BREAKING NEWS: Dem Rep. John Conyers Accused of Sexual Harassment – Flew Women Into DC For Sex Romps

BREAKING SCANDAL: Dem Rep. John Conyers Accused of Sexual Harassment – Flew Women Into DC For Sex Romps

As TGP previously reported, according to Axios reporter Jonathan Swan, claims against Democrat Al Franken are the “very tip of the congressional iceberg.”

The “next wave,” is coming, says Swan.

Congress has a rampant sexual harassment problem. In fact the problem is so bad that female lawmakers and aides keep a ‘creep list’ of men who are notorious for lewd behavior.

It was revealed Monday evening that one Congressman who settled a harassment suit in 2015 was Democrat Rep ................

OMG when does it stop. And reallyeeeee just another to add to the list and waiting all these years I think people are getting to the point nobody gives a dam either way.

Lets get proof, so far you have nothing. I'm expecting something to come out on Flake and McCain soon.
Lets get proof
ROTFLMAO... didnt Pe, just a little bit ago, claim that Judge Moore is guilty of sexual harassment and should step down?
Same folks who screeched daily for Bill O'reilly to be sacked at Fox News, are eerily quiet on Al Franken and John Cornyn. I mean, O'reilly was just a Cable News Host. The other two are actually serving in our Government. So why aren't the Democrats doing anything? Why so silent?

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