Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

The Per Research Center reported 18 months ago that "Approval of same-sex marriage among young adults is at an all-time high, according to new findings from the Pew Research Center.

The poll found 70 percent of adults born in 1981 or later, often referred to as millennials, support marriage equality. That's up from 64 percent in 2012, and an increase from 51 percent since the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009. Slightly more, 74 percent of millennials, say they believe gay and lesbian individuals should be accepted by society, while 22 percent disagree."

The millennials which includes 16 to 33 year olds probably are in favor by at least 75% now if not higher.

Either the GOP climbs on board, or the party will continue as a minority party nationally, and in the federal congress beginning in January 2017.

Perhaps the Bible needs to be a TEACHING TOOL for morality, ethics and principles as it was once used for. NOT to preach, but to convey a principle that has been established for multiple centuries.

The young today, are taught that SELF is MORE IMPORTANT than the whole. With only 3 or so % of the country being queer, it seems that THEY are driving the agenda for the other 97%!
I'm confused. Isn't the whole ideology of Libertarianism that the self is more important than the whole? I thought the whole premise of Libertarianism is that "society" is nothing more than a social construct comprised of a mass of individuals. has the ideology of libertarianism changed, or are you not a libertarian?

Only :ahole-1:S are complete libertarians! And NO I am certainly not a libertarian but do follow some of their ideology.
The Per Research Center reported 18 months ago that "Approval of same-sex marriage among young adults is at an all-time high, according to new findings from the Pew Research Center.

The poll found 70 percent of adults born in 1981 or later, often referred to as millennials, support marriage equality. That's up from 64 percent in 2012, and an increase from 51 percent since the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009. Slightly more, 74 percent of millennials, say they believe gay and lesbian individuals should be accepted by society, while 22 percent disagree."

The millennials which includes 16 to 33 year olds probably are in favor by at least 75% now if not higher.

Either the GOP climbs on board, or the party will continue as a minority party nationally, and in the federal congress beginning in January 2017.

Perhaps the Bible needs to be a TEACHING TOOL for morality, ethics and principles as it was once used for. NOT to preach, but to convey a principle that has been established for multiple centuries.

The young today, are taught that SELF is MORE IMPORTANT than the whole. With only 3 or so % of the country being queer, it seems that THEY are driving the agenda for the other 97%!
wtf! the bible is the last book any sane person would use to teach morality...but then again you're probably an a la carte christian and never read it.

Now, I must admit it's been over 50 years since I even held a Bible, but memory brings back several moral plays therein that taught lessons rather than preached about GOD! I do suggest you look up AGNOSIC because your 2 digit IQ seems to have never come across that word before!
lol! GOLLY FOR an agnostic you sure get defensive about god.
btw I was an agnostic for many decades ,then I realized it was riding the fence.
for every morality tale in the bible there's a matching one that's immoral
the fact is morality is a personal choice.
Your source gives 39% projected turn out, for definite and probable millennial voters. Compared to the image below and that millennials are more likely to vote than social cons, I think the GOP should pay very close attention. In 2016 all 40 million plus of them will be eligible to vote as a block for the first time.

View attachment 32715

You have the mistaken belief that they all vote the same... NEWS FLASH, they don't, they are NOT like blacks when it comes to that respect since there is NO RACIAL, or ETHNIC issue that causes them to vote as a block. You keep thinking that your liberalism is a winning strategy, when we know that the country is majority conservative.

You are unable to get beyond confirmation bias.

A group just short of majority identify or lean blue, the next group is centrist or independent, and way, way in the back the group is about 1 in 4 red. In other words, generally they transcend race and religion.

Either the GOP reaches out to women, millennials, and minorities, or it will be clobbered in 2016.
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Your source gives 39% projected turn out, for definite and probable millennial voters. Compared to the image below and that millennials are more likely to vote than social cons, I think the GOP should pay very close attention. In 2016 all 40 million plus of them will be eligible to vote as a block for the first time.

View attachment 32715

You have the mistaken belief that they all vote the same... NEWS FLASH, they don't, they are NOT like blacks when it comes to that respect since there is NO RACIAL, or ETHNIC issue that causes them to vote as a block. You keep thinking that your liberalism is a winning strategy, when we know that the country is majority conservative.

You are unable to get beyond confirmation bias.

A group just short of majority identify or lean blue, the next group is centrist or independent, and way, way in the back the group is about 1 in 4 red. In other words, they transcend race and religion.

