Breaking News..Rick Perry just said Man is not the main contributor to Climate Change

Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

You have over 60 trillion dollars?

IEA: $44 Trillion in Energy Investment Won’t Limit Climate Change to 2 Degrees

IEA: $44 Trillion in Energy Investment Won’t Limit Climate Change to 2 Degrees

In fact, it might not even come close, according to the International Energy Agency.


by Katherine Tweed
November 18, 2016
The world will need to invest $44 trillion in the global energy supply, and another $23 trillion in energy efficiency, to cover the growth in energy demand through 2040 and meet current policy goals.

The findings from the International Energy Agency’s newly releasedWorld Energy Outlook only take into account policies put in place by mid-2016, and so they do not include any pledges as part of the Paris climate agreement that have not yet been codified as policy. The IEA states that with current policies, “This is sufficient to slow the projected rise in global energy-related CO2 emissions, but not nearly enough to limit warming to less than 2 [degrees Celsius].”

Sure. Just give me a couple of days to liquidate some assets.

The findings from the IEA only take into account policies put in place by Mid-2016 and do not include any pledges as part of the Paris climate agreement that have not yet been codified as policy.

That leads me to believe that the projections will change as the pledges made by almost every country in the world become official. I'm not saying it will be enough; I don't know if it will. But throwing up our hands and saying "Oh well, we haven't got enough money yet--let's quit" isn't going to help the situation either.
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

we've certainly talked with different people on this topic then. :)
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

we've certainly talked with different people on this topic then. :)
You got a link saying all C02 is caused by burning fossil fuels?
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

You have over 60 trillion dollars?

IEA: $44 Trillion in Energy Investment Won’t Limit Climate Change to 2 Degrees

IEA: $44 Trillion in Energy Investment Won’t Limit Climate Change to 2 Degrees

In fact, it might not even come close, according to the International Energy Agency.


by Katherine Tweed
November 18, 2016
The world will need to invest $44 trillion in the global energy supply, and another $23 trillion in energy efficiency, to cover the growth in energy demand through 2040 and meet current policy goals.

The findings from the International Energy Agency’s newly releasedWorld Energy Outlook only take into account policies put in place by mid-2016, and so they do not include any pledges as part of the Paris climate agreement that have not yet been codified as policy. The IEA states that with current policies, “This is sufficient to slow the projected rise in global energy-related CO2 emissions, but not nearly enough to limit warming to less than 2 [degrees Celsius].”

Sure. Just give me a couple of days to liquidate some assets.

The findings from the IEA only take into account policies put in place by Mid-2016 and do not include any pledges as part of the Paris climate agreement that have not yet been codified as policy.

That leads me to believe that the projections will change as the pledges made by almost every country in the world become official. I'm not saying it will be enough; I don't know if it will. But throwing up our hands and saying "Oh well, we haven't got enough money yet--let's quit" isn't going to help the situation either.
hey - i'm all for us spending $ to protect this earth *if* that's what we're doing. right now it seems more IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN while they put no guarantees on what they will do with the money we fork over...for the children.

how people have zero problem with forking over billions to under developed nations w/o guidance or oversight is beyond me. to me, we're fixing our problems on their terms. maybe these countries see the overall value, maybe they don't. but dumping money at a problem isn't going to fix it it's just going to dump a lot of money.

there has to be somewhere in the middle to where if we are going to help other countries do this, we go in and do it for them, not give them a blank check. now, do they WANT us there? if not, why do they want our money then? we can hire locally, jobs not an issue.

that's what i encourage people to ask themselves. why not get it done vs. throw money at it? in the end $$$ is the same but one gets it done the other, maybe. if they feel like it. in 13 years...
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

we've certainly talked with different people on this topic then. :)
You got a link saying all C02 is caused by burning fossil fuels?
hey - i'm NOT debating this one. i'm just indicating i've "debated" with several in the past who are quick to put the blame all on mankind.

we've got some freaky self-guilt trip going on in our culture these days.
Only dumb asses and dupes could believe man can dramatically affect the world's climate.
these politicians & beaurecrats want to run our lives and they can barely speak coherently.

listen, on climate: we need to be smart, we need to be tough. not just tough, we need to be smart.

Exactly thats what they are trying to do and these clowns act like it's the end of the world if we don't drop what we are doing , stop enjoying life and spend trillions of dollars on nothing that will stop it.

