Breaking news rep King is calling for investigation into...

Sure...of course.

I expected nothing less than that from you.

Another person who thinks differently than you is labelled by you as an idiot.
Well, it is quite puzzling to see some sap who voted for Obama calling anybody idiots......Seeing as though Obama cleaned up by duping a bunch o' idiots to vote for him.

lol...I know...its funny when you think about it....

We said...

He never ran a thing...he doesnt have experience to lead

They said....

that is crap. He is a great leader. You must be a racist.

We said...

He was barely a senator for a few years...he doesnt know what he is getting himself into

They said....

That is crap. He is going to do great things for us. You must be a racist.[/

We said...

We know very little about him. We need to vett him better

They said....

You are a bunch of racists.

And now? They do the best they can to defend him.......but they cant. They are more wrapped up in trying to weaken the reputation of the possible competition than they are defending his pitiful record.
Spot on!.....Ya' damn racist!:cool:
Then perhaps you'll be so kind as to explain all the "content" that's being ignored.

there is enough circumstantial evoidence for an investigation.
If the investigation found that the WH discolsed information to a film maker that it refused to disclose to the general public (the employers of the white house)...then it could prove to be a major issue...especially if it is further found that it was done for political expediency.

Be it Bush, Reagan, Clinton or me that is news worthy.

To you?

It is only news worthy if it is a repunlican who mis being investigated.

Thus why you are not worthy of a debate.

I'm just asking for more information. Which no one seems capable of giving.
What evidence is there? Circumstantial or not, what is this evidence?

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, has called for investigation into possible disclosure of classified material, citing news reports that director Kathryn Bieglow and screenwriter Mark Boal have been given high-level Pentagon access.From the USA article below

Bin Laden movie draws congressional scrutiny - The Oval -

Now...the investigation will find if such is true or not.
If it is true...wouldnt you want to know?

Or would you just say...."so what"

Personally, I'd be pissed if they were giving her classified information..but if they are sharing the same information they shared with news outlets..

I don't see what the fuss is all about.

We can't publicly show pictures or talk about it because its "wrong" but because he now knows his reelection is in jeopardy its ok? As if the people he claimed to not want to incite will be ok with this vs a clip of a still photo?

Get the Fuck outta here with your partisan bullshit. Some of those men from that raid are now dead. Now Obama wants a movie! Has he no dignity or respect?

First was the same unit..not the same people.

Second off..this is a private film company making the movie.

And you might have more of an "argument" if the Obama administration were bankrolling or advocating for the film.

Thus far..I don't see anything that supports that notion.

Apparenly...and right now just hear has been reported that the movie proiducers were given access to information that the general public does not have access to.

Now, if this is true, it is a big deal...a very big deal.

If it is false, then it is not a big deal.;

Thus why an investigation.

Therefore all before mentioned concerns about Muslim reaction goes out the window for HIS POLITICAL GAIN.

Alligations that the Whitehouse has either sold the rights to or is in discussions with Sony pictures for the rights to the Bin Laden killing.

If this is true, it is the disgrace of the century. Disgusting move for an administration that wouldn't release pictures out of fear of inflaming Muslims. But now we what? Need a movie just in time for elections?

‪Obama sells our military for votes‬‏ - YouTube

No reason for outrage over a rumor.

If it turns out to be true, then this is just further proof the big 0 needs to go.
If not, then the douche that started this rumor needs something unplesant to occur.
The douche, who literally is a liberal douche, that started this "rumor" is none other than the uber-crazy Maureen Dowd in one of her columns.........I seriously doubt she would have used the term "unprecedented access" if it weren't true.

Damn right it should be investigated.
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Therefore all before mentioned concerns about Muslim reaction goes out the window for HIS POLITICAL GAIN.


I will say this....

There is something wrong with the WH offering any helpo whatsoever regarding this it innocent infoirmation or classified information.

The white house made it clear that we should refrain from celebrating Bin Ladens death beyond what we did in any way shape or form.....and I agreed....releasing the photos would have been the wrong thing to do.....opening the door to further anger toward America and our brave soldiers was not in anyones best intrerest.

When the directors came a knocking, they should have said "sorry, but we do not condone the making of this film. We will not offer you any assistance"

So the question is...why the turnaround?

