BREAKING: Merrick Garland formally shut down Clinton Foundation "investigation" in August, 2021. FBI destroyed all evidence.

The government is far more altruistic than private business. None of your “experience” has any relevance to this question.

The DoJ has rules regarding the destruction of personal data not used in criminal prosecutions.

IT is IT, it doesn't matter if the client is the government or private sector. Not having a backup is a cardinal sin, and Lerner's assertion was simply laughable. There is no way a competent IT manager would not have multiple generations of backups, from immediately restorable online backups all the way back to physical tape stored in a vault. I do know something about digital data storage and retrieval, and to think that the government actually destroyed not only the online data, but erased all the backup copies as well is just not credible. Sure, somebody probably truncated a table or dropped a database, but nobody goes after all the backups, especially those on physical media in secure storage.

I cannot believe that someone seriously thinks the government is more altruistic than the private sector. The private sector is about making money and convincing people to part with their money, while government is about power, and that's far more seductive than mere money.
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It probably required a fraction of that time and effort to prove the Clintons were Influence Peddling.

The moment she lost the 2016 Presidential Election donations to one of the richest 'charitable foundations' in the world dried up over night - no more influence to peddle.
To bad courts don't rely on your speculation.

They rely on facts. Here is an example.

IT is IT, it doesn't matter if the client is the government or private sector. Not having a backup is a cardinal sin, and Lerner's assertion was simply laughable. There is no way a competent IT manager would not have multiple generations of backups, from immediately restorable online backups all the way back to physical tape stored in a vault. I do know something about digital data storage and retrieval, and to think that the government actually destroyed not only the online data, but erase all the backup copies as well is just not credible. Sure, somebody probably truncated a table or dropped a database, but nobody goes after all the backups, especially those on physical media in secure storage.

I cannot believe that someone seriously thinks the government is more altruistic than the private sector. The private sector is about making money and convincing people to part with their money, while government is about power, and that's far more seductive than mere money.
This has nothing to do with IT.

The government regulations state that the DoJ is to destroy personal data collected in investigations when there is no need for the government to maintain that data.

Which is good. You should applaud this.
This has nothing to do with IT.

The government regulations state that the DoJ is to destroy personal data collected in investigations when there is no need for the government to maintain that data.

Which is good. You should applaud this.
If they actually do it, great. I have very little faith that they do, though. Not when it's so easy to keep data today.
The investigation closed with no findings of wrongdoing. Why would you want the government keeping personal information on people who haven’t done anything wrong?
So a leftist-activist FBI did an investigation on a power-name left wing foundation that took tons of shady money from foreign governments.. and they didn’t find anything?

Wow! Color me surprised!

I’m sure the FBI will investigate itself on weaponized political activism and find nothing too… shocking!

I guess that means there’s nothing bad going on! LMAO
So a leftist-activist FBI did an investigation on a power-name left wing foundation that took tons of shady money from foreign governments.. and they didn’t find anything?

Wow! Color me surprised!

I’m sure the FBI will investigate itself on weaponized political activism and find nothing too… shocking!

I guess that means there’s nothing bad going on! LMAO
The investigation was opened as a result or a right wing smear campaign culminating in a book written by a prominent right wing hack whose allegations were unsubstantiated bullshit.

Oh, and the presence of the investigation was leaked before the election to smear Clinton.

Which means everything you guys complain about the FBI doing to Trump was done to Clinton worse.
The investigation was opened as a result or a right wing smear campaign culminating in a book written by a prominent right wing hack
What are you even talking about?
whose allegations were unsubstantiated bullshit.
Steele Dossier anyone?
Oh, and the presence of the investigation was leaked before the election to smear Clinton.
By who?
Which means everything you guys complain about the FBI doing to Trump was done to Clinton worse.
Well, I know Trump didn’t take tons of cash in “donations” from foreign entities while he was Secretary of State which coincided with decisions that benefited said foreign entity.

But hey, don’t worry, the Uber fair and unbiased Merrick Garland said nothing was corrupt.. so we’re fine, and he can go back to sending armed swat teams to raid houses of anti-abortion families

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