George Will endorses Harris

Maybe I'm just an anomaly, but any persons' endorsement has no effect on any decision I make. Those that are influenced by what others say/do are nothing more than lost souls that can't think for themselves.
You’re right. Endorsements generally don’t amount to a hill of beans in elections. However it is interesting to see which conservatives are fleeing the Trump Ship as it sinks to the bottom of the political ocean.
Maybe I'm just an anomaly, but any persons' endorsement has no effect on any decision I make. Those that are influenced by what others say/do are nothing more than lost souls that can't think for themselves.
Exactly right. Idiots vote for someone because someone else does. I'm thinking the Taylor Swift crowd.
I'm a retired Financial Advisor, CFP/CLU/ChFC, 7/63/66 and a far better capitalist than you could ever dream of being.

I'm also an Independent and will be voting third party.

On the other hand, you are ignorant, paranoid, mal-informed and completely conned and manipulated by the voices you choose to trust.
OK. So you aren't voting for the Communist Kamala either. I don't understand what your beef is, then.
An American who actively supports a Progressive Socialist Communist WANTS that type of government. How could it possibly be any different?
I know I'm wasting my time here, but what the hell.

Harris is only a "Progressive Socialist Communist" in the minds of Trumpsters, because that's what you're told by the voices you trust. She does not advocate for state ownership and control over all production, distribution and property, which is the actual definition of the term.

I have no doubt that viewing the world through a simplistic, binary lens keeps things nice and simple. But it's not reality.
Most conservatives with a brain know that Trump isn’t mentally capable of balancing his own checkbook much less run the country. Will and others care enough about the country to put their partisanship aside to aid in the defeat of the Orange megalomaniac.
Are you really that gullible to have fallen for the leftwing media spin? Imagine. A self-made multibillionaire being too stupid to balance his own checkbook. You people believe your own lies. Trump had perhaps the greatest first term of any president ever.
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I know I'm wasting my time here, but what the hell.

Harris is only a "Progressive Socialist Communist" in the minds of Trumpsters, because that's what you're told by the voices you trust. She does not advocate for state ownership and control over all production, distribution and property, which is the actual definition of the term.

I have no doubt that viewing the world through a simplistic, binary lens keeps things nice and simple. But it's not reality.
Did you expect 0bama and Harris to come out and reveal all their extremist goals? Of course not. It's incrementalism. Both 0bama's parents were registered members of the Communist Party, as was Harris' father. All their mentors and associates are Communists. A dimbulb believes their centrist or conservative-sounding campaign rhetoric. Do you actually believe Harris is in favor of fracking or will shut down the border on Day One? It's not we who are simplistic or divorced from reality.
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Republican Never Trumpers are simply in a no win situation. Their only hope is that Trumpism is marginalized so that they can get back in.

I've seen quite a few of them say they really don't expect that to happen any time soon. So, for now, they're simply homeless. Many of us, from left leaners to independents to right leaners, are in the same boat. The wings are in full control right now. Not coincidentally, divisions are the worst right now.

Depends on what you mean by "getting back in". If "getting back in" means controlling the GOP apparatus, nominating their own candidates and being satisfied with respectable 2nd place finishes, they could succeed very quick. After all, if the Trumpsters lose this fall, I can't see The Donald back running in 2028.

But as far as actually getting into power and implementing their policies? Not a chance for a hundred generations.
I know I'm wasting my time here, but what the hell.

Harris is only a "Progressive Socialist Communist" in the minds of Trumpsters, because that's what you're told by the voices you trust. She does not advocate for state ownership and control over all production, distribution and property, which is the actual definition of the term.

