Breaking: Romney Might Pick Palin Early In Race For VP Pick!!!


Jun 20, 2012
Just heard on the radio from the guy filling in for Michael Savage and here is just breaking news on Drudge Report being released in this link that Romney intends to name a VP pick early in order to raise more funds. Palin isn't mentioned in the article just released:

Romney may name running mate early in election race | Reuters

The guy filling in for Savage, Jeff Kuhner (spelling?), just stated he was told that by a insider source about the pic and that it would be the smartest move to pick Palin because Romney just doesn't have the backbone to attack Obama viciously like Palin who is a pro at doing it. He said she envokes patriotism, exitement about America's exceptionalism and love for America's military and that she has the ability to draw massive crowds and envoke passion in the base. He stated she has been vetted already and she will attack the media which Romney flat out isn't doing. People like Hannity, Limbaugh and other conservative radio hosts have been hammering Romney on not fighting back against Obama. Kuhner stated that she could teach Romney a lesson how to stand up for himself and fight and he hinted that Ann Romney hinted that a woman was a possibility just last week. I think this is the route he will take if he wants to raise money. Jindal and Rubio are lightweights compared to Palin. I think for Romney, this would be a smart move. Palin will whip Obama's ass all over the place on the campaign trail like she did during the 2010 midterm elections. Stay tuned.
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Breaking: Romney Might Pick Palin Early In Race For VP Pick!!!

[ame=]CNN Laughs It Up Over Sarah Palin Interview - YouTube[/ame]

Just heard on the radio from the guy filling in for Michael Savage and here is just breaking news on Drudge Report being released in this link that Romney intends to name a VP pick early in order to raise more funds. Palin isn't mentioned in the article just released:

Romney may name running mate early in election race | Reuters

The guy filling in for Savage, Jeff Kuhner (spelling?), just stated he was told that by a insider source about the pic and that it would be the smartest move to pick Palin because Romney just doesn't have the backbone to attack Obama viciously like Palin who is a pro at doing it. He said she envokes patriotism, exitement about America's exceptionalism and love for America's military and that she has the ability to draw massive crowds and envoke passion in the base. He stated she has been vetted already and she will attack the media which Romney flat out isn't doing. People like Hannity, Limbaugh and other conservative radio hosts have been hammering Romney on not fighting back against Obama. Kuhner stated that she could teach Romney a lesson how to stand up for himself and fight and he hinted that Ann Romney hinted that a woman was a possibility just last week. I think this is the route he will take if he wants to raise money. Jindal and Rubio are lightweights compared to Palin. I think for Romney, this would be a smart move. Palin will whip Obama's ass all over the place on the campaign trail like she did during the 2010 midterm elections. Stay tuned.

Hmmm Palin is speaking at big tea party shin dig here Saturday. I don't believe she's the choice though (unless Rubio really doesn't want it, who knows?)
If Mitt picks Palin he will lose. In fact I bet Obama gets a huge increase in funds and Dems now have a reason to vote.
Hmmm Palin is speaking at big tea party shin dig here Saturday. I don't believe she's the choice though (unless Rubio really doesn't want it, who knows?)

She's scheduled to be on Hannity tonight on repealing Obamacare. You know this whole time she hasn't endorsed Romney any during