A Forbidden Love Story (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
So I've been getting back into Harry Potter a LOT lately. I haven't written a fanfic in a very long time though, but I got inspired by playing the games and watching the movies and possibly even reading the books again. I'm not sure how many Potter fans we have on this website, but I just thought that I would post it for fun. :)

Description: A muggleborn witch and a pureblood fall in love even though it's forbidden and Hermione Weasley is suddenly reminded about her past when she had eyes for a certain blonde haired Slytherin.

Chapter One: The Feast

Annie Smith had just turned sixteen years old. It was her sixth year at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry yet she could remember six years prior when she didn't even know that she was a witch at all. Her parents were both famous actors in the muggle world and that (besides her having bright red hair and freckles although her hair was straight) is how she got her name since they were both into musical theater.

She was an only child and when she wasn't at school the only one to keep her company was her ginger cat named Ginny. She had decided to name her off of Harry Potter's wife. For since she was married to the famous Harry Potter, that made her just about as famous as he was.

However Annie wasn't very popular herself. Sure she had a few close friends, but a lot of the other students looked down at her simply just because she was muggleborn. The only thing that made her somewhat popular was the fact that she shared the same green colored eyes as Harry Potter. Other than that specific trait she mostly kept to herself.

David James however (who went by DJ) was completely the opposite of her. He was a pureblood and the most popular kid at school since he was a pro Qudditch player for the Slytherin team. He didn't know it but Annie secretly had a crush on him. He had light-blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and peach colored skin. All the girls said that he had the softest skin in the world. Even softer than a Pgymy Puff.

DJ also had the most beautiful owl that Annie had ever seen. It was midnight black hence his name Midnight. "So DJ, can you believe that we're graduating next year?" Another boy known as AJ (short for Alex Jordan) asked him. He was just a tad bit blonder than him and had green eyes instead of blue.

"Yeah, well that means we're going to be just a bit of a step ahead of Harry Potter. Word is that he never graduated." DJ responded.

"Neither did my uncle." AJ began. "But not because he dropped out, it's because he died when he was only seventeen years old, so obviously I never knew him. He never knew my mother existed either though." He finished as The Hogwarts Express pulled out in front of the school and the whistle blew.

As Annie carried Ginny off of the train, hers and DJ's met for the very first time. They remained silent as they both got off and started walking towards the castle in their own groups.

"Who was that girl?" DJ wondered. "I've never seen her before and I've been here six years."

"That was Annie Smith and she's rather reserved so that's probably why. She's a muggleborn." AJ told him as DJ opened his mouth to say something and at the last second changed his mind. He went to go sit with AJ and the other Slytherins while Annie found a seat at the Hufflepuff table while the sorting ceremony begun.

Hermione Weasley who was the current headmistress smiled as she watched it occur being reminded about how excited she was to discover that she was a witch and how amazed she was to see the great hall and be sorted into Gryffindor. It only seemed to be a short time ago and now both of her children were eating at the same table she once ate at with Harry and Ron.

Hugo was in his final year at Hogwarts this year and she was hoping and praying that it wouldn't be all that much longer until she would have grandchildren that would be sorted into their houses. However, Hermione had a very big secret. One that only those close to her knew about.

A part of her had wished that it hadn't ended up like this. For back when she was in her fifth year at Hogwarts she had fallen in love with a boy that nobody ever would have suspected.
Anyways, just one more chapter for tonight.


Chapter Two: Draco's Secret

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all walked up the grand staircase towards the Gryffindor common room together and Harry was currently really upset. Nobody but Ron and Hermione seemed to believe him about Voldemort being back and he nearly got sent to Azkaban for saving his cousin Dudley's life.

That's when suddenly they bumped into Draco Malfoy and he had an evil sneer upon his face. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the chosen one." He teased while Hermione got out her wand and pointed it at him.

"Get out of the way Malfoy!" She snapped angrily at him.

"So first the famous Harry Potter becomes an attention seeker and now he needs a mudblood to defend him." Draco began as Ron scowled at him and looked like he wanted to punch him. "Your popularity has really been declining lately hasn't it Potter?" He teased him with a grin.

"I said get out of the way!" Hermione snapped again. "Honestly Malfoy I really don't understand how you can be so heartless." She told him and that's when for the first time ever Draco stopped grinning and just simply looked at her. "You don't even know either do you?" She asked him.

"I don't have time for this." Draco told her before he pushed past them and Hermione, Harry, and Ron watched him in a few moments silence.

"That was odd." Hermione said once Draco was out of earshot.

"Well that's Malfoy for you." Ron began. "Since when has he ever made sense?" He questioned them.

"Do you think that it's possible that he has a crush on Hermione?" Harry wondered as Hermione suddenly felt her stomach turn.

