar-a-Lago.
Biden’s corrupt DOJ also released staged photos of the ‘classified’ documents stored at Trump’s Florida residence shortly after the raid in August 2022.


Senators are not allowed to remove High Security Documents from the Senate SCIF. That is theft!
Garland and his Stasi GoJ have a big problem. How can they prosecute TRUMP and not Biden?
Certaubly this is a glaring example of the two-tiered and politicized justice system in the US. Yet, millions pretend to not see it.
Garland must be made to forced to explain the reasoning behind charging Trump and no charges for Biden, especially when Biden has been caught with stolen Highly classified materials.
Then there's rge fact that Biden's lawyers were allowed to go through the documents to see what was there. THAT is a federal crime because none of the lawyers had any kind of clearance. Everything related to this case shows Biden committing numerous felonies, Trump committing ZERO felonies.
Then there's the “Embarrassing” photos of criminal evidence…taken at the scene of the crimes!
Hmmm..., Try that if your last name isn’t “Joe Biden.”
Those “Embarrassing” photos should be enough to get him in front of a firing squad for espionage, or at least 20 years make large stones into pebbles.

Read more:

The argument will be that Biden is a nice elderly man with a memory problem and Trump is a nasty old man who is the combined rebirth of Hitler and Stalin.

Basically we find once again that our Justice system does not apply equally to all.

If you have a clearance and handle classified information, don’t expect you can walk away scot-free if you steal it. Keep in mind you are a peon. Only high level Democrats are above the rule of law.
I don't know how partisan this special counsel is.

If he is an ultra-Democrat, as almost everyone the DOJ would appoint to this role is, maybe his strategy is to decline to prosecute using a justification that Trump could never use - mental decline and lack of memory.

If so, that would work for the purpose of allowing Trump to still be prosecuted, but not nearly as well as the strategy that I would have pursued if I were them and just as dishonest: Charge Biden, have him plead guilty and remind us that no one - not even a president - is above the law. Biden looks like he takes responsibility, giving him cover to continue to deny involvement in Hunter's shenanigans, and the Democratic activists maquerading as prosecutors cover to keep pushing their bogus cases.
Ok but was Biden in mental decline as a senator when he intentionally took those documents?

Biden's Unannounced Nighttime Speech an Absolute DISASTER​

8 Feb 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

President Joe Biden took to the microphone for an unannounced address on Thursday night, following the release of the politically devastating Special Counsel report that said he "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen." While the report stated that such actions "present serious risks to national security,” Biden will not face charges because he presents himself as an “elderly man with a poor memory” and it would be difficult to convince a jury he is guilty of a serious felony because to commit such a crime “requires a mental state of willfulness.” The report elaborated by pointing out he couldn’t even remember when he was vice president and didn’t even remember when his son Beau died.

Whoever decided to let Joe Biden out tonight to speak to the nation should be fired.
In light of the damning report, there has been some speculation about whether there may be a need to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office. Clearly, Biden’s speech and mini-press conference Thursday evening were an attempt to dispute the damaging parts of the Special Counsel’s report and present himself as fully in charge and capable. Biden clearly wants the nation to think he’s mentally competent and capable of performing the job, which tells us he has every intention of seeing this election through.

The Biden show this evening was a disaster.
Hope Joey sticks around long enough to get clobbered in the November election.
Undoubtedly the circular firing squad from the DCPUSA Commies and the Quisling Media will be epic on this one. CNN and MSNBC are already freaking out.
Gateway Pundit, Right Wing wanking material...

Do our MAGA friend know that there business model is to tell the MAGA faithful lies that they want to be true for money.
This isn't about policies to make America better, it is about shit throwing...

As if photos would make a difference. Biden turned the documents over admitting that he did have them.

So what will photos do to change anything. Biden reported it and they came the next day to pick them up.

Still a little initiative will show that there are photos of Biden classified documents.

Just need to know how to operate a computer with access to the web.
As if photos would make a difference. Biden turned the documents over admitting that he did have them.

So what will photos do to change anything. Biden reported it and they came the next day to pick them up.

Still a little initiative will show that there are photos of Biden classified documents.

Just need to know how to operate a computer with access to the web.
Why do you think Biden suddenly turned them over? Do you believe that? He had forgotten that they were there and then he suddenly stumbled upon them as he was waxing his Corvette? My guess is that somebody working in the house, like a Secret Service agent, found them and said hey Mr. President, you gotta do something or I gotta squeal.

He was collecting those for a reason. He did not give them up without reason.

