Breaking Nad

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Breaking Nad

There I was, in the prime of my life. I was a talented chemist, had a pretty wife, a middle-class home in the middle-class suburbs, and a crippled teenager. Life sucked. Sure, I let myself get fucked out of all of my equity in what’s now a Fortune 500 company. Of course, I also had to endure being castrated by my wife for letting this fate befall us. Instead of banking fuck-you money and living the life I deserve, I am stuck teaching a bunch of ungrateful, pimple-faced faggots about chemistry, in which they have zero interest. My balls have been taken from me. My overbearing wife keeps them in her purse next to her Tampons and the burner phones her boyfriends give her. Now I am a cucked middle-age man with no real future. Oh, and I have lung cancer too. It is terminal.

I guess it was the cancer that got me thinking. I have done such a piss poor job of supporting my family all these years that they will not be ready once I kick the bucket. My death will create a huge financial burden for my wife and kids. Skylar might have to go back to giving $5.00 handy-Js to the boys at the truck stops again. But I digress. The point is that I have already been a shitty husband and father. Now I am going to let my family down even more. I drifted into a deep funk.

A couple weeks later, as chance would have it, I got invited to go on a ride along during a prostitution raid. See, my brother and law, Stank, is a vice cop downtown. On the way to the raid Stank was telling me how much money those male prostitutes could make. I was floored. “Oh, yeah, brother. And if he’s got one of those beer can monsters that go over 8’’, then 2 things are guaranteed. First, he will be dead of AIDS in a couple of years; and second, he will earn in the millions”, said Stank.

During the raid I stayed out in the police car. I saw one of those perps crawl out of the window to escape the raid. I recognized him. It was a young guy, one of my students from recent years. He saw me too and stopped in his tracks. I said “Hello, Jessie Pinkeye. What brings you here?” He told me that he was just a playa playin’ da game. Then he pimp-walked off. However, his words were not lost on me. They were slang. He was a pimp.

Over the next 24 hours I decided that the only way I could protect my family was to whore my cock out for pay and to use Jessie to be my pimp. There was absolutely no other option available to me and my family. This was the last hope I had. Either I become a successful professional cocksman, or my family will die in the streets, homeless and hungry. It was all up to me now.

Soo thereafter, I hooked up with Jessie. We formed a partnership. He would pimp me, and I would shred pussy. Now, you may be wondering about something here. Was I even up to being this sort of man? Or am I just some weenie? The fact is that before my matrimonial castration at the hands of my bitch of a wife, I won several awards for fucking out on the amateur circuit, including for endurance and shaftitude. Skylar was into it for a while. Of course, after I fucked up and sold my stake in that now wealthy start-up I had back in the day, she lost all respect for me. She says things like “I don’t know who the bigger dong it, you or that freak cock in your shorts”. It is very hurtful. But I stay with her, out of love for my family.

Eventually, I was making $10,000.00 a week. Jessie wanted to sit back and enjoy his earnings. He upgraded from his Toyota Tercel to a Toyota Corolla. I told him this was just chump change, and that we needed to find a way to make more. I made Jessie get me into the elder care circuit. Pretty soon I was booked in every high-end nursing home in Florida. I would show up each month when these old coots get their Social Security checks, then fuck them silly. I was making out like a bandit! We both were. We were easily banking $10 mil per year.

I started to like my new life too. It had been so long since I could let myself have fun fucking broads. See, that bitch Skylar had me hating myself. Well, no more!! It was a brand new me!! Yes, I was on top of the world!

Then shit took a dark turn. Competition moved in on us on the elder circuit. First, there was Pimp Daddy Long Legs and his whores from the West Coast. They owned the elder scene out there. But now they were muscling in on my business! Then came the white supremacists. Who knew they were even into pimping white cock? But they were. Cock and meth. This is what the white supremacists trade in today.

Sacrifices had to be made. I could not make any real money if I had to compete with these fucking clowns. So I had the idea to make my cock blue. I know, it sounds crazy. But what I would do is restrict blood flow to my member before fucking with it. It would make it all blue and such, a sure sign of virility. See, other man-whores cheap out and merely color their cocks blue. But I do it the right way. I choke the oxygen out of it! That is when my business really took off!

Unfortunately, the cancer came back full steam and my life was coming to an end. I had to wrap things up. Those fucking white supremacists stole most of my money. I got my crooked lawyer to hook me up with that white dude from “Jackie Brown” to hide me out in some fucking freezing cabin out in the middle of nowhere.

Well, I finally got shit straightened out. I confronted Skylar and got my balls back. I also told her that she is a fucking **** who no man should have to endure. I then killed the fucking white supremacists. What fucking assholes! I left Skylar and the kids with nothing. I decided to leave all my fuck money to a lovely gentleman I had met years earlier named Tuco. He was a badass pimp, but also took the time to look after his elderly, wheelchair-bound family member. Good guy, that Tuco. A real gentleman.

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