Is it possible that Obama ius truly interested in a movie about one of his few major accomplishments coming out during the final month of his campaign?

Anyone who denies the coincidence as suspect is just someone who truly can see no wriong with our president...and that is pathetic.
Well, who's going to play Obama?

And, how many half black/white actors are really out there, who look like mulato versions of Alfred E. Neuman with skinny limp wrists?

I meah hey, authenticity is the key to any docudrama!

Jimmie Crater with a paint job and a face lift.


Carter speller Crater.

Will Smith, actually.

They have the same ears. But Will is to young and much to strong to pull off skinny obama.

ah, there a comedian that's thin, but a little short. just can't recall his name.
Jeez....go back under your rock. It has been reported via a multitude of media....

I know how people like you work......

"ignore it and maybe it will go away"

......a multitude of media that's not being presented on this thread.
Can't ignore what I don't see.

you saw a link. You could easily look for other links.
You refuse to.
In other words, you opt to deny the validity of the first link and refuse to find a second that means you opt to ignore.

SO as I said....I know how people like you work...

"ignore it and maybe it will gfo away."

Usually when people get upset when asked to provide further information, it sets off all sorts of red is the information that was promised in the video in the link...this is all I was asking for...from the white house briefing...
“When people, including you, in this room, are working on articles, books, documentaries or movies that involve the president, ask to speak to administration officials, we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. That is hardly a novel approach to the media," Carney said. "We do not discuss classified information, and I would hope that as we face the continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie."

"The information that this White House provided about that mission has been focused on the president role in -- there is no difference in the information that we've given to anybody who's working on this topic from what we gave to those of you in this room who worked on it as -- in the days and weeks after the raid itself," he added. "In fact, the most specific information we've given from this White House about the actual raid I read to you from this podium. So it's just simply false.”

The film is to be directed by American film director Kathryn Bigelow, who won an Oscar for directing “The Hurt Locker” – which won seven total Oscars in 2010, including best picture. Mark Boal, who worked with Bigelow on the blockbuster, has also signed on to produce the Bin Laden movie.

The project is currently untitled but is expected to be released October 2012, just a month before the election.

A Pentagon spokesman said the DOD has provided some assistance with script research, but will not provide any actual support until there is a script to review.

“This film project is only in the script development phase, and DoD is providing assistance with script research, which is something we commonly do for established filmmakers. Until there is a script to review, and a request for equipment or other DoD support, there is no formal agreement for DoD support," said spokesman Col. Dave Lapan

"When people working on articles, books, documentaries or movies that involve the Department of Defense request assistance, we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. We do not discuss classified information," he said.
Rep. Pete King Calls for Investigation After Allegations the Obama Administration Granted High-Level Access to Hollywood Execs for OBL Movie - The Note

Therefore all before mentioned concerns about Muslim reaction goes out the window for HIS POLITICAL GAIN.


I will say this....

There is something wrong with the WH offering any helpo whatsoever regarding this it innocent infoirmation or classified information.

The white house made it clear that we should refrain from celebrating Bin Ladens death beyond what we did in any way shape or form.....and I agreed....releasing the photos would have been the wrong thing to do.....opening the door to further anger toward America and our brave soldiers was not in anyones best intrerest.

When the directors came a knocking, they should have said "sorry, but we do not condone the making of this film. We will not offer you any assistance"

So the question is...why the turnaround?

Is it possible that Obama ius truly interested in a movie about one of his few major accomplishments coming out during the final month of his campaign?

Anyone who denies the coincidence as suspect is just someone who truly can see no wriong with our president...and that is pathetic.

Interesting thing is, this is the same filmmaker who made "The Hurt Locker"

That Movie was a fuckin' joke. Filled with a bunch o' unrealistic BS.
......a multitude of media that's not being presented on this thread.
Can't ignore what I don't see.

you saw a link. You could easily look for other links.
You refuse to.
In other words, you opt to deny the validity of the first link and refuse to find a second that means you opt to ignore.

SO as I said....I know how people like you work...

"ignore it and maybe it will gfo away."

Usually when people get upset when asked to provide further information, it sets off all sorts of red is the information that was promised in the video in the link...this is all I was asking for...from the white house briefing...
“When people, including you, in this room, are working on articles, books, documentaries or movies that involve the president, ask to speak to administration officials, we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. That is hardly a novel approach to the media," Carney said. "We do not discuss classified information, and I would hope that as we face the continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie."