Either the GOP reaches out to women, millennials, and minorities, or it will be clobbered in 2016.

Nice DNC talking points you keep spouting, Flakey...Unfortunately only your other subversives will back up your screwed value system and zombie like devotion to those notions!
Critical thinking ability transcends Vigilante Talking Points any day of the week, buddy. :lol:

We have purged your types from position and policy making posts in the several precincts on our side of town.

The semi reforms of primary elections have severely weakened the far right's ability to determine candidates without voter input.

If it takes emasculating your group politically, V, to win elections nationally, we will continue to do so.
Your source gives 39% projected turn out, for definite and probable millennial voters. Compared to the image below and that millennials are more likely to vote than social cons, I think the GOP should pay very close attention. In 2016 all 40 million plus of them will be eligible to vote as a block for the first time.

View attachment 32715

You have the mistaken belief that they all vote the same... NEWS FLASH, they don't, they are NOT like blacks when it comes to that respect since there is NO RACIAL, or ETHNIC issue that causes them to vote as a block. You keep thinking that your liberalism is a winning strategy, when we know that the country is majority conservative.

You are unable to get beyond confirmation bias.

A group just short of majority identify or lean blue, the next group is centrist or independent, and way, way in the back the group is about 1 in 4 red. In other words, they transcend race and religion.

Either the GOP reaches out to women, millennials, and minorities, or it will be clobbered in 2016.

Nice DNC talking points you keep spouting, Flakey...Unfortunately only your other subversives will back up your screwed value system and zombie like devotion to those notions!
false! if "they" did that would make the republicans!
Critical thinking ability transcends Vigilante Talking Points any day of the week, buddy. :lol:

We have purged your types from position and policy making posts in the several precincts on our side of town.

The semi reforms of primary elections have severely weakened the far right's ability to determine candidates without voter input.

If it takes emasculating your group politically, V, to win elections nationally, we will continue to do so.

Now, even I must admit Flakey that you socialist and subversives have lied, cheated, and stolen into the positions of power your fellow pond scum hold, and that a decent proportion of supposed Republicans have even started to believe your bullshit about war on women, amnesty, and other social issues. That's why many, such as myself, are willing to let YOU SCUMBAGS hold the reigns of power, in order to free ourselves of MODERATE RINO'S, who the base will refuse to vote for, and watch our country FAIL. It seems the only thing that will bring back traditional values and culture as our fathers saw and fought for will be to have the scum of America actually turn us into a AFRICAN THIRD WORLD.

WE shall be like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! You can bet on that, but YOU, and I will NOT BE HERE to see it!
The Per Research Center reported 18 months ago that "Approval of same-sex marriage among young adults is at an all-time high, according to new findings from the Pew Research Center.

The poll found 70 percent of adults born in 1981 or later, often referred to as millennials, support marriage equality. That's up from 64 percent in 2012, and an increase from 51 percent since the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009. Slightly more, 74 percent of millennials, say they believe gay and lesbian individuals should be accepted by society, while 22 percent disagree."

The millennials which includes 16 to 33 year olds probably are in favor by at least 75% now if not higher.

Either the GOP climbs on board, or the party will continue as a minority party nationally, and in the federal congress beginning in January 2017.

Perhaps the Bible needs to be a TEACHING TOOL for morality, ethics and principles as it was once used for. NOT to preach, but to convey a principle that has been established for multiple centuries.

The young today, are taught that SELF is MORE IMPORTANT than the whole. With only 3 or so % of the country being queer, it seems that THEY are driving the agenda for the other 97%!
I'm confused. Isn't the whole ideology of Libertarianism that the self is more important than the whole? I thought the whole premise of Libertarianism is that "society" is nothing more than a social construct comprised of a mass of individuals. has the ideology of libertarianism changed, or are you not a libertarian?

Only :ahole-1:S are complete libertarians! And NO I am certainly not a libertarian but do follow some of their ideology.
Apparently not the part that promotes individual liberty. You know, whenever Progressives talk about "the greater good", or " the needs of the many...", or "societal gains", they get told what commies they are. Yet here you are promoting the hive (whole) over the individual. And, you're doing it over the concept of marriage equality.

