Why Trump won the Debate

Yup- You're going to vote against your own interests because he sends out mean tweets. Fucking brilliant strategy there. Fucking brilliant.
My interests are fine, and up to me. I sure don't need Donny to live a good life, the way I choose in my Red state. People like me, do well for me and mine, no matter who is in office, and always have.
My interests are fine, and up to me. I sure don't need Donny to live a good life, the way I choose in my Red state. People like me, do well for me and mine, no matter who is in office, and always have.
So you don't go to the grocery store, buy gas, buy anything, have kids or grandkids. Got it.
So you don't go to the grocery store, buy gas, buy anything, have kids or grandkids. Got it.
I do not want to pay 20% more at Walmart, Target and Amazon to give a tax break to people doing fine without it.
Ukraine is way down this list on things important to Americans, but it does require international diplomacy for a president, so it's understandable why Trump may not give a direct answer. But Giggles refused to answer direct questions on the #1 and #2 issues important to Americans; the economy and illegal immigration.
Suddenly it has climb toward top of the list. Today Putin said,

"NATO will be "in the war" if U.S. or allies let Ukraine fire long-range missiles at Russia"​

I expected something like this with Ukraine drones hitting outside of Moscow and in Kiev. Putin will not only loose face but his job will be threaten if he continues to allow Ukraine to successfully attack major cities in Russia. If by chance Ukraine scores big, killing hundreds of Russians in either city, Putin will have to respond decisively and that could mean nuclear weapons.
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That seems very unlikely as city officials in Springfield said there have been no reports of pets being eaten.
Yeah, not sure officials are going to be real forthcoming with anything like that.

Not that I know it happened.....but I still am curious to know what happens if it turns out to be true.
I do not want to pay 20% more at Walmart, Target and Amazon to give a tax break to people doing fine without it.
Psst. They already have that tax cut. WHy would you pay more? Is that what your vapid cult leader is telling you?
She really doesn’t. There’s no way Trump does worse that he already did. She would t benefit from another debate. But the fact that he is running from it. Even from a Fox debate is very telling. She’s got him scared
Trump has nothing to gain by another debate because he would just be ignoring the questions and saying the same slogans and clinches he said in the first debate. Harris on the other hand would have a chance to set traps for Trump making him look even more incompetent as she did in the first debate. Plus another debate would give her a chance to sell herself to more Americans.

Trump believes he's winning the election and doesn't want to do anything to change that. He's believes there are not enough undecided voters to take the risk. Harris on other hand, believes there are millions of undecided voters and Trump voters who really do not want to vote for him. Her job is to convince voters that she is presidential material which she did pretty well in the first debate. She also needs to convince voters she is not Biden and her policies will be her own and not his.
I do not want to pay 20% more at Walmart, Target and Amazon to give a tax break to people doing fine without it.
Walmart reported that inflation was flat in its most recent quarter, and that revenue growth came from more sales and visits to stores and the website, rather than higher prices. That is probably correct because as of Sept 12th inflation has fallen 2.5%, the lowest since February 2021. The Feb is projecting 2% by the end of this year.
Walmart reported that inflation was flat in its most recent quarter, and that revenue growth came from more sales and visits to stores and the website, rather than higher prices. That is probably correct because as of Sept 12th inflation has fallen 2.5%, the lowest since February 2021. The Feb is projecting 2% by the end of this year.
Haven't looked, but probably quite true. The 20% I referred to was if the 10% to 60% trade tariffs proposed by Trump went into effect. From business, you will remember Gross Profit Margin is the component to Return on Investment to meet business plan. If that kind of Tariff goes into effect, and the US sellers wish to remain in business with their well established business plans, the resulting increasing in price to consumer would be way, way above 20% and Gross profit is figure, on all fixed costs and those tariffs would be fixed costs, more than passed on to consumer. There is no way the math works across the retail industry without huge inflation, and without matching paycheck increases, no way to sustain present stability, much less growth, but necessities are necessities. So watch automobiles and housing be out of reach to all but the uber riche.

It is for these lightweight evaluation and other economists and Walle Street are against the Trump 2025 plan, not to mention the Federal Reserve Bank, that has been rejoicing at one managing about the only soft landing on sudden inflation in over 60 years.
She didn't giggle when she kicked trumps ass last night. She beat him so bad that your inabiity to accept it has you imagining something that didn't happen.
Sure whitey. That's why CNN and the rest of the left is throwing a fit that people polled all say TRUMP won the debate because Harris said nothing and Muir embarrassed himself and destroyed the .01 millimeter of credibility he may have had. Harris got wrecked and the embarrassed herself again today.
Were you doing hallucinogenic drugs while on vacation? You are not back in your right mind. He made a public fool of himself, coast to coast on National Television, showing himself able to be manipulated by a younger, better studied candidate, with a quicker mind, with ease and poise, without her breaking a sweat. He tried to rely on the same tired lies and BS, his rallies are known for. He sounded like a crazy old man, utterly beaten, grasping a straws.
Wrong as always moron. Harris made an ass of herself with those stupid faces, not answering questions, getting bailed out by that whiner Muir, and generally looking like a clueless moron with no plan. Your pathetic stretch is just that. Pathetic. And here you and the usual suspects make public asses of yourselves by desperately claiming she won. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Wrong as always moron. Harris made an ass of herself with those stupid faces, not answering questions, getting bailed out by that whiner Muir, and generally looking like a clueless moron with no plan. Your pathetic stretch is just that. Pathetic. And here you and the usual suspects make public asses of yourselves by desperately claiming she won. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not according to the people in the Fox News focus group, they had on, right after the debate, nor any credible new service in the free world. Your boy, went down in flames, by his own hot mouth. He made her look like a master by comparison.
Not according to the people in the Fox News focus group, they had on, right after the debate, nor any credible new service in the free world. Your boy, went down in flames, by his own hot mouth. He made her look like a master by comparison.
The group where 60% said that debate led them to want to vote TRUMP? Epic fail again there little boy. Now you cry that TRUMP winning the debate per all sources isn't "credible". Your DEI know nothing got her ass kicked on every actual issue that voters care about. She looked like a master to biased morons like you who suffer from TDS. Cry harder.
The group where 60% said that debate led them to want to vote TRUMP? Epic fail again there little boy. Now you cry that TRUMP winning the debate per all sources isn't "credible". Your DEI know nothing got her ass kicked on every actual issue that voters care about. She looked like a master to biased morons like you who suffer from TDS. Cry harder.
Like Cocker said. "Cry me a river" :auiqs.jpg:

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