What is the innocent explanation for him having them in the first place?
Why do you think Biden suddenly turned them over? Do you believe that? He had forgotten that they were there and then he suddenly stumbled upon them as he was waxing his Corvette? My guess is that somebody working in the house, like a Secret Service agent, found them and said hey Mr. President, you gotta do something or I gotta squeal.

He was collecting those for a reason. He did not give them up without reason.

What is the innocent explanation for him having them in the first place?
With Biden his lawyers found them and he turned them over.

The FBI did a consensual search of his home later.

He had security document dated from the time he was senator.

you can claim he knew but you have no evidence that he was aware of these documents and did not forgot about them.

His lawyer found the first batch and he voluntarily turned them over. He allowed the FBI to search his home and they found more

Action indicating cooperation

trump on the other hand was told to turn over the documents and he refused. Eventually he relented and turned over some of the documents and said that that was all he had

Yet when the FBI raided his home he had boxes stored in the bathroom

So Trump had boxes in his bathroom and he lied that they were all turned over. IF he had turned them all over after the first request, he probably would have been cut some slack

Trump has a video recording of him bragging about the secure documents and telling someone what was in the documents

Trump purposely kept over half the document is another indicator that he thinks that he smarter than the average bear. It also show state of mind and was willing to lie.

When Trumps own people told him he should turn them over, he refused

Its pretty clear that they are differences

The bottom line in Biden case is the prosecution admits that there was reasonable doubt that he did not know they were there.

With Trump there was actual proof of his actions.

the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) — the body responsible for document maintenance — states that's perfectly fine to take documents home so long as they're returned when a president leaves office.
USA Today explains that we know for certain of three individuals who've broken the rules: Trump, his vice president Mike Pence, and President Joe Biden.

As it stands, Presidents Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and vice presidents Al Gore and Dan Quayle willingly handed over to the National Archives whatever documents were in their possession when they left office. No wrongfully held materials were found in any of those individuals' private residences, and no materials have been found since. Dick Cheney, for the record, refused to comply with requests that he relinquish documents. He even fought to remove such rules entirely.

Read More: How Many Presidents And Vice Presidents Have Taken Classified Documents (That We Know Of)? - Grunge

NBC News reports that the National Archives held a recent closed-door meeting where they stated that "every administration since President Ronald Reagan's has mismanaged classified documents."

OH well it seems clear that Biden cooperated and Trump did not.

Biden allowed the FBI to search for documents

Trump had to be raided by the FBI

There is a difference

Read More: How Many Presidents And Vice Presidents Have Taken Classified Documents (That We Know Of)? - Grunge
Why do you think Biden suddenly turned them over? Do you believe that? He had forgotten that they were there and then he suddenly stumbled upon them as he was waxing his Corvette? My guess is that somebody working in the house, like a Secret Service agent, found them and said hey Mr. President, you gotta do something or I gotta squeal.

He was collecting those for a reason. He did not give them up without reason.

What is the innocent explanation for him having them in the first place?
There was no 'suddenly', only discovery and immediate reporting.

Trump should have done that. The traitor did not. He was showing them to the bad guys, and you know it.
With Biden his lawyers found them and he turned them over.

The FBI did a consensual search of his home later.

He had security document dated from the time he was senator.
How did they get to his house?
you can claim he knew but you have no evidence that he was aware of these documents and did not forgot about them.
How did they get to his house, without him knowing?
His lawyer found the first batch and he voluntarily turned them over. He allowed the FBI to search his home and they found more

Action indicating cooperation
Indicating guilty knowledge.

He was allowed plenty of time to go through the documents before the "voluntary search."
trump on the other hand was told to turn over the documents and he refused. Eventually he relented and turned over some of the documents and said that that was all he had
Woah. Trump said that? Are you sure?

Please provide the quote. Not someone else said Trump said it. A quote of Trump saying "I turned over all I had," or some such.

Yet when the FBI raided his home he had boxes stored in the bathroom

So Trump had boxes in his bathroom and he lied that they were all turned over. IF he had turned them all over after the first request, he probably would have been cut some slack

Trump has a video recording of him bragging about the secure documents and telling someone what was in the documents

Link it.
Trump purposely kept over half the document is another indicator that he thinks that he smarter than the average bear. It also show state of mind and was willing to lie.

When Trumps own people told him he should turn them over, he refused

Its pretty clear that they are differences
Yes, there are differences in everything.

Biden took home and stored unsecured years worth of classified documents.

He won't be prosecuted. That's the main difference.
The bottom line in Biden case is the prosecution admits that there was reasonable doubt that he did not know they were there.
Sure, because he's not fit to be asked to remember such "trivia" as failing to secure highly classified documents.
With Trump there was actual proof of his actions.

the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) — the body responsible for document maintenance — states that's perfectly fine to take documents home so long as they're returned when a president leaves office.
Biden took home the documents as a Senator and as VP.
USA Today explains that we know for certain of three individuals who've broken the rules: Trump, his vice president Mike Pence, and President Joe Biden.

