Why Trump won the Debate

You know exactly how stupid their sources are when they say this is what happened, He got destroyed , he pissed himself and shit himself on television internationally. He had piss and shit all over himself after that debate.
I said I didn’t see it live except for the final remarks. I have since watched iimporrant parts of it. I saw Harris fail to answer a couple of key questions, though she was not asked many important ones.
I don't recall Trump answering any question, even when they were put it directly to him.
“I want to ask you a very simple question tonight. Do you want Ukraine to win this war?”
He refused to say.
I don't recall Trump answering any question, even when they were put it directly to him.
“I want to ask you a very simple question tonight. Do you want Ukraine to win this war?”
He refused to say.
So ?

Just because they ask doesn't mean he or she has to answer.

It does not bode well for them in many cases....but they might have their reasons.

I would have prefered more to the point questions....which didn't seem to happen on the economy and our deficit and debt.
It isn't a softball question for Trump, as he favor governments controlling women's health and women too, if they try to escape a state, while pregnant.

Anybody that thought she was really in charge of the border, is a dumb ass. The president in responsible. You can give authority to study and speak, but Joe is responsible for the border and everybody knows it. Too bad, he isn't running or it would be a good issue, especially as Trump ordered congressional Republicans to kill the border bill.
You've really turned into a talking point parrot.

Good job.
I was on vacation for the past four days, and missed the actual debate. But by most serious accounts, Trump won it pretty handily as I thought he would. I saw on poll where 6 of 10 undecided voters are now going for Trump.

The reason Trump won is because he bears the mantle of someone who has given their heart and soul, and almost his life in order to serve the American people. He sacrificed billions of dollars to serve the American people when he could be enjoying an easy retirement. But retirement and ease are not what Trump is about. Serving America is. When he speaks, he carries the gravitas of all he has endured; the nine years of relentless paid attacks from the left. kangaroo-court show trials by the Biden JD, and even an assassination attempt. In the debate, all this came out for the American people to see. Trump was authentic while Harris was prepped and sounded like her responses were wrote and memorized. She also avoided answering all of the few tough questions. She simply has not paid the price. She's never done anything and doesn't have the cred. Honest and real beats slick and packaged every time. So that's how Trump won.

It wasn't a poll. Reuters simply asked 10 ppl in their undecided focus group their thoughts on the debate. lol.

Trump serves one person, himself. He couldn't care less about America. His goal is for America to serve him.
So ?

Just because they ask doesn't mean he or she has to answer.

It does not bode well for them in many cases....but they might have their reasons.

I would have prefered more to the point questions....which didn't seem to happen on the economy and our deficit and debt.
That is true, the candidate doesn't have to say anything. However, when the candidate is asked whether he wants to see an ally of the US win a war against an enemy of US and he refuses to answer, he does so at his own peril. Trump did a lot of stupid things in this debate but this one ranks right up there with illegal immigrants eating dogs and cats in Springfield.
However, when the candidate is asked whether he wants to see an ally of US win a war against an enemy of US and he refuses to answer, he does so at his own peril.
It's a risk you take on any question you don't answer.

Don't get me wrong.

Trump blew the debate. Harris should have left black, blue, and bleeding. She didn't. Trumps fault.

If you don't want to answer it, you at least frame it to show how you might approach an answer. You need to demonstrate knowledge. His Highness Trump (who I am voting for) just can't be bothered to gather details before a debate.

And so marginalizes my vote....which really pisses me off.
Trump did a lot of stupid things in this debate but this one ranks right up there with illegal immigrants eating dogs and cats in Springfield.

Just as a thought experiment: What if that story actually turns out to be true.
She would just drop a statement of what he did, said, his position, and he did the rest to himself. True, her memory for exactly what was said or done, was far superior to his ability to account, or react, by that again, was him. He simply did not know when to shut up, was his biggest failing, along with the bat crap crazy crap he said, when he kept talking.
Yup. I agree, se excelled at the snarky personal attacks. Her problem is that independent voters didn't want t hear that. They wanted to hear about her policies, but she didn't do that.
It wasn't a poll. Reuters simply asked 10 ppl in their undecided focus group their thoughts on the debate. lol.

