George Will endorses Harris

This is seriously a WOW moment...

How many other tried and true conservatives will do this in 2024?

Typical neocon conservative! Hurt the country--which he admits it will do--by voting for Harris to remove Trump who has embarrassed the neocon and right wing globalists to no end by showing everyone how wrong they have been.

Those like Bush, Cheney, Will et al who have long supported war over peace as a solution for things, who have not put America first in international negotiations, and who maintained this or that couldn't be done have all hated Trump for achieving peace, for getting things done they said could not be done.

And their solution to get their way now is to heap even more misery onto the American people to get rid of people on the theory they will then reject people like Biden/Harris and Trump will be gone.

I respect an honest leftist more than I respect that.
I know I'm wasting my time here, but what the hell.

Harris is only a "Progressive Socialist Communist" in the minds of Trumpsters, because that's what you're told by the voices you trust. She does not advocate for state ownership and control over all production, distribution and property, which is the actual definition of the term.

I have no doubt that viewing the world through a simplistic, binary lens keeps things nice and simple. But it's not reality.

But not really. She does advocate for the state to control production. So yeah, she is pretty much a socialist who hates this country to the core.
But not really. She does advocate for the state to control production. So yeah, she is pretty much a socialist who hates this country to the core.
List out the examples. There must be many, and there would need to be many for her to be considered a socialist.

Go ahead. Government factories? Food production? Government ownership of all distribution? Government ownership of corporations?

Banks? Auto companies? Insurance companies? Do you know what production means?

Go ahead.
List out the examples. There must be many, and there would need to be many for her to be considered a socialist.

Go ahead. Government factories? Government ownership of all distribution? Government ownership of corporations?

Banks? Auto companies? Insurance companies? Do you know what production means?

Go ahead.

Sure do. I've owned and sold three companies. She just mentioned taking over the food production. You know, the irony is that she is saying she'll fix the mess that she and biden created. Lol. Oh man, what a hoot.
List out the examples. There must be many, and there would need to be many for her to be considered a socialist.

Go ahead. Government factories? Food production? Government ownership of all distribution? Government ownership of corporations?

Banks? Auto companies? Insurance companies? Do you know what production means?

Go ahead.

Kamala is for government CONTROL of the means of production, not government ownership.

Her ideals, like abolishing health insurance in favor of "Medicare for All" and banning Fracking, as well as her recent calls for Price Controls says all we need to say.

Its almost as if she forgot what happened when Emperor Diocletian imposed price controls back in the day. And Diocletian had no problem with literally crucifying those who disobeyed his edicts.

How does Kamala think hers will be more successful than Dio's?
This is not news. Will sold his soul several years ago. He's not conservative. He switched parties in 2016 and voted for Biden in 2020. He wanted to keep his gig at the Washington Post.
Considering Will has been a diehard conservative his entire life, has been a WP columnist for years & NEVER endorsed a Dem for anything how was his job in jeopardy if he didn't endorse Dopetard Trump?

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