As it stands, Presidents Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and vice presidents Al Gore and Dan Quayle willingly handed over to the National Archives whatever documents were in their possession when they left office. No wrongfully held materials were found in any of those individuals' private residences, and no materials have been found since. Dick Cheney, for the record, refused to comply with requests that he relinquish documents. He even fought to remove such rules entirely.

Read More: How Many Presidents And Vice Presidents Have Taken Classified Documents (That We Know Of)? - Grunge
Wait, I thougth you Trump Deranged folk loved the Cheneys now?
NBC News reports that the National Archives held a recent closed-door meeting where they stated that "every administration since President Ronald Reagan's has mismanaged classified documents."
I'm sure that is true, by the bureaucratic standards of the National Archives. They see themselves, not the taxpayer/voters as the owner of those documents.
OH well it seems clear that Biden cooperated and Trump did not.

Biden allowed the FBI to search for documents
After the FBI allowed him to go through the house.
Trump did not "have to" be raided. That was publicity student, similar to the Waco raid, but less deadly, thank GAWD.
How did they get to his house?

How did they get to his house, without him knowing?

Indicating guilty knowledge.

He was allowed plenty of time to go through the documents before the "voluntary search."

Woah. Trump said that? Are you sure?

Please provide the quote. Not someone else said Trump said it. A quote of Trump saying "I turned over all I had," or some such.

In May 2021, the National Archives began asking Trump and his staff to return all missing presidential records, according to email communications between the archives and Trump's lawyers that were later made publi


Link it.

Yes, there are differences in everything.

Biden took home and stored unsecured years worth of classified documents.

He won't be prosecuted. That's the main difference.

Sure, because he's not fit to be asked to remember such "trivia" as failing to secure highly classified documents.

Biden took home the documents as a Senator and as VP.

Wait, I thougth you Trump Deranged folk loved the Cheneys now?

I'm sure that is true, by the bureaucratic standards of the National Archives. They see themselves, not the taxpayer/voters as the owner of those documents.

After the FBI allowed him to go through the house.

Trump did not "have to" be raided. That was publicity student, similar to the Waco raid, but less deadly, thank GAWD.
How did they get to his house - is it a mystery as its clearly obvious he took them there

Guilty knowledge well your unable to know if he forgot they were there or willing knew they were there but did not want to return the documents. Did he show them to people is an example that he knew? Did NARA ask for the documents to be return which would indicate if he wanted to keep them or just forgot about them?

The better question is why didn't NARA know he had them and ask for them to be return

He was allowed plenty of time to go through the documents before the "voluntary search."
What would be your point in this statement

He had his lawyer report it and the next day they picked it up. Why would he go thru the documents.?

the below link talks about the discussion between Trump and NARA The PDF should be downloaded or you might have to pay the NYT to read the whole story. Trump tries to claim executive privilege for keeping the records.

The Assistant Attorney General has advised me that there is no precedent for an assertion of executive privilege by a former President against an incumbent President to prevent the latter from obtaining from NARA Presidential records belonging to the Federal Government where such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President's office and that is not otherwise available . 44 U.S.C. § 2205 (2 )(B ) .

Trumps' lawyers try to claim executive privilege to prevent turning over the documents.

Email Shows Early Tension Between Trump and National Archives (Published 2022)

unfortunately this it NYT who will charge for the story

in fact, NARA did send staff members to the White House in the final weeks of the Trump Administration to assist with the move of the physical records (including artifacts), in coordination with the DOD team that NARA employed to transport the records from the White House complex to the National Archives.

NARA said it was withholding the vast majority of the communications, including letters it sent to Trump’s lawyer, the Department of Justice, Congress and the White House, because they were exempt from disclosure under FOIA.

The Justice Department is conducting a criminal investigation of Trump over the removal of government documents when he left office.

So its pretty clear they attempted to get these records but Trump was stonewalling them and knew they wanted these documents. He continued the came until forcing them to send in the FBI

Biden on the other hand cooperated when it was discovered that he was still in possession

I am going to help you out here as the better question to ask instead of defending Trump, is to ask why didn't NARA get these records when Biden left as they should have know who has them. It could be that they focus on the president and the VP slips thru the cracks.

