George Will endorses Harris

Why not start the inflation count from what Biden inherited, instead of backsetting it by a year.
So in 2020, which ended Jan 1st 2021, inflation went off like a rocket three weeks before the vegetable was inaugurated?
Prices went up in 2020 under Trump, so by January 2021 you added Trump inflation to what you claim was Biden inflation.

This is why republicans post dumb shit, because they don't know math.
Inflation under Biden is counted starting in January 2021, not January 2020.
They have. But to know that you need to be able to read. :itsok:

Well, I'm not going to seek out some outlier on the fringes who does not like Trump any more than I would seek out the opinion of some outlier fringe person who didn't like Harris.

The same people who have been wrong about everything for the last 30 years seem quite eager to continue to lose for the American people.

Let's be real, how many U.S politicians who have died in office over the last 10 years have left a lasting mark of legacy? Many of them well known by name and in office for decades. During their time America has declined as a force, along with the rest of the West really but none are as critical to global peace and freedom as America is.

Look, I don't take pleasure in this, in fact, it disturbs me. You should listen to the silent majority, they seem to be a far different breed of American than say, the hosts of The View, late night comedy or Taylor Swift.
Well, I'm not going to seek out some outlier on the fringes who does not like Trump any more than I would seek out the opinion of some outlier fringe person who didn't like Harris.

The same people who have been wrong about everything for the last 30 years seem quite eager to continue to lose for the American people.

Let's be real, how many U.S politicians who have died in office over the last 10 years have left a lasting mark of legacy? Many of them well known by name and in office for decades. During their time America has declined as a force, along with the rest of the West really but none are as critical to global peace and freedom as America is.

Look, I don't take pleasure in this, in fact, it disturbs me. You should listen to the silent majority, they seem to be a far different breed of American than say, the hosts of The View, late night comedy or Taylor Swift.
In other words, you did not care to find out the reasons why Conservative Republicans are in the tank for Kamala? Like I said, you need to learn to read or find someone who can read/explain it to you.

Keep us informed of your progress, won't you? Good luck.
This is not news. Will sold his soul several years ago. He's not conservative. He switched parties in 2016 and voted for Biden in 2020. He wanted to keep his gig at the Washington Post.

He's probably making a lot of money off of labor racketeering in Red China, like a lot of Republicans are. Not nearly as much as Democrats are but enough to make them just as worthless. After Trump the GOP dies out the rest of the way. Good riddance. Democrats will be assassinating each other soon, so they will go away as well. Good riddance to them both. Both Parties are corporatists, same as the Wall Street is, and they both need to get rid of what's left of the middle class and shut up those uppity white proles.
In other words, you did not care to find out the reasons why Conservative Republicans are in the tank for Kamala? Like I said, you need to learn to read or find someone who can read/explain it to you.

Keep us informed of your progress, won't you? Good luck.

There is only one reason: weapons sent to Ukraine and little interest in a peace agreement.

I support Ukraine receiving weapons but Trump isn't just going to abandon them and there is FAR more to being president than just war. If Europe doesn't pull their weight, than America will eventually suffer from the same outcome Reagan forced on Russia to end their Empire.

These "conservatives" are all in the same mold as Mike Pence. Remember that he said quite openly, ending his run in the process, that Americans issues weren't his concern. All he cared about was Ukraine.

These fools don't realize what's at stake. If America doesn't win in the global economic fight and drive a wedge in the axis/starve Iran of funds, WWIII is quite likely in the future.
There is only one reason: weapons sent to Ukraine and little interest in a peace agreement.

I support Ukraine receiving weapons but Trump isn't just going to abandon them and there is FAR more to being president than just war. If Europe doesn't pull their weight, than America will eventually suffer from the same outcome Reagan forced on Russia to end their Empire.

These "conservatives" are all in the same mold as Mike Pence. Remember that he said quite openly, ending his run in the process, that Americans issues weren't his concern. All he cared about was Ukraine.

These fools don't realize what's at stake. If America doesn't win in the global economic fight and drive a wedge in the axis/starve Iran of funds, WWIII is quite likely in the future.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Oh, wait... is this to prove that you can read? By posting some long garbled prose?

Sorry, sparky. Nope, doesn't cut it. Next time learn to read and maybe you can follow the conversation. Good luck. :itsok:
What the fuck are you babbling about? Oh, wait... is this to prove that you can read? By posting some long garbled prose?

Sorry, sparky. Nope, doesn't cut it. Next time learn to read and maybe you can follow the conversation. Good luck. :itsok:
The only reason they don't support Trump is that he isn't big on war. Now, I dont agree with him on Ukraine. If I were him, I would have said publicly, "we will support Ukraine,.demand our allies pay more whilw.also working towards a peace deal". There has to be immense corruption going on there, why else.would Bidens team.head to the M.E.repeatedly to try and force.peace on Israel, who.are winning, .but not the Ukraine? This is all about Ukraine, check the receipts.of those who first opposed.him." Kizinger,.Cheney, Bolton". It.doesnt take a bloody rocket scientist to figure this out. These people should understand the broader issue though, America needs to win economically and beat China to.prevent WWIII, but they cant walk and chew bubble.gun at the same.time. To quote Pence though,.a.prevailing attitude of the old Con Establishment; "(Americans issues) that's not my concern".
The only reason they don't support Trump is that he isn't big on war. Now, I dont agree with him on Ukraine. If I were him, I would have said publicly, "we will support Ukraine,.demand our allies pay more whilw.also working towards a peace deal". There has to be immense corruption going on there, why else.would Bidens team.head to the M.E.repeatedly to try and force.peace on Israel, who.are winning, .but not the Ukraine? This is all about Ukraine, check the receipts.of those who first opposed.him." Kizinger,.Cheney, Bolton". It.doesnt take a bloodty rocket scientist to figure this out. These people should understand the broader issue, thpugh America needs to win economically and beat China to.prevent WWIII, but they cant walk. and chew bubble.gun at the same.time. To quote Pence though,.a.prevailing.atttiude of the.old.Xon Establishment; "(Americans issuss) that's not my concern".
Nope. That wasn't the reason. Try again.

This time read it a few times and when you are done, read it a couple more times. You will eventually get it. I am pulling for you, bud. Don't let me down. :itsok:

George Will was the house conservative. He never had any fire in his belly for conservatism as, say, the great Pat Buchanan has.

In fact, this endorsement will net Harris ZERO votes.

George Will was the house conservative. He never had any fire in his belly for conservatism as, say, the great Pat Buchanan has.

In fact, this endorsement will net Harris ZERO votes.
If your kind keeps going down the Laura Loomer rabbit hole, you're going to lose generations of republicans.
I'll mark you down as: CLUELESS.
LOL you'll find out the hard way I guess. The only thing this election is doing for republicans is amplifying what a bunch of nut jobs are within the republican party. No sane person wants to be associated with that.

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