Tell me, how does two guys getting married do harm, exactly, to "the whole". And please don't give me any crap about damage to the "moral structure", cuz guess what? Morality is a matter of the individual, not "the whole". So what actual demonstrable harm does gay marriage do to your "whole"?
Critical thinking ability transcends Vigilante Talking Points any day of the week, buddy. :lol:

We have purged your types from position and policy making posts in the several precincts on our side of town.

The semi reforms of primary elections have severely weakened the far right's ability to determine candidates without voter input.

If it takes emasculating your group politically, V, to win elections nationally, we will continue to do so.

Now, even I must admit Flakey that you socialist and subversives have lied, cheated, and stolen into the positions of power your fellow pond scum hold, and that a decent proportion of supposed Republicans have even started to believe your bullshit about war on women, amnesty, and other social issues. That's why many, such as myself, are willing to let YOU SCUMBAGS hold the reigns of power, in order to free ourselves of MODERATE RINO'S, who the base will refuse to vote for, and watch our country FAIL. It seems the only thing that will bring back traditional values and culture as our fathers saw and fought for will be to have the scum of America actually turn us into a AFRICAN THIRD WORLD.

WE shall be like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! You can bet on that, but YOU, and I will NOT BE HERE to see it!

You are reactionary and subversive, yes, who is failing in resisting our retaking of the Republican Party.

Yes, a growing number of Republicans realize you guys on the far right do not love America with your war on women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We, in our growing strength, say to you and your ilk, "Go. In the name of God, go, little phoenix." :lol:

And take your eggs with you or we will scramble them for breakfast.

The country will not fail but grow only stronger with you gone.

You shall not rise.

You will be forgotten, only a footnote in a dusty cd and dvd collection somewhere that no one visits.
The Per Research Center reported 18 months ago that "Approval of same-sex marriage among young adults is at an all-time high, according to new findings from the Pew Research Center.

The poll found 70 percent of adults born in 1981 or later, often referred to as millennials, support marriage equality. That's up from 64 percent in 2012, and an increase from 51 percent since the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009. Slightly more, 74 percent of millennials, say they believe gay and lesbian individuals should be accepted by society, while 22 percent disagree."

The millennials which includes 16 to 33 year olds probably are in favor by at least 75% now if not higher.

Either the GOP climbs on board, or the party will continue as a minority party nationally, and in the federal congress beginning in January 2017.

Perhaps the Bible needs to be a TEACHING TOOL for morality, ethics and principles as it was once used for. NOT to preach, but to convey a principle that has been established for multiple centuries.

The young today, are taught that SELF is MORE IMPORTANT than the whole. With only 3 or so % of the country being queer, it seems that THEY are driving the agenda for the other 97%!
I'm confused. Isn't the whole ideology of Libertarianism that the self is more important than the whole? I thought the whole premise of Libertarianism is that "society" is nothing more than a social construct comprised of a mass of individuals. has the ideology of libertarianism changed, or are you not a libertarian?

Only :ahole-1:S are complete libertarians! And NO I am certainly not a libertarian but do follow some of their ideology.
Apparently not the part that promotes individual liberty. You know, whenever Progressives talk about "the greater good", or " the needs of the many...", or "societal gains", they get told what commies they are. Yet here you are promoting the hive (whole) over the individual. And, you're doing it over the concept of marriage equality.

Tell me, how does two guys getting married do harm, exactly, to "the whole". And please don't give me any crap about damage to the "moral structure", cuz guess what? Morality is a matter of the individual, not "the whole". So what actual demonstrable harm does gay marriage do to your "whole"?

When states continually vote down queer right agenda's and the courts nullify that vote, what do you call it?.... 2 guys can do whatever they like under a CIVIL UNION but a marriage that has been almost exclusively the domain of the religious and calls for a man and a woman to join, is a corruption of the very definition, which is, or at least until the obomanation disregarded the Constitution, covered under it! Words have meaning!
Critical thinking ability transcends Vigilante Talking Points any day of the week, buddy. :lol:

We have purged your types from position and policy making posts in the several precincts on our side of town.

The semi reforms of primary elections have severely weakened the far right's ability to determine candidates without voter input.

If it takes emasculating your group politically, V, to win elections nationally, we will continue to do so.

Now, even I must admit Flakey that you socialist and subversives have lied, cheated, and stolen into the positions of power your fellow pond scum hold, and that a decent proportion of supposed Republicans have even started to believe your bullshit about war on women, amnesty, and other social issues. That's why many, such as myself, are willing to let YOU SCUMBAGS hold the reigns of power, in order to free ourselves of MODERATE RINO'S, who the base will refuse to vote for, and watch our country FAIL. It seems the only thing that will bring back traditional values and culture as our fathers saw and fought for will be to have the scum of America actually turn us into a AFRICAN THIRD WORLD.