I have no doubt that viewing the world through a simplistic, binary lens keeps things nice and simple. But it's not reality.
I came to the conclusion that the Republicans must be like you. You seem to think that in different areas of the nation you must tell them what to do. If there was justice karma will come to you. Since you are so rich, perhaps the 87 thousand new IRS agents will affect only people like yourself. So, you type your technical crap. I see the results of your chicanery. You phu ked people over with the inflation. Some affected worse than others. Progs have had many opportunities to enact their legislations. Of course, they held ack on total Socialism as some of their elected shills would be voted out. Give up most of your wealth for the cause. Prove it to the masses. So, as an example we get Sessions, and you get Garland. The tale of two corrupted politicians. With two different ways each going in the same direction. Garland is as evil as they come. Freedom, I tell you.
Did you expect 0bama and Harris to come out and reveal all their extremist goals? Of course not. It's incrementalism. Both 0bama's parents were registered members of the Communist Party, as was Harris' father. A dimbulb believes their campaign rhetoric. Do you actually believe Harris is in favor of fracking or will shut down the border on Day One? It's not we who are being simplistic.
What I believe is that our task as Americans is to work together to find the place on the continuum that is the optimal balance between free market capitalism and a safety net that is appropriate for the strongest and most dynamic economy on the planet.

That requires communication, collaboration, humility, honesty and the innovation that results from the effort. Like, say, our Constitution.

What I see instead are two tribes who are more concerned with scaring everyone and beating the other tribe, than they are with finding that optimal balance.

So, obviously, I'm in the minority. But you do you.
Prices went up in 2020 under Trump, so by January 2021 you added Trump inflation to what you claim was Biden inflation.

This is why republicans post dumb shit, because they don't know math.
Inflation under Biden is counted starting in January 2021, not January 2020.

Inflation *Joe dindonuffin.
What I believe is that our task as Americans is to work together to find the place on the continuum that is the optimal balance between free market capitalism and a safety net that is appropriate for the strongest and most dynamic economy on the planet.

That requires communication, collaboration, humility, honesty and the innovation that results from the effort.

What I see instead are two tribes who are more concerned with scaring everyone and beating the other tribe, than they are with finding that optimal balance.

So, obviously, I'm in the minority. But you do you.
School is for education. Children are just that. They are not adults. Progs tried agendas and a lot of money is spent.
These people are not endorsing Kamala Harris; they are not endorsing Donald Trump.


George Will has endorsed Kamala in so many words.

BTW, so have the Cheneys.

What I believe is that our task as Americans is to work together to find the place on the continuum that is the optimal balance between free market capitalism and a safety net that is appropriate for the strongest and most dynamic economy on the planet.

That requires communication, collaboration, humility, honesty and the innovation that results from the effort. Like, say, our Constitution.

What I see instead are two tribes who are more concerned with scaring everyone and beating the other tribe, than they are with finding that optimal balance.

So, obviously, I'm in the minority. But you do you.
But what do you do when one side doesn't want that at all? And that is what we conservatives are up against. The left wants to dismantle the country. They want to eliminate capitalism. George Soros, who has funnelled billions of dollars to progressive causes has openly stated his desire is the demise of capitalism.

As for me, I am all for free market capitalism and a safety net supplied by personal charity and not the government. So I share your stated goals, but perhaps in a different way. Leftwing leaders and shapers do not share these goals.

George Will has endorsed Kamala in so many words.

BTW, so have the Cheneys.

This is the problem between you and us. I’m speaking in understatement.
But what do you do when one side doesn't want that at all? And that is what we conservatives are up against. The left wants to dismantle the country. They want to eliminate capitalism. George Soros, who has funnelled billions of dollars to progressive causes has openly stated his desire is the demise of capitalism.

As for me, I am all for free market capitalism and a safety net supplied by personal charity and not the government. So I share your stated goals, but perhaps in a different way. Leftwing leaders and shapers do not share these goals.
I don't think that's what they want. I really don't.

Step One is doing what it takes to ACCURATELY learn how the other thinks. That's on you. Step Two is being the first to reach out and demonstrate you understand them.

This is nothing more than problem-solving. Businesses do it all the time. Why it can't be done in politics is a mystery.
What makes him NOT conservative?


In their world if you do not worship Trump, you are not a conservative...even though Trump is the furthest thing from a conservative

George Will has endorsed Kamala in so many words.

BTW, so have the Cheneys.

yes, because of who her opponent is, not because of her

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