Then it could be that Obama tried to clean up the classified documents problem with an executive order that established new guidelines which would take some time to be fully implemented.
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How did they get to his house - is it a mystery as its clearly obvious he took them there

So your implied claim that he did not know they were there is nonsensical.
Guilty knowledge well your unable to know if he forgot they were there or willing knew they were there but did not want to return the documents. Did he show them to people is an example that he knew? Did NARA ask for the documents to be return which would indicate if he wanted to keep them or just forgot about them?

The better question is why didn't NARA know he had them and ask for them to be return

He was allowed plenty of time to go through the documents before the "voluntary search."
What would be your point in this statement

He had his lawyer report it and the next day they picked it up. Why would he go thru the documents.?
How do you know that is what happened?

Point is that he had time to remove the most incriminating. It also points out the sharp differences between the treatment of Biden and the treatment of Trump. Two-tierd justice system.

Although, if you point is that it is hard to imagine documents more incriminating that Top Secret NOFORN stored in a ragged cardboard box in an unsecure garage, I hear ya.

Trump had a valid claim (the claim is valid, whether you agree with it or not), that presidents are allowed to keep copies of documents ( as specified in the PRA), and that presidents are the sole classification authority (as ruled by the USSC) that it was perfectly legal for him to take copies of documents from the WH and store them in a secure building, Mar-a-Lago.

Biden had no valid claim for stealing and keeping those docs, so he fessed up as soon as he got caught.
the below link talks about the discussion between Trump and NARA The PDF should be downloaded or you might have to pay the NYT to read the whole story. Trump tries to claim executive privilege for keeping the records.

The Assistant Attorney General has advised me that there is no precedent for an assertion of executive privilege by a former President against an incumbent President to prevent the latter from obtaining from NARA Presidential records belonging to the Federal Government where such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President's office and that is not otherwise available . 44 U.S.C. § 2205 (2 )(B ) .

Trumps' lawyers try to claim executive privilege to prevent turning over the documents.

Email Shows Early Tension Between Trump and National Archives (Published 2022)

unfortunately this it NYT who will charge for the story

The lawyers did not "try" to claim executive privilege, they did claim executive privilege. As far as I know, the USSC has not ruled that a president has no executive privilege. If they have, cite the case.
in fact, NARA did send staff members to the White House in the final weeks of the Trump Administration to assist with the move of the physical records (including artifacts), in coordination with the DOD team that NARA employed to transport the records from the White House complex to the National Archives.

NARA said it was withholding the vast majority of the communications, including letters it sent to Trump’s lawyer, the Department of Justice, Congress and the White House, because they were exempt from disclosure under FOIA.
So you are OK with NARA hiding communications from the American people, because NARA itself claims they are excempt from the law. What is this, some kind of "Presidential Library privilege?"

This has actually been my main concern for the last eight years. Our agencies - that we fund with our tax dollars - want to rant to us about how terrible a choice we made by electing Trump. Not at all apolitical. But when our representatives in congress and the Senate ask them questions about their actions, suddenly they claim non-existent privileges, and tell us in effect that it is none of our business and we just have to trust them (and vote Democrat next time like we're supposed to).
The Justice Department is conducting a criminal investigation of Trump over the removal of government documents when he left office.

So its pretty clear they attempted to get these records but Trump was stonewalling them and knew they wanted these documents. He continued the came until forcing them to send in the FBI

Biden on the other hand cooperated when it was discovered that he was still in possession
He "cooperated" after stealing and hiding highly classified documents for about three decades. Can any other criminal get off by doing that?
I am going to help you out here as the better question to ask instead of defending Trump, is to ask why didn't NARA get these records when Biden left as they should have know who has them. It could be that they focus on the president and the VP slips thru the cracks.
Or maybe they just weren't as motivated to annoy a Democrat as they were Donald Trump.
Then it could be that Obama tried to clean up the classified documents problem with an executive order that established new guidelines which would take some time to be fully implemented.
Which EO do you refer to?
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It's Not What Biden Special Counsel Included in His Report — Senators Say It's What He Left Out

13 Feb 2024 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Two hawk-eyed Senators are asking the Attorney General and his special counsel a big question: Did you guys just pull another fast one?
Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson say the same special counsel report that called Biden forgetful, old, and guilty of stealing and keeping highly classified documents left out a big chunk of evidence. They're wondering what happened to nine boxes full of documents that Joe Biden illegally took and then sent to his lawyer's office, and that were then picked up by the National Archives.
The contents of those files and documents were not in the Hur report, and they want to know why.

