Why Science Accepts Anthropogenic Global Warming and Tells Us We Need to Act

Science illiterate…..the average temps are colder at higher elevations EVERYWHERE on earth than it is at lower whether there is ice or not. You’re funny, not very bright but funny. Wtf are you this ignorant.


So why is every piece of land within 600 miles to a pole in ice age?

Why is every piece of land outside of 600 miles to a pole not in ice age?
This is your reference, not mine. Read the narrative. GLOBAL WARMING. Your own reference completely obliterates deniers claims. This is funny….read the narrative to the left….it declares a NET LOSS OF ICE SINCE 1992 of 65 million tons per year
This is hilarious. All your references show you’re a fraud.

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That is a map of what Antarctica would look like if "God" removed its ice. It is mostly underwater. Why?

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