BREAKING: MTG swatted (The 8th Time) at her Georgia home on Christmas

I note that none of the leftists who have posted in this thread so far seem to have a problem with this practice.

I realize that this post is referring to leftists, but in the off chance you think I am a member of that crowd... I absolutely have a problem with shit like this. Not only is it dangerous for law enforcement and the people that were reported, it ties up law officers who could be doing other and better things.

And just for the record, not a leftist.
Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

Pretty much.

But this is how Democrats operate.
Why are these calls even allowed to be anonymous? If the call is real then you've got a witness to a crime and the cops need to know who that person is. And if it's not real then it's attempted murder and the cops need to know who the perp is.
There are many ways to spoof it, from burner phones to VOIP.
Boo hoo swat her like a fly
You belong in prison.
There is something wrong here. I think MTG may have a lawsuit against the Georgia police. I mean, when you call the police for any reason, much less to report a villainous crime in progress, don't you have to identify who you are? Don't they have caller ID?

By the second time this happened, the police should be on to this and be nabbing the perps. Why haven't they? By the 2-3rd time, they should not only be nabbing the perps, but they should be recognizing: "Not again," realizing whose address they are dealing with, especially on Christmas, and calling her house first to confirm the event. If these idiots are still racing to her home guns drawn after eight times, I think she ought to be suing them.
Give a fake name and spoof the call-you know, like the dude with a number from your state but actually in Bangalore and very concerned about your car's warranty?
She didn't get her door kicked in, or visited by SWAT. She got a phone call from police to her security detail, who relayed to police the threat was not credible.

Nope. Not correct.

So it's okay when conservatives like Greene are victims of crime, and repeatedly targeted by criminals working on behalf of Democrat interests, but when conservatives trespass or commit other minor infractions, they're felons who should be imprisoned.

Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

I agree completely.
The parallels to Nazi Germany are lost on Dems. Rounding up dissenters (Jan. 6), citizen reporting (swatting), prosecuting the opposition (Trump).

What soft little pussies you all are. You fail whites feel as persecuted as the Jews in Nazi Germany do you? :lmao:
No, he's just pointing out you do not see your own hypocrisy. You are fine with attempted murder as long as it's not your ox getting gored.

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