"I think I'm going to go to the girl's lavatory and vomit." She replied before she turned around and walked back down the stairs as Harry and Ron started cracking up.

That night Draco found that he could hardly sleep and the next morning at breakfast in the great hall Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle both noticed this.

"What's up?" Crabbe questioned him.

"Nothing." Draco began. "Nothing. I'm fine." He finished as he looked up and saw a short and chubby woman all dressed in pink. It turned out that she was the new defense against the dark arts teacher Dolores Umbridge.

"Wow, that job really is cursed." Draco began. "First we get a man that can barely speak, and then a man all full of himself, a werewolf, and now this woman." He told his friends as he was already quite annoyed by her voice and how she talked to them as if they were all five years old.

For once, Draco, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all seemed to be on the exact same page. They were even more annoyed when they found out that they wouldn't be using magic in their defense against the dark arts class this year. However, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were more afraid over this than annoyed.

"If we're not allowed to use magic, then how can we defend ourselves if Voldemort comes back?" Harry asked.

"Students are to raise their hands before they speak in my classroom. Ten points from Gryffindor." Umbridge said.

"With all due respect, I do believe that Potter asked a legitimate question." Malfoy told her causing the whole entire room to suddenly fall silent as they all turned their heads back to look at him. However, nobody was more shocked than Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"That is enough!!!" Umbridge hollered. "Everything that you have been hearing lately is all just a bunch of lies!! Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, you both will receive detention in my office after classes are over." She told them.

Later on after defense against the dark arts was over and the bell rang, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco all met out in the hallway. "Alright, what's the deal?" Ron began as he looked at Draco. "What do you want?"

"I do not want anything Weasley, all I said was that Potter had a point. It's not like I gave him flowers or anything." Draco responded with a roll of his eyes.

"She shouldn't have given you both detention. You didn't do anything wrong." Hermione said as she looked at Harry and Draco. "It isn't fair."

"Yeah, well that's life isn't it Granger?" Draco questioned her with another roll of his eyes before he walked away.

"We have to do something." Hermione began. "We can't let her get away with this."

"Well what do you suppose we do Hermione!?" Ron exclaimed. "I mean no offense or anything but we're all just students and she's a teacher... even if she's an improper one."

"Well that's the answer then isn't it?" Hermione began. "Voldemort's back and if we won't have a proper teacher that will teach us how to defend ourselves than we need somebody who will." She finished as both her and Ron looked at Harry.

"Me!?" Harry began within a great amount of disbelief. "What about you?" He wondered while gesturing over to her.

"Yeah Hermione I mean Harry's got a point. You're a lot more intelligent." Ron pointed out.

"No, I can't do it. I just can't!" She exclaimed before she ran away and that's when she ran back into Draco.

"What are you doing here Granger? Isn't it an unwritten rule that you're supposed to be with Potter and Weasley at all times?" He asked her as she looked around.

"I could ask you the same exact question about Crabbe and Goyle." She pointed out.

"They're probably pigging out in the great hall by now. They're not worth much as friends anyways." He told her.

"Then why do you hangout with them in the first place?" She wondered.

"Because then I would want to hangout with you and somebody might find out that I like you. They're not much as friends but they're the only ones I've got and they keep me busy." He told her.

"You what!?" Hermione cried out in disbelief.

"Shh!! Please!! Keep it down alright!?" Draco snapped inside a whisper. "I can't be seen with you. It's forbidden. And I'm sorry but that's just the way that it's got to be." He told her before he ran off.

"Draco wait!" She exclaimed but it was already too late. He was out of sight.
I didn't know that you were a Harry Potter fan. :D

Harry potter is the most well written and comprehensive stories I've had the privilege of watching (I didn't read the books).

And adding "Fantastic beasts" to it...I thunk this amazing literature will be studied in colleges if 100 years!

Far better and more comprehensive that star wars or lord of the rings. How every loose end was tied up in the deathly hallows part 2 was insane!

When harry poured snapes tears into the pensieve and watched his memories...I have no words for that moment.

Harry (and the viewer) found out that harry himeself was a hawcrux...he MUST die. He can't even put up a fight...he just has to surrender himself and be murdered.

Then the facial expression on harry when he learned that...HOLY FUCK!
Harry potter is the most well written and comprehensive stories I've had the privilege of watching (I didn't read the books).

And adding "Fantastic beasts" to it...I thunk this amazing literature will be studied in colleges if 100 years!

Far better and more comprehensive that star wars or lord of the rings. How every loose end was tied up in the deathly hallows part 2 was insane!

When harry poured snapes tears into the pensieve and watched his memories...I have no words for that moment.

Harry (and the viewer) found out that harry himeself was a hawcrux...he MUST die. He can't even put up a fight...he just has to surrender himself and be murdered.