Grassley and Johnson wrote a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland to ask him what happened to those documents.
Oddly, Special Counsel Hur’s report did not mention NARA’s retrieval of the nine boxes from Mr. Moore’s office. This apparent omission is significant given that, according to NARA, the Department of Justice requested that NARA recover the boxes. In fact, in March 2023, NARA informed our offices that “while NARA has not yet reviewed the contents of the nine boxes, the FBI has.”
So, the senators wonder, what did the FBI do with the documents "reviewed" from this nine-box tranche of purloined materials?
If the FBI did review the contents of the boxes, it is unclear what was found, to include any classified information, and whether the FBI informed Special Counsel Hur’s office of its findings. Further, it is unclear if Special Counsel Hur had any awareness of or reviewed the information contained in these nine boxes.
And did they stage photos to make them look like this?

What are the missing documents? In letters to the National Archives (NARA) in February and last August 2023, Grassley and Johnson called on the head of NARA to explain what happened to the documents containing all of Joe Biden's pseudonyms and email accounts he used that they received from Biden's attorney, Pat Moore.
Regarding the discovery of Biden records in the Boston office of Pat Moore, as of March 7, 2023, NARA informed our offices that it had not reviewed the contents of the boxes found at Mr. Moore’s Boston office.8 Has NARA reviewed the contents of these boxes? If so, did any of the Biden records discovered at Mr. Moore’s Boston office include the pseudonyms and email addresses listed below that then-Vice President Biden used? a. “[email protected]”; b. “[email protected]”; c. “JRB Ware”; and d. “67stingray”. If not, is NARA confident that the “approximately 5,138 email messages, 25 electronic files and 200 pages of potentially responsive records” are the complete
Grassley and Johnson said it sure would be a shame if anything happened to those documents to prevent special counsel Hur from seeing them.
It would be extremely troubling if Special Counsel Hur failed to investigate the contents of these nine boxes particularly given that we first publicly revealed the existence of these specific boxes on March 27, 2023—nearly one year ago.

"Further. it is unclear if Special Counsel Hur had any awareness of or reviewed the information contained in these nine boxes."
Unfortunately Graland's DoJ (FSB)000000 and Christopher Wray's FBI continues to act like the STASI. They continue to Mislead, obstruct, destroy.
It would appear that the classified documents “discovered” at the “Penn Biden Center” and China Town were also not mentioned.
The sad thing is that whether the accusation is true or not, it’s certainly credible.
you can claim he knew but you have no evidence that he was aware of these documents and did not forgot about them.

Yes, there is evidence that he did know they were there at one time. He admitted it on tape to his ghostwriter. The fact that he may have forgotten NOW means little to the fact that he willingly knew they were there in the past and made no attempt to secure or return them. He wasn't supposed to have taken them in the first place as he had absolutely zero clearance to do so.

The bottom line in Biden case is the prosecution admits that there was reasonable doubt that he did not know they were there.

Yeah he probably can't remember now, because as the special counsel pointed out, he couldn't remember when he was VP. Biden has "diminished faculties" as also described by the special counsel.

That is the difference between conservatives and liberals, liberals aren't afraid of what people say.

You have that EXACTLY backwards. It is the left that makes every attempt to silence opposition. You can always tell when you are talking to a liberal when they get all blustery and mad when you say anything about politics with which the don't agree. All of a sudden, they don't want to talk about politics. It's a defense mechanism to cover for their overall lack of knowledge. We are all supposed to just believe what they say because they read it on Tik Tok or it was on the front page of the NYT.
Yes, there is evidence that he did know they were there at one time. He admitted it on tape to his ghostwriter. The fact that he may have forgotten NOW means little to the fact that he willingly knew they were there in the past and made no attempt to secure or return them. He wasn't supposed to have taken them in the first place as he had absolutely zero clearance to do so.

Yeah he probably can't remember now, because as the special counsel pointed out, he couldn't remember when he was VP. Biden has "diminished faculties" as also described by the special counsel.

You have that EXACTLY backwards. It is the left that makes every attempt to silence opposition. You can always tell when you are talking to a liberal when they get all blustery and mad when you say anything about politics with which the don't agree. All of a sudden, they don't want to talk about politics. It's a defense mechanism to cover for their overall lack of knowledge. We are all supposed to just believe what they say because they read it on Tik Tok or it was on the front page of the NYT.
I'm a liberal. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still listening. I've never put anyone on ignore. I've never reported anyone. I can handle what people say. Especially dumbass Trump kiss-asses.
I'm a liberal. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still listening. I've never put anyone on ignore. I've never reported anyone. I can handle what people say. Especially dumbass Trump kiss-asses.

Congratulations, you are the exception.
Congratulations, you are the exception.
I like to think I am a typical liberal.

I can tell you what's on Fox, but you can't tell me what's on MSNBC! They did a study and found where liberals would actually watch conservative channels, conservatives would never watch liberal ones.

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