BREAKING: Manhattan DA Bragg’s Grand Jury Off for a Month on Vacation Without Any Indictments of President Trump

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Translation: They haven’t got a case.

Translation: They haven’t got a case.

The elected DA doesn’t have to be there when a Grand Jury gets evidence or gets its final legal instructions from the DA’s Office. Usually, it is a subordinate who does that preliminary scut work. Most elected DA’s don’t try any of their offices’ caseloads, either. (At least in larger jurisdictions.)

Still, there is something rather strange going on in this DA’s grand jury presentment. We aren’t privy to what Bragg’s Office may do next (next week or later) with this Trump “case.”

But it seems to me that Bragg has been knocked off his balance — and his game plan is crumbling. He may feel boxed-in, now. Therefore, he might continue this farce. But there is still a chance that he might find his balls and come to the temporarily embarrassing, but professional, choice: which is to withdraw his grand jury presentment “investigating” Trump.
Translation: They haven’t got a case.

We knew that

(anyone who has listened to actual attorneys on the matter knew this)

What will they come up with next?
Maybe something like this:

Trump said one thing one month, and the opposite the next!!

Some people call that lying (see most CNN clips on Trump regardless of topic) while normal people call it Changing one's mind after learning more info

Liberals ran with what Trump disclosed he got from media leaks and ended up with fried egg on their face
They tried the 5 year old “Trump made us do it”for 2 weeks but right now it’s just dissolved into fake hoax 1204
They will never come back from "vacation" except to be quietly discharged.

That said it would not surprise me in the least for a new GD to be seated. It's not about "justice" it's about harassment and unlimited resources of the NYC DA's office.

Lawyer full employment act.
Translation: They haven’t got a case.



Translation: They haven’t got a case.

Translation: They haven’t got a case.


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