Then the facial expression on harry when he learned that...HOLY FUCK!

Cool so what do you think? Do you like my story so far? Tomorrow I'm going to do more with DJ and Annie. I realize that it's weird having Draco and Hermione have a past romance but I find it interesting lol
Are you just quoting a spell or are you making a statement?

Just making the statement that it was the most amazing piece of literature ever written.

Nothing concerning your story...I didn't read it cuz it's too long for me right now. Worked my ass off all day & I'm too tired.

I'll come back to it though :)
That just don't work...she punched him right in the fucking face :D

Yeah, but in an alternate universe it could possibly work for a forbidden romance. It's sort of like Romeo and Juliet with a Potter spin upon it.
The author was telling us That harry himself was a hawcrux since episode 1 (the sorcerers stone). That was even before we knew what a hawcrux was.

And in the last hour of the last movie it's spelled out...and I thunked...WOW, how did I miss it?

I look for shit like that...HOW DID I MISS IT? But I did!

It was very well hidden and yet in your face the whole time.

What an amazing writing technique!!!
Anyways, just one more chapter for tonight.


Chapter Two: Draco's Secret

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all walked up the grand staircase towards the Gryffindor common room together and Harry was currently really upset. Nobody but Ron and Hermione seemed to believe him about Voldemort being back and he nearly got sent to Azkaban for saving his cousin Dudley's life.

That's when suddenly they bumped into Draco Malfoy and he had an evil sneer upon his face. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the chosen one." He teased while Hermione got out her wand and pointed it at him.

"Get out of the way Malfoy!" She snapped angrily at him.

"So first the famous Harry Potter becomes an attention seeker and now he needs a mudblood to defend him." Draco began as Ron scowled at him and looked like he wanted to punch him. "Your popularity has really been declining lately hasn't it Potter?" He teased him with a grin.

"I said get out of the way!" Hermione snapped again. "Honestly Malfoy I really don't understand how you can be so heartless." She told him and that's when for the first time ever Draco stopped grinning and just simply looked at her. "You don't even know either do you?" She asked him.

"I don't have time for this." Draco told her before he pushed past them and Hermione, Harry, and Ron watched him in a few moments silence.

"That was odd." Hermione said once Draco was out of earshot.

"Well that's Malfoy for you." Ron began. "Since when has he ever made sense?" He questioned them.

"Do you think that it's possible that he has a crush on Hermione?" Harry wondered as Hermione suddenly felt her stomach turn.

"I think I'm going to go to the girl's lavatory and vomit." She replied before she turned around and walked back down the stairs as Harry and Ron started cracking up.

That night Draco found that he could hardly sleep and the next morning at breakfast in the great hall Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle both noticed this.

"What's up?" Crabbe questioned him.

"Nothing." Draco began. "Nothing. I'm fine." He finished as he looked up and saw a short and chubby woman all dressed in pink. It turned out that she was the new defense against the dark arts teacher Dolores Umbridge.

"Wow, that job really is cursed." Draco began. "First we get a man that can barely speak, and then a man all full of himself, a werewolf, and now this woman." He told his friends as he was already quite annoyed by her voice and how she talked to them as if they were all five years old.

For once, Draco, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all seemed to be on the exact same page. They were even more annoyed when they found out that they wouldn't be using magic in their defense against the dark arts class this year. However, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were more afraid over this than annoyed.

"If we're not allowed to use magic, then how can we defend ourselves if Voldemort comes back?" Harry asked.

"Students are to raise their hands before they speak in my classroom. Ten points from Gryffindor." Umbridge said.

"With all due respect, I do believe that Potter asked a legitimate question." Malfoy told her causing the whole entire room to suddenly fall silent as they all turned their heads back to look at him. However, nobody was more shocked than Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"That is enough!!!" Umbridge hollered. "Everything that you have been hearing lately is all just a bunch of lies!! Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, you both will receive detention in my office after classes are over." She told them.

Later on after defense against the dark arts was over and the bell rang, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco all met out in the hallway. "Alright, what's the deal?" Ron began as he looked at Draco. "What do you want?"

"I do not want anything Weasley, all I said was that Potter had a point. It's not like I gave him flowers or anything." Draco responded with a roll of his eyes.

"She shouldn't have given you both detention. You didn't do anything wrong." Hermione said as she looked at Harry and Draco. "It isn't fair."

"Yeah, well that's life isn't it Granger?" Draco questioned her with another roll of his eyes before he walked away.

"We have to do something." Hermione began. "We can't let her get away with this."

"Well what do you suppose we do Hermione!?" Ron exclaimed. "I mean no offense or anything but we're all just students and she's a teacher... even if she's an improper one."

