Breaking news: U.S. navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................
Breaking news bullshit. As posted on another thread, when has a U.S. Navy carrier battle group not been headed to or from the Korean peninsula since the 50's? Or the Taiwan straights? Or the Med? GMAFB.
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................
Did they mention how many nuclear attack subs will be deployed in the area?
Breaking news bullshit. As posted on another thread, when has a U.S. Navy carrier battle group not been headed to or from the Korean peninsula since the 50's? Or the Taiwan straights? Or the Med? GMAFB.
For some reason Korea is right next to Japan, which the US navy visits often..
Breaking news bullshit. As posted on another thread, when has a U.S. Navy carrier battle group not been headed to or from the Korean peninsula since the 50's? Or the Taiwan straights? Or the Med? GMAFB.
US navy strike group heads toward Korean peninsula
US navy strike group heads toward Korean peninsula


The US Navy said Saturday it had sent a carrier-led strike group to the Korean peninsula in a show of force against North Korea's "reckless" nuclear weapons programme.

The move will raise tensions in the region and comes hard on the heels of a US missile strike on Syria that was widely interpreted as putting Pyongyang on warning over its refusal to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

North Korea denounced Thursday's strike as an act of "intolerable aggression" and one that justified "a million times over" the North's push toward a credible nuclear deterrent.

"US Pacific Command ordered the Carl Vinson Strike Group north as a prudent measure to maintain readiness and presence in the Western Pacific," said Commander Dave Benham, spokesman at US Pacific Command.

"The number one threat in the region continues to be North Korea, due to its reckless, irresponsible and destabilizing program of missile tests and pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability," he told AFP, in an unusually forceful statement.

Originally scheduled to make port calls in Australia, the strike group -- which includes the Nimitz-class aircraft supercarrier USS Carl Vinson -- is now headed from Singapore to the Western Pacific Ocean."
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................

Which nukes did we move to S. Korea? Why would we move them there when we can hit them from just about anywhere in the world?
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................

The aircraft carrier is the USS Carl Vinson.
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................
This is the USA that used to be a force. Remember the "don't tread on me"? For the past 8 years we have had a dumbo head playing golf and drawing lines in the sand with his crayon. This POTUS isn't going to take any shit.
Breaking news bullshit. As posted on another thread, when has a U.S. Navy carrier battle group not been headed to or from the Korean peninsula since the 50's? Or the Taiwan straights? Or the Med? GMAFB.

Yeah, but things are getting shady with N. Korea and it must be enough we moved Nukes to S. Korea then again we've got the whole world at us since Obama anyways.
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................

Which nukes did we move to S. Korea? Why would we move them there when we can hit them from just about anywhere in the world?

I dunno I heard it somewhere yesterday, but didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it since most Korea talks is in every direction.
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................

Which nukes did we move to S. Korea? Why would we move them there when we can hit them from just about anywhere in the world?

This is from March ......................
Possibility of US redeploying tactical nukes in South Korea fuels fresh controversy
Possibility of US redeploying tactical nukes in South Korea fuels fresh controversy
Granny says, "Dat's right - the Donald gonna deal with Fatboy...

US deploys navy strike group to Korean peninsula
The US military has ordered a navy strike group to move towards the Korean peninsula, amid growing concerns about North Korea's missile programme.=
The Carl Vinson Strike Group comprises an aircraft carrier and other warships. US Pacific Command described the deployment - now heading towards the western Pacific - as a prudent measure to maintain readiness in the region. President Trump has said the US is prepared to act alone to deal with the nuclear threat from North Korea. "The number one threat in the region continues to be North Korea, due to its reckless, irresponsible and destabilising programme of missile tests and pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability," US Pacific Command spokesman Dave Benham said. The strike group comprises the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, two guided-missile destroyers and a guided-missile cruiser.


The Carl Vinson (centre) is being escorted by other warships​

As well as massive striking power, the carrier group has the capability to intercept ballistic missiles. It was originally due to make port calls in Australia but instead has been diverted from Singapore to the west Pacific - where it recently conducted exercises with the South Korean Navy. North Korea has carried out several nuclear tests and experts predict more could be in the offing as the country moves closer towards developing a nuclear warhead with a big enough range to reach the US. On Wednesday North Korea test-fired a medium-range ballistic missile from its eastern port of Sinpo into the Sea of Japan. The test - condemned by Japan and South Korea - came on the eve of a visit by China's President Xi Jinping to the US to meet President Donald Trump.


