Breaking news: Obama takes vacation! Republicans outraged!


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
This is different than when they were outraged at his Christmas vacation and when they were outraged at last summers vacation and the summer before that and the summer before that

They are really outraged this time
BREAKING- Children being beheaded in Iraq; US troops sent in at the risk of their lives while Obama golfs.
BREAKING- Children being beheaded in Iraq; US troops sent in at the risk of their lives while Obama golfs.

not breaking. Right winger whines and uses anything regardless of what Obama does because she is a bottom feeder

WOW! The ironic comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.

So many far left posters filled with irony.

So is the far left going to condemn Obama for his illegal actions in the Iraq?
BREAKING- Children being beheaded in Iraq; US troops sent in at the risk of their lives while Obama golfs.


If only Obama had stayed home, none of that would have happened.

What is he thinking?
give it up already

you snob/Obama butt kissers today were the ones whining about his vacations back when Bush was President

and they went to THEIR HOME

not Hawaii every year for 17 DAYS

the Obama's have forgotten they EVEN own a home..why should they bother when they can hose us
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Who cares if Obama vacations or not. Biggest non-issue, what is funny is the same dip shits that claim that all his vacations are okay, are the same dip shits that criticized Bush for taking vacations.

With today's technology, Obama doesn't need to be at the White House 24/7 to screw up America, he can screw it up from anywhere in the world.
BREAKING- Children being beheaded in Iraq; US troops sent in at the risk of their lives while Obama golfs.


If only Obama had stayed home, none of that would have happened.

What is he thinking?

I'm thrilled when he's golfing and not doing shit like backing a coup in the Ukraine and causing a civil war.

I love it when he's gone. The world is a safer place.
Let's see....
We have the Ukraine
We have Iraq at the brink
We have Israel vs Hamas
We have our southern border being over run
We have an ebola situation where there are rumors of infected people turning into zombies.

We have American Indians all pissed the fuck off because an NFL team hasn't changed it's name.

And I'm sure there are some gays out there being slighted in one way or another...
That's a Democrat top priority....

Anyway I would get the fuck out of town as well...
Have a few cocktails...smoke up a bowl or two of some fine weed.
And hook up with Michelle for a little sumptin,sumptin...
I've come to the conclusion rightwingers are addicted to the emotions outrage brings them, they seem to be outraged about everything all the time,. An apt description is crisis junkies.

please, you weren't on here for the rodeo clown who did a skit wearing an Obama wanted to see FAUX outrage

spare us we've heard it all before
I've come to the conclusion rightwingers are addicted to the emotions that outrage brings them, they seem to be outraged about everything all the time,. An apt description is crisis junkies.

Wow! That is my perception of liberals.
yawn.....democrats are so desperate for a distraction from Obama record they'll say anything.

Nobody gives a shit what this incompetent boob does on his vacation. But it would be nice if he stopped showing the world what an effeminate pansy he is....



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yawn.....democrats are so desperate for a distraction from Obama record they'll say anything.

Nobody gives a shit what this incompetent boob does on his vacation. But it would be nice if he stopped showing the world what an effeminate pansy he is....




Wow, I haven't seen some of those pictures.. He's creepy ghey..
OMG how much do those tiny dumbbells weigh?? Like 10lbs each and he's making a face like he's dumping in his pants..
This is different than when they were outraged at his Christmas vacation and when they were outraged at last summers vacation and the summer before that and the summer before that

They are really outraged this time

It looks you are the person concerned, so much so, you started a thread.

You love to make shit up, post it and then believe it is the truth.

What a fruit loop.

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