"Well that's the answer then isn't it?" Hermione began. "Voldemort's back and if we won't have a proper teacher that will teach us how to defend ourselves than we need somebody who will." She finished as both her and Ron looked at Harry.

"Me!?" Harry began within a great amount of disbelief. "What about you?" He wondered while gesturing over to her.

"Yeah Hermione I mean Harry's got a point. You're a lot more intelligent." Ron pointed out.

"No, I can't do it. I just can't!" She exclaimed before she ran away and that's when she ran back into Draco.

"What are you doing here Granger? Isn't it an unwritten rule that you're supposed to be with Potter and Weasley at all times?" He asked her as she looked around.

"I could ask you the same exact question about Crabbe and Goyle." She pointed out.

"They're probably pigging out in the great hall by now. They're not worth much as friends anyways." He told her.

"Then why do you hangout with them in the first place?" She wondered.

"Because then I would want to hangout with you and somebody might find out that I like you. They're not much as friends but they're the only ones I've got and they keep me busy." He told her.

"You what!?" Hermione cried out in disbelief.

"Shh!! Please!! Keep it down alright!?" Draco snapped inside a whisper. "I can't be seen with you. It's forbidden. And I'm sorry but that's just the way that it's got to be." He told her before he ran off.

"Draco wait!" She exclaimed but it was already too late. He was out of sight.
Too much space between paragraphs.
So I've been getting back into Harry Potter a LOT lately. I haven't written a fanfic in a very long time though, but I got inspired by playing the games and watching the movies and possibly even reading the books again. I'm not sure how many Potter fans we have on this website, but I just thought that I would post it for fun. :)

Description: A muggleborn witch and a pureblood fall in love even though it's forbidden and Hermione Weasley is suddenly reminded about her past when she had eyes for a certain blonde haired Slytherin.

Chapter One: The Feast

Annie Smith had just turned sixteen years old. It was her sixth year at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry yet she could remember six years prior when she didn't even know that she was a witch at all. Her parents were both famous actors in the muggle world and that (besides her having bright red hair and freckles although her hair was straight) is how she got her name since they were both into musical theater.

She was an only child and when she wasn't at school the only one to keep her company was her ginger cat named Ginny. She had decided to name her off of Harry Potter's wife. For since she was married to the famous Harry Potter, that made her just about as famous as he was.

However Annie wasn't very popular herself. Sure she had a few close friends, but a lot of the other students looked down at her simply just because she was muggleborn. The only thing that made her somewhat popular was the fact that she shared the same green colored eyes as Harry Potter. Other than that specific trait she mostly kept to herself.

David James however (who went by DJ) was completely the opposite of her. He was a pureblood and the most popular kid at school since he was a pro Qudditch player for the Slytherin team. He didn't know it but Annie secretly had a crush on him. He had light-blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and peach colored skin. All the girls said that he had the softest skin in the world. Even softer than a Pgymy Puff.

DJ also had the most beautiful owl that Annie had ever seen. It was midnight black hence his name Midnight. "So DJ, can you believe that we're graduating next year?" Another boy known as AJ (short for Alex Jordan) asked him. He was just a tad bit blonder than him and had green eyes instead of blue.

"Yeah, well that means we're going to be just a bit of a step ahead of Harry Potter. Word is that he never graduated." DJ responded.

"Neither did my uncle." AJ began. "But not because he dropped out, it's because he died when he was only seventeen years old, so obviously I never knew him. He never knew my mother existed either though." He finished as The Hogwarts Express pulled out in front of the school and the whistle blew.

As Annie carried Ginny off of the train, hers and DJ's met for the very first time. They remained silent as they both got off and started walking towards the castle in their own groups.

"Who was that girl?" DJ wondered. "I've never seen her before and I've been here six years."

"That was Annie Smith and she's rather reserved so that's probably why. She's a muggleborn." AJ told him as DJ opened his mouth to say something and at the last second changed his mind. He went to go sit with AJ and the other Slytherins while Annie found a seat at the Hufflepuff table while the sorting ceremony begun.

Hermione Weasley who was the current headmistress smiled as she watched it occur being reminded about how excited she was to discover that she was a witch and how amazed she was to see the great hall and be sorted into Gryffindor. It only seemed to be a short time ago and now both of her children were eating at the same table she once ate at with Harry and Ron.

Hugo was in his final year at Hogwarts this year and she was hoping and praying that it wouldn't be all that much longer until she would have grandchildren that would be sorted into their houses. However, Hermione had a very big secret. One that only those close to her knew about.

A part of her had wished that it hadn't ended up like this. For back when she was in her fifth year at Hogwarts she had fallen in love with a boy that nobody ever would have suspected.

I’ve read all of the books. More for the quality of writing.

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