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”


So you're agreeing than climate change is real and man contributes to it? You're willing to admit that in a public forum?
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

we've certainly talked with different people on this topic then. :)
You got a link saying all C02 is caused by burning fossil fuels?
hey - i'm NOT debating this one. i'm just indicating i've "debated" with several in the past who are quick to put the blame all on mankind.

we've got some freaky self-guilt trip going on in our culture these days.
So you're casting false aspersions by claiming that people are saying what they actually haven't. There's nothing "freaky" about taking responsibility for what our industry and technology have produced.
I agree with you about the funding thing, though. However, good idea that it is, it can't fly irl, so sticking to it isn't going to get us anywhere at the moment. So once again, we are back to what I consider to be a really bad decision by a senile old Republican who has too much of his own wealth tied up in industries reliant on fossil fuels to uphold activities to curtail it. Seems like what Republicans have always done, in my lifetime anyway.
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.
Humans have been burning fossil fuels since BC.

Oh, and while we are at it. Do you know where steel comes from?

How is Steel Produced?

From icky icky coal

Liberal reactions everywhere.

Which of these things you think left wing elitists would give up for the environment?


We already know all of the things liberals will not give up that is made from petroleum (icky oil.)

We have all been over this.

Lets watch John Coleman (founder of the Weather Channel) own this CNN loser propaganda pet.

Remember Agenda 21 folks.

Research Maurice Strong, global governance, and The Green Agenda.

The Green Agenda - Agenda 21
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

we've certainly talked with different people on this topic then. :)
You got a link saying all C02 is caused by burning fossil fuels?
hey - i'm NOT debating this one. i'm just indicating i've "debated" with several in the past who are quick to put the blame all on mankind.

we've got some freaky self-guilt trip going on in our culture these days.
So you're casting false aspersions by claiming that people are saying what they actually haven't. There's nothing "freaky" about taking responsibility for what our industry and technology have produced.
I agree with you about the funding thing, though. However, good idea that it is, it can't fly irl, so sticking to it isn't going to get us anywhere at the moment. So once again, we are back to what I consider to be a really bad decision by a senile old Republican who has too much of his own wealth tied up in industries reliant on fossil fuels to uphold activities to curtail it. Seems like what Republicans have always done, in my lifetime anyway.

um...i am telling you directly conversations i have had with people in the past, in other forums, or in life, where i have been told point blank man was the direct cause of this.

you seem to think i'm full of shit here and those convos never happened. fine. i didn't do any screen captures or recordings so think what you will.

so - it's a bad idea to govern how our money is spent but a better and more practical idea to simply give it away.

again, i will disagree and move on before i cast more false conversations from my past at you.
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.


Interesting conclusion from our Energy Secretary

Did he base it on the input of Climate Scientists or rightwing blogs written by the oil companies?
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.


Interesting conclusion from our Energy Secretary

Did he base it on the input of Climate Scientists or rightwing blogs written by the oil companies?
Why don't you fucked up progressives produce your own energy?
And quit asking others to fund experimental energy that is decades away from being affordable and reliable?
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.


Interesting conclusion from our Energy Secretary

Did he base it on the input of Climate Scientists or rightwing blogs written by the oil companies?
Why don't you fucked up progressives produce your own energy?
And quit asking others to fund experimental energy that is decades away from being affordable and reliable?
We WILL produce affordable and reliable energy--that has gone way beyond the experimental phase already. Just get out of the way.
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.


Interesting conclusion from our Energy Secretary

Did he base it on the input of Climate Scientists or rightwing blogs written by the oil companies?
Why don't you fucked up progressives produce your own energy?
And quit asking others to fund experimental energy that is decades away from being affordable and reliable?
We WILL produce affordable and reliable energy--that has gone way beyond the experimental phase already. Just get out of the way.
I live in coal/oil/natural gas country... we make do with what we have here. We don't have renewable energy available here in the northern plains it's not suited for it

Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.


Interesting conclusion from our Energy Secretary

Did he base it on the input of Climate Scientists or rightwing blogs written by the oil companies?
Why don't you fucked up progressives produce your own energy?
And quit asking others to fund experimental energy that is decades away from being affordable and reliable?
What does that have to do with the science of climate change?
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.


Interesting conclusion from our Energy Secretary

Did he base it on the input of Climate Scientists or rightwing blogs written by the oil companies?
Why don't you fucked up progressives produce your own energy?
And quit asking others to fund experimental energy that is decades away from being affordable and reliable?
What does that have to do with the science of climate change?
Cause climate change is not man-made

Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Right-wingers in this board don't have much material to work with, as their thread titles lately go something like this: "Newt Gingrich said right-wing stuff is better than left-wing stuff" and "Rick Perry has not stopped being a global warming denier after 20 years".

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