Breaking: Liberals Threaten To Assassinate Trey Gowdy Over Benghazi


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The flak is always heaviest when directly over the target. GIVE 'EM HELL, GOWDY!


UNREAL: Liberals Threaten to "Assassinate" Trey Gowdy Over Benghazi
Too bad Eric holder is in charge of the FBI. Don't count on him investigating and arresting the perps for threatening a US congressman - a republican of course.
I saw on the news Trey Gowdy this morning. He said the pubs are looking for something that isn't there.
When Hillary feels threatened people mysteriously die.

No new news there - move along - nothing to see - move along quickly.
It's part of the creep towards open warfare. Naturally the evil regime won't investigate anything. The DOJ is likely behind it.
And the cancelled check appeared in a auto salvage vehicle trunk that opened after a tornado.....
I saw on the news Trey Gowdy this morning. He said the pubs are looking for something that isn't there.

Do you have a link to a quote or a video so that we may see for ourselves.
Quite frankly I'm not buying the story based simply on the fact that the story in the OP's link has no details.
Shouldn't this silly thread be in the tinfoil hat forum?

Not if there were legit threats made ...and would you looky here..there were! Why is it you progressives always are trying to censor news? Why do you always try and cover up illegal behavior?

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