Boeing workers on strike want 40% raise

These companies in turn outsource themselves.

lol they send their non-union plant fuckups to Seattle to get fixed.

Over the past few years, planes produced in Boeing's non-union South Carolina plant have had several safety and operational problems. The South Carolina plant is the only non-union Boeing plant and came to be following large tax breaks from the state’s government. Buffenbarger discussed some of the recent mechanical failures and safety concerns of the 737 Series.
To help resolve the flaws in the new planes from the South Carolina plant, Boeing is sending the 737 Series planes to their Seattle plant for repair. Buffenbarger believes the plant in South Carolina has not been equipped to properly produce the 737 Series planes, and outside of the Seattle plant, there isn’t another plant prepared to produce the 737s correctly. Buffenbarger explained that a plant in Wichita, Kansas, which was sold, was the only other plant with the infrastructure to properly build Boeing’s most popular series.

The plug that popped out of the Max 9 was outsourced by the company Boeing outsourced it to to a company in Malaysia.

But but itz duh youyuns!!! And Stuff!!!!
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Meet Boeing's major owners and real managers.

Gee, sounds like they can run anything, especially a major manufacturing company, being 'investors n stuff'. lol
You gotta love republicans and their fuck the workers mentality.
What the hell is "workers mentality"? Is it translated to voting for democrats in order to get a technical job they aren't qualified to do? How long are Americans going to be held hostage to political hiring that puts the American public at risk?
What the hell is "workers mentality"? Is it translated to voting for democrats in order to get a technical job they aren't qualified to do? How long are Americans going to be held hostage to political hiring that puts the American public at risk?

Why not put the blame for economic failure on those who actually make the decisions? That would be more effective than sniveling supporting the morons making the stupid decisions; they always just run to the bankruptcy judges and leave everybody else to pay for their mistakes, then cry about unions.

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