The Carl Vinson carries F/A-18F Super Hornets​

The two leaders discussed how to rein in North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes as the US steps up the pressure on China, a historic ally of Pyongyang, to help reduce tension. China has however been reluctant to isolate its neighbour, fearing its collapse could spawn a refugee crisis and bring the US military to its doorstep. Mr Trump said in a recent interview that Washington was ready to act without Beijing's co-operation: "If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will." The North is banned from any missile or nuclear tests by the UN, though it has repeatedly broken those sanctions. Last month, North Korea fired four ballistic missiles towards the Sea of Japan from the Tongchang-ri region, near the border with China. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe called it a "new stage of threat".


The US Treasury recently slapped sanctions on 11 North Korean business representatives and one company, while US politicians overwhelmingly backed a bill relisting the North as a state sponsor of terror. North Korea responded by warning that it will retaliate if the international community steps up sanctions, saying the US was forcing the situation "to the brink of war". China has long been North Korea's closest diplomatic ally and trading partner, but the relationship has become increasingly strained over Pyongyang's refusal to halt nuclear and missile testing. There are fears that Pyongyang could eventually develop the ability to launch long-range nuclear missiles capable of striking the mainland US.

US warships deployed to Korean peninsula - BBC News
Breaking news bullshit. As posted on another thread, when has a U.S. Navy carrier battle group not been headed to or from the Korean peninsula since the 50's? Or the Taiwan straights? Or the Med? GMAFB.
Yep, you gotta just shake your head at how gullible MindWars is for a good scary headline, reminds me of my elderly aunt who will resend any ridiculous fear mongering email that arrives in her inbox.

SURPRISE! The US is sending a carrier group to Korea, JUST LIKE THEY DO EVERY YEAR. Here is the article from March of last year:

US aircraft carrier group arrives in South Korea for exercises
March 2016 - Having completed their South China Sea patrol, sailors and ships from the U.S. Navy’s John C. Stennis Strike Group arrived in the Republic of Korea (ROK) for a scheduled port visit March 13. USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) and the guided-missile destroyers USS Stockdale (DDG 106) and USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) moored in Busan. The guided-missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) settled in Mokpo while the guided-missile destroyer USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110) is in Donghae. JCSSG will participate with the ROK navy in Exercise Foal Eagle, an annual training exercise that incorporates scenarios such as gunnery exercises, communication drills, dynamic ship maneuvers, logistical rehearsals, salvage training and liaison officer exchanges between the two navies.
Which nukes did we move to S. Korea? Why would we move them there when we can hit them from just about anywhere in the world?
We have nuclear munitions that can be readied on artillery and local missiles. That requires being deployed forward closer to their potential targets, doesnt it?

These would be tactical nukes supposedly intended for massive formations, I would guess as a last resort as we have plenty of nonnuclear capabilities of handling those situations..
Breaking news bullshit. As posted on another thread, when has a U.S. Navy carrier battle group not been headed to or from the Korean peninsula since the 50's? Or the Taiwan straights? Or the Med? GMAFB.
Yep, you gotta just shake your head at how gullible MindWars is for a good scary headline, reminds me of my elderly aunt who will resend any ridiculous fear mongering email that arrives in her inbox.

SURPRISE! The US is sending a carrier group to Korea, JUST LIKE THEY DO EVERY YEAR. Here is the article from March of last year:

US aircraft carrier group arrives in South Korea for exercises
March 2016 - Having completed their South China Sea patrol, sailors and ships from the U.S. Navy’s John C. Stennis Strike Group arrived in the Republic of Korea (ROK) for a scheduled port visit March 13. USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) and the guided-missile destroyers USS Stockdale (DDG 106) and USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) moored in Busan. The guided-missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) settled in Mokpo while the guided-missile destroyer USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110) is in Donghae. JCSSG will participate with the ROK navy in Exercise Foal Eagle, an annual training exercise that incorporates scenarios such as gunnery exercises, communication drills, dynamic ship maneuvers, logistical rehearsals, salvage training and liaison officer exchanges between the two navies.

You certainly go by the right name.

SURPRISE! The US is sending a carrier group to Korea, JUST LIKE THEY DO EVERY YEAR. Here is the article from March of last year:

"Originally scheduled to make port calls in Australia, the strike group -- which includes the Nimitz-class aircraft supercarrier USS Carl Vinson -- is now headed from Singapore to the Western Pacific Ocean."
Today's version

"We feel the increased presence is necessary," the official said, citing North Korea's worrisome behavior

The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula: U.S. official
A U.S. Navy strike group will be moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U.S. official told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about North Korea’s advancing weapons program. Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore toward the Korean peninsula, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula

Well we are just all over the place , Won't this be lovely to see esp. since we moved nukes to S. Korea just a waitin............................................


RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)
Targets for NK. What a stupid move. This is what Trump's Korean twin wants.

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