Trump serves one person, himself. He couldn't care less about America. His goal is for America to serve him.
Trump is the one person who actually serves people at his own detriment. He lost two billion during his presidency. Contrast that with EVERY Democrat who has used their political careers to enrich themselves: Biden, Pelosi, Clintons, Algore, ALL of them.

Trump, great man that he is if basically offering for free his vast wealth of knowledge gleaned from a hugely successful 50 year business career. He is the top negotiator in the world, he understands the economy, and he knows how to get things done. Above all, he is highly competent. Harris is, at best, an ideologue and a pawn of her Marxist handlers who are actually calling the shots. Harris has no more knowledge of economics or negotiation than your local hairdresser.
Such vast amounts of copium being consumed by the Trump cult.

They're not taking their humiliation well.
Keep trying to justify in your minds your bimbo selection. No amount of whistling in the dark can change that fact that you're stuck with a cypher.
I don't recall Trump answering any question, even when they were put it directly to him.
“I want to ask you a very simple question tonight. Do you want Ukraine to win this war?”
He refused to say.
Ukraine is way down this list on things important to Americans, but it does require international diplomacy for a president, so it's understandable why Trump may not give a direct answer. But Giggles refused to answer direct questions on the #1 and #2 issues important to Americans; the economy and illegal immigration.
I was on vacation for the past four days, and missed the actual debate. But by most serious accounts, Trump won it pretty handily as I thought he would. I saw on poll where 6 of 10 undecided voters are now going for Trump.

The reason Trump won is because he bears the mantle of someone who has given their heart and soul, and almost his life in order to serve the American people. He sacrificed billions of dollars to serve the American people when he could be enjoying an easy retirement. But retirement and ease are not what Trump is about. Serving America is. When he speaks, he carries the gravitas of all he has endured; the nine years of relentless paid attacks from the left. kangaroo-court show trials by the Biden JD, and even an assassination attempt. In the debate, all this came out for the American people to see. Trump was authentic while Harris was prepped and sounded like her responses were wrote and memorized. She also avoided answering all of the few tough questions. She simply has not paid the price. She's never done anything and doesn't have the cred. Honest and real beats slick and packaged every time. So that's how Trump won.
Even the MAGA mouthpiece, FOX news says Harris won the debate.

I was on vacation for the past four days, and missed the actual debate. But by most serious accounts, Trump won it pretty handily as I thought he would. I saw on poll where 6 of 10 undecided voters are now going for Trump.

The reason Trump won is because he bears the mantle of someone who has given their heart and soul, and almost his life in order to serve the American people. He sacrificed billions of dollars to serve the American people when he could be enjoying an easy retirement. But retirement and ease are not what Trump is about. Serving America is. When he speaks, he carries the gravitas of all he has endured; the nine years of relentless paid attacks from the left. kangaroo-court show trials by the Biden JD, and even an assassination attempt. In the debate, all this came out for the American people to see. Trump was authentic while Harris was prepped and sounded like her responses were wrote and memorized. She also avoided answering all of the few tough questions. She simply has not paid the price. She's never done anything and doesn't have the cred. Honest and real beats slick and packaged every time. So that's how Trump won.
I think your brain may not have cleared customs if you think Trump won that debate.
I think your brain may not have cleared customs if you think Trump won that debate.
It's kind of like one side giving a presentation on how to win at roulette. No matter how many zingers she may get in or how many times she tries to appear confident or authentically black or whatever, it doesn't change that fact that her basic premise is a lie.

Marxist economies don't work and have never worked. Price freezes, sticking it to corporations, and high taxes have never worked. Nothing Harris proposes or pretends to propose will ever work. That's why she was incapable of winning that debate.
I think your brain may not have cleared customs if you think Trump won that debate.
/——/ Commie Harris lost.
Were you doing hallucinogenic drugs while on vacation? You are not back in your right mind. He made a public fool of himself, coast to coast on National Television, showing himself able to be manipulated by a younger, better studied candidate, with a quicker mind, with ease and poise, without her breaking a sweat. He tried to rely on the same tired lies and BS, his rallies are known for. He sounded like a crazy old man, utterly beaten, grasping a straws.
Somebody needs a tissue. You know as well as everyone else here she has no chance of winning. The only fools on that soap opera were two network shills and a Xanax ho.

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