"The information that this White House provided about that mission has been focused on the president role in -- there is no difference in the information that we've given to anybody who's working on this topic from what we gave to those of you in this room who worked on it as -- in the days and weeks after the raid itself," he added. "In fact, the most specific information we've given from this White House about the actual raid I read to you from this podium. So it's just simply false.”

The film is to be directed by American film director Kathryn Bigelow, who won an Oscar for directing “The Hurt Locker” – which won seven total Oscars in 2010, including best picture. Mark Boal, who worked with Bigelow on the blockbuster, has also signed on to produce the Bin Laden movie.

The project is currently untitled but is expected to be released October 2012, just a month before the election.

A Pentagon spokesman said the DOD has provided some assistance with script research, but will not provide any actual support until there is a script to review.

“This film project is only in the script development phase, and DoD is providing assistance with script research, which is something we commonly do for established filmmakers. Until there is a script to review, and a request for equipment or other DoD support, there is no formal agreement for DoD support," said spokesman Col. Dave Lapan

"When people working on articles, books, documentaries or movies that involve the Department of Defense request assistance, we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. We do not discuss classified information," he said.
Rep. Pete King Calls for Investigation After Allegations the Obama Administration Granted High-Level Access to Hollywood Execs for OBL Movie - The Note

yes...that is the wh's positioon.

Yet an avid Obama supporter over the years, Maureen Dowd, claims to have been offered information that the director of the film was offered unprecedented access to the pentagon and to classified info.

So we have the WH saying one thing and un-named individuals saying anohter...but the un-named strong enough for an accomplished and reputable left wing reporter WHO HAS SUPPORTED ALMOST ALL OF WHAT OBAMA HAS DONE to quote..

Enough for an investigation.

Jimmie Crater with a paint job and a face lift.


Carter speller Crater.

Will Smith, actually.

They have the same ears. But Will is to young and much to strong to pull off skinny obama.

ah, there a comedian that's thin, but a little short. just can't recall his name.

If Obama were white you would not have commented on his ears nor would you have compared him to a thin, short comedian.

You are a racist. I abhor people like you.
Will Smith, actually.

They have the same ears. But Will is to young and much to strong to pull off skinny obama.

ah, there a comedian that's thin, but a little short. just can't recall his name.

If Obama were white you would not have commented on his ears nor would you have compared him to a thin, short comedian.

You are a racist. I abhor people like you.

I'm offended that you call me a racist. I am not a racist, I'm a Supremist.

It's not that I feel other races are lesser than mine, I simply feel mine is WAY better than yours.

So unless you come from a family of Black Irish that had the good sense to come to America....

sorry, but you're just not as good as me and mine.

See, it's totally different.
you saw a link. You could easily look for other links.
You refuse to.
In other words, you opt to deny the validity of the first link and refuse to find a second that means you opt to ignore.

SO as I said....I know how people like you work...

"ignore it and maybe it will gfo away."

Usually when people get upset when asked to provide further information, it sets off all sorts of red is the information that was promised in the video in the link...this is all I was asking for...from the white house briefing...
“When people, including you, in this room, are working on articles, books, documentaries or movies that involve the president, ask to speak to administration officials, we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. That is hardly a novel approach to the media," Carney said. "We do not discuss classified information, and I would hope that as we face the continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie."

"The information that this White House provided about that mission has been focused on the president role in -- there is no difference in the information that we've given to anybody who's working on this topic from what we gave to those of you in this room who worked on it as -- in the days and weeks after the raid itself," he added. "In fact, the most specific information we've given from this White House about the actual raid I read to you from this podium. So it's just simply false.”

The film is to be directed by American film director Kathryn Bigelow, who won an Oscar for directing “The Hurt Locker” – which won seven total Oscars in 2010, including best picture. Mark Boal, who worked with Bigelow on the blockbuster, has also signed on to produce the Bin Laden movie.

The project is currently untitled but is expected to be released October 2012, just a month before the election.

A Pentagon spokesman said the DOD has provided some assistance with script research, but will not provide any actual support until there is a script to review.