WE shall be like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! You can bet on that, but YOU, and I will NOT BE HERE to see it!

You are reactionary and subversive, yes, who is failing in resisting our retaking of the Republican Party.

Yes, a growing number of Republicans realize you guys on the far right do not love America with your war on women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We, in our growing strength, say to you and your ilk, "Go. In the name of God, go, little phoenix." :lol:

And take your eggs with you or we will scramble them for breakfast.

The country will not fail but grow only stronger with you gone.

You shall not rise.

You will be forgotten, only a footnote in a dusty cd and dvd collection somewhere that no one visits.

What a bunch of horse shit! When we do go, and YOU, a supposed moderate RINO never win another election, what shall you do? You simply believe CHANGING your positions will win votes away from a SUBVERSIVE party that has ALREADY DONE what you purpose?... If you believe that, you truly belong in an asylum
Critical thinking ability transcends Vigilante Talking Points any day of the week, buddy. :lol:

We have purged your types from position and policy making posts in the several precincts on our side of town.

The semi reforms of primary elections have severely weakened the far right's ability to determine candidates without voter input.

If it takes emasculating your group politically, V, to win elections nationally, we will continue to do so.

Now, even I must admit Flakey that you socialist and subversives have lied, cheated, and stolen into the positions of power your fellow pond scum hold, and that a decent proportion of supposed Republicans have even started to believe your bullshit about war on women, amnesty, and other social issues. That's why many, such as myself, are willing to let YOU SCUMBAGS hold the reigns of power, in order to free ourselves of MODERATE RINO'S, who the base will refuse to vote for, and watch our country FAIL. It seems the only thing that will bring back traditional values and culture as our fathers saw and fought for will be to have the scum of America actually turn us into a AFRICAN THIRD WORLD.

WE shall be like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! You can bet on that, but YOU, and I will NOT BE HERE to see it!

You are reactionary and subversive, yes, who is failing in resisting our retaking of the Republican Party.

Yes, a growing number of Republicans realize you guys on the far right do not love America with your war on women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We, in our growing strength, say to you and your ilk, "Go. In the name of God, go, little phoenix." :lol:

And take your eggs with you or we will scramble them for breakfast.

The country will not fail but grow only stronger with you gone.

You shall not rise.

You will be forgotten, only a footnote in a dusty cd and dvd collection somewhere that no one visits.

What a bunch of horse shit! When we do go, and YOU, a supposed moderate RINO never win another election, what shall you do? You simply believe CHANGING your positions will win votes away from a SUBVERSIVE party that has ALREADY DONE what you purpose?... If you believe that, you truly belong in an asylum
The center elects presidents, not the far right, and the center thinks the far right is full of crap.
Critical thinking ability transcends Vigilante Talking Points any day of the week, buddy. :lol:

We have purged your types from position and policy making posts in the several precincts on our side of town.

The semi reforms of primary elections have severely weakened the far right's ability to determine candidates without voter input.

If it takes emasculating your group politically, V, to win elections nationally, we will continue to do so.

Now, even I must admit Flakey that you socialist and subversives have lied, cheated, and stolen into the positions of power your fellow pond scum hold, and that a decent proportion of supposed Republicans have even started to believe your bullshit about war on women, amnesty, and other social issues. That's why many, such as myself, are willing to let YOU SCUMBAGS hold the reigns of power, in order to free ourselves of MODERATE RINO'S, who the base will refuse to vote for, and watch our country FAIL. It seems the only thing that will bring back traditional values and culture as our fathers saw and fought for will be to have the scum of America actually turn us into a AFRICAN THIRD WORLD.

WE shall be like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! You can bet on that, but YOU, and I will NOT BE HERE to see it!

You are reactionary and subversive, yes, who is failing in resisting our retaking of the Republican Party.

Yes, a growing number of Republicans realize you guys on the far right do not love America with your war on women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We, in our growing strength, say to you and your ilk, "Go. In the name of God, go, little phoenix." :lol:

And take your eggs with you or we will scramble them for breakfast.

The country will not fail but grow only stronger with you gone.

You shall not rise.

