Why vote for Biden again?

Republicans keep giving Trump credit for an economy he inherited. If he is re elected, he will inherit a record economy that every right winger denies is happening. But once Trump takes office, suddenly these same people will be taking about the miraculous immediate recovery Trump created when he didn't create it. We cannot have another trump presidency. We will lose allies and end up isolated. This is what our enemies want and Trump supporters are glad to help our enemies just as long as they can have white supremacy.
I’ll do it for you

You’re a dishonest fuck

Unemployment for that group was HIGHER throughout the Trump years
So, why would any Democrat vote for a Democrat, especially for Biden or Congress? I know many Democrats are much richer than Republicans now and can afford these price increases. Gasoline also doubling too! Then, there are the Democrats who vote for Democrat liberals for their legislators and governor who just gave fast food companies a reason to lay off thousands of people even maybe shutdown their stores too.

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If they were stupid enough to vote for Biden the first time, chances are they're still just as stupid.
It was 8.0 in 2019, so no.
Not according to my chart
It was 8.0 in 2019, so no.
For one month? And it was lower than that a couple months ago.

On average for the year the unemployment rate has been lower under Biden than under Trump

And yet you bitched that it is "high" now

You are one of the dumbest lying fucks Trump has in his stable of Deplorables
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Biden was caught on camera extorting Ukraine.

Caught? Wtf? He was ON CAMERA PROUDLY TALKING ABOUT IT, because he was "extorting" them to clean up their governing as part of GOOD FOREIGN POLICY, not any personal gain. This "extorting" was supported by IMF, DoS and Ukranian anti-corruption groups.

Republicans tried all they could, found no evidence of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

By contrast, there was exactly one person interested in extorting Zelensky to publicly announce investigation of Biden - Trump himself for his re-election.
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So? Inflation is also largely due to the pandemic. Then exasperated by Russia invading Ukraine. Odd you don't mention the pandemic when speaking about inflation?
That’s part of it but not the main reason. The main reason is the cost of gasoline up over 100% quickly after Biden signed his executive orders that overturned what was keeping gasoline low. It’s surprising that inflation isn’t even more with costs to make products and transport them is more than doubled.
Caught? Wtf? He was ON CAMERA PROUDLY TALKING ABOUT IT, because he was "extorting" them to clean up their governing as part of GOOD FOREIGN POLICY, not any personal gain. This "extorting" was supported by IMF, DoS and Ukranian anti-corruption groups.

Republicans tried all they could, found no evidence of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

By contrast, there was exactly one person interested in extorting Zelensky to publicly announce investigation of Biden - Trump himself for his re-election.
Just more corruption by some on the right. The fact is, Hunter benefited from the extortion. Getting the prosecutor fired for going after Hunter and Burisma. It’s so obvious.
That’s part of it but not the main reason. The main reason is the cost of gasoline up over 100% quickly after Biden signed his executive orders that overturned what was keeping gasoline low. It’s surprising that inflation isn’t even more with costs to make products and transport them is more than doubled.
What legislation specifically
Just more corruption by some on the right. The fact is, Hunter benefited from the extortion. Getting the prosecutor fired for going after Hunter and Burisma. It’s so obvious.
Yep Republicans are in on it, no conspiracy broad enough for you nutbags.
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