“This film project is only in the script development phase, and DoD is providing assistance with script research, which is something we commonly do for established filmmakers. Until there is a script to review, and a request for equipment or other DoD support, there is no formal agreement for DoD support," said spokesman Col. Dave Lapan

"When people working on articles, books, documentaries or movies that involve the Department of Defense request assistance, we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. We do not discuss classified information," he said.
Rep. Pete King Calls for Investigation After Allegations the Obama Administration Granted High-Level Access to Hollywood Execs for OBL Movie - The Note

yes...that is the wh's positioon.

Yet an avid Obama supporter over the years, Maureen Dowd, claims to have been offered information that the director of the film was offered unprecedented access to the pentagon and to classified info.

So we have the WH saying one thing and un-named individuals saying anohter...but the un-named strong enough for an accomplished and reputable left wing reporter WHO HAS SUPPORTED ALMOST ALL OF WHAT OBAMA HAS DONE to quote..

Enough for an investigation.


In the article I read, she said they were offered "top level" access, not "unprecedented" access. So no, I don't see the need to waste time on an investigation. Whatever this reporter meant by what she said can simply be asked of her. This is a very serious allegations. We are at war ya know. King is basically accusing Obama of being a traitor.
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Usually when people get upset when asked to provide further information, it sets off all sorts of red is the information that was promised in the video in the link...this is all I was asking for...from the white house briefing...Rep. Pete King Calls for Investigation After Allegations the Obama Administration Granted High-Level Access to Hollywood Execs for OBL Movie - The Note

yes...that is the wh's positioon.

Yet an avid Obama supporter over the years, Maureen Dowd, claims to have been offered information that the director of the film was offered unprecedented access to the pentagon and to classified info.

So we have the WH saying one thing and un-named individuals saying anohter...but the un-named strong enough for an accomplished and reputable left wing reporter WHO HAS SUPPORTED ALMOST ALL OF WHAT OBAMA HAS DONE to quote..

Enough for an investigation.


In the article I read, she said they were offered "top level" access, not "unprecedented" access. So no, I don't see the need to waste time on an investigation. Whatever this reporter meant by what she said can simply be asked of her. This is a very serious allegations. We are at war ya know. King is basically accusing Obama of being a traitor.

you are not military and you never were...or you would understand "top level" access.

You IS unprecedented.

The military does not offer top level access to those that intend to use such access to enhance the chances of personal financial gain.

A movie director, a book writer, etc is afforded ONLY the same information any American is afforded.
OCD haters UNITE!!

Good, should be interestng. And no obscene pictures of OBL's body. Too bad, the Muslim Kenyan Marxist in a movie. Feg you racist misled haters...tyvm.
Usually when people get upset when asked to provide further information, it sets off all sorts of red is the information that was promised in the video in the link...this is all I was asking for...from the white house briefing...Rep. Pete King Calls for Investigation After Allegations the Obama Administration Granted High-Level Access to Hollywood Execs for OBL Movie - The Note

yes...that is the wh's positioon.

Yet an avid Obama supporter over the years, Maureen Dowd, claims to have been offered information that the director of the film was offered unprecedented access to the pentagon and to classified info.

So we have the WH saying one thing and un-named individuals saying anohter...but the un-named strong enough for an accomplished and reputable left wing reporter WHO HAS SUPPORTED ALMOST ALL OF WHAT OBAMA HAS DONE to quote..

Enough for an investigation.


In the article I read, she said they were offered "top level" access, not "unprecedented" access. So no, I don't see the need to waste time on an investigation. Whatever this reporter meant by what she said can simply be asked of her. This is a very serious allegations. We are at war ya know. King is basically accusing Obama of being a traitor.
He's not accusing Obama of being a traitor. He wants to find out if Obama, who has fully proven to be inept and incapable on so many levels, is stepping on his dick or not.

Look, Obama is a book smart liberal elitist, who is presidentially stupid. It's been proven time and again. It's best to make sure this clown isn't stepping on his dick and possibly endangering this country in any way by granting access to info that the filmmaker or public should never know.
I can't wait for the Fox version of the killing of Bin Laden

starring Rambo Bush

What the hell do you want a link for? It won't matter if it's true to you or any other Zombie liberal.. you'll just make excuses of why it's ok or find a way to blame George W Bush.. perhaps it's racism that made DingleBarry sell our military like cheap whores?? You liberals are the most vile and disgusting creatures alive.

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