You will be forgotten, only a footnote in a dusty cd and dvd collection somewhere that no one visits.

What a bunch of horse shit! When we do go, and YOU, a supposed moderate RINO never win another election, what shall you do? You simply believe CHANGING your positions will win votes away from a SUBVERSIVE party that has ALREADY DONE what you purpose?... If you believe that, you truly belong in an asylum
The center elects presidents, not the far right, and the center thinks the far right is full of crap.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Your problem is that you actually believe the shit that you post. YOUR KIND is why I keep referring to the 2 digit IQ's! You, son, are simply brainwashed by the propaganda you read and hear! Too much television! Perhaps when you grow up, but I honestly doubt it!
You mean masturbation?
That question would seem to suggest you don't know the meaning of the word masturbation. I'm have had sex at least once in your life, right?

Many times lad. Simulating it with a mouth, rectum, or humping a pillow is masturbation.

Lesson over
Well, then you learned the wrong lesson, son. Masturbation is self-gratification. In other words, it does not involve the body parts of another person.

Lesson over.

You, of course have heard of mutual masturbation
Yes. which still involves self-gratification. You just happen to be gratifying yourself, with someone else there. It is still you diddling yourself, and has nothing to do with sexual caontact with another person.

Since you seem to be a bit slow, look up masturbation, coitus, and sodomy, and you will see the differences between the three.

Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!
Critical thinking ability transcends Vigilante Talking Points any day of the week, buddy. :lol:

We have purged your types from position and policy making posts in the several precincts on our side of town.

The semi reforms of primary elections have severely weakened the far right's ability to determine candidates without voter input.

If it takes emasculating your group politically, V, to win elections nationally, we will continue to do so.

Now, even I must admit Flakey that you socialist and subversives have lied, cheated, and stolen into the positions of power your fellow pond scum hold, and that a decent proportion of supposed Republicans have even started to believe your bullshit about war on women, amnesty, and other social issues. That's why many, such as myself, are willing to let YOU SCUMBAGS hold the reigns of power, in order to free ourselves of MODERATE RINO'S, who the base will refuse to vote for, and watch our country FAIL. It seems the only thing that will bring back traditional values and culture as our fathers saw and fought for will be to have the scum of America actually turn us into a AFRICAN THIRD WORLD.

WE shall be like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! You can bet on that, but YOU, and I will NOT BE HERE to see it!

You are reactionary and subversive, yes, who is failing in resisting our retaking of the Republican Party.

Yes, a growing number of Republicans realize you guys on the far right do not love America with your war on women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We, in our growing strength, say to you and your ilk, "Go. In the name of God, go, little phoenix." :lol:

And take your eggs with you or we will scramble them for breakfast.

The country will not fail but grow only stronger with you gone.

You shall not rise.

You will be forgotten, only a footnote in a dusty cd and dvd collection somewhere that no one visits.

What a bunch of horse shit! When we do go, and YOU, a supposed moderate RINO never win another election, what shall you do? You simply believe CHANGING your positions will win votes away from a SUBVERSIVE party that has ALREADY DONE what you purpose?... If you believe that, you truly belong in an asylum
The center elects presidents, not the far right, and the center thinks the far right is full of crap.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Your problem is that you actually believe the shit that you post. YOUR KIND is why I keep referring to the 2 digit IQ's! You, son, are simply brainwashed by the propaganda you read and hear! Too much television! Perhaps when you grow up, but I honestly doubt it!

You have described your confirmation bias in projecting on me, a common failing of the far right and far left true believers.
That question would seem to suggest you don't know the meaning of the word masturbation. I'm have had sex at least once in your life, right?

Many times lad. Simulating it with a mouth, rectum, or humping a pillow is masturbation.

Lesson over
Well, then you learned the wrong lesson, son. Masturbation is self-gratification. In other words, it does not involve the body parts of another person.

Lesson over.

You, of course have heard of mutual masturbation
Yes. which still involves self-gratification. You just happen to be gratifying yourself, with someone else there. It is still you diddling yourself, and has nothing to do with sexual caontact with another person.

Since you seem to be a bit slow, look up masturbation, coitus, and sodomy, and you will see the differences between the three.

Do you really think I give a rats butt how you, them or anyone gets off?

Life, get one

Only one type, between opposing sexes, makes babies.

And as a point of reference, that form, performed by that certain demographic is all that is required for our species to exist.

How freaking awesome is that!

Which has nothing to do with marriage equality, which hurts no one. The demographics of Massachusetts contradict any idea that procreation is harmed by marriage equality.

You simply don't like same sex marriage.

Sux to be you.
Now, even I must admit Flakey that you socialist and subversives have lied, cheated, and stolen into the positions of power your fellow pond scum hold, and that a decent proportion of supposed Republicans have even started to believe your bullshit about war on women, amnesty, and other social issues. That's why many, such as myself, are willing to let YOU SCUMBAGS hold the reigns of power, in order to free ourselves of MODERATE RINO'S, who the base will refuse to vote for, and watch our country FAIL. It seems the only thing that will bring back traditional values and culture as our fathers saw and fought for will be to have the scum of America actually turn us into a AFRICAN THIRD WORLD.

WE shall be like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! You can bet on that, but YOU, and I will NOT BE HERE to see it!

You are reactionary and subversive, yes, who is failing in resisting our retaking of the Republican Party.

Yes, a growing number of Republicans realize you guys on the far right do not love America with your war on women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We, in our growing strength, say to you and your ilk, "Go. In the name of God, go, little phoenix." :lol:

And take your eggs with you or we will scramble them for breakfast.

The country will not fail but grow only stronger with you gone.

You shall not rise.

You will be forgotten, only a footnote in a dusty cd and dvd collection somewhere that no one visits.

What a bunch of horse shit! When we do go, and YOU, a supposed moderate RINO never win another election, what shall you do? You simply believe CHANGING your positions will win votes away from a SUBVERSIVE party that has ALREADY DONE what you purpose?... If you believe that, you truly belong in an asylum
The center elects presidents, not the far right, and the center thinks the far right is full of crap.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Your problem is that you actually believe the shit that you post. YOUR KIND is why I keep referring to the 2 digit IQ's! You, son, are simply brainwashed by the propaganda you read and hear! Too much television! Perhaps when you grow up, but I honestly doubt it!

You have described your confirmation bias in projecting on me, a common failing of the far right and far left true believers.

More bullshit from the deranged! You would have made Jim Jones proud!
The Per Research Center reported 18 months ago that "Approval of same-sex marriage among young adults is at an all-time high, according to new findings from the Pew Research Center.

The poll found 70 percent of adults born in 1981 or later, often referred to as millennials, support marriage equality. That's up from 64 percent in 2012, and an increase from 51 percent since the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009. Slightly more, 74 percent of millennials, say they believe gay and lesbian individuals should be accepted by society, while 22 percent disagree."

The millennials which includes 16 to 33 year olds probably are in favor by at least 75% now if not higher.

Either the GOP climbs on board, or the party will continue as a minority party nationally, and in the federal congress beginning in January 2017.

Perhaps the Bible needs to be a TEACHING TOOL for morality, ethics and principles as it was once used for. NOT to preach, but to convey a principle that has been established for multiple centuries.

The young today, are taught that SELF is MORE IMPORTANT than the whole. With only 3 or so % of the country being queer, it seems that THEY are driving the agenda for the other 97%!
I'm confused. Isn't the whole ideology of Libertarianism that the self is more important than the whole? I thought the whole premise of Libertarianism is that "society" is nothing more than a social construct comprised of a mass of individuals. has the ideology of libertarianism changed, or are you not a libertarian?

Only :ahole-1:S are complete libertarians! And NO I am certainly not a libertarian but do follow some of their ideology.
Apparently not the part that promotes individual liberty. You know, whenever Progressives talk about "the greater good", or " the needs of the many...", or "societal gains", they get told what commies they are. Yet here you are promoting the hive (whole) over the individual. And, you're doing it over the concept of marriage equality.

Tell me, how does two guys getting married do harm, exactly, to "the whole". And please don't give me any crap about damage to the "moral structure", cuz guess what? Morality is a matter of the individual, not "the whole". So what actual demonstrable harm does gay marriage do to your "whole"?

When states continually vote down queer right agenda's and the courts nullify that vote, what do you call it?.... 2 guys can do whatever they like under a CIVIL UNION but a marriage that has been almost exclusively the domain of the religious and calls for a man and a woman to join, is a corruption of the very definition, which is, or at least until the obomanation disregarded the Constitution, covered under it! Words have meaning!

Do you not understand the distinction between civil and religious marriage? If you don't want us to get civilly married, change it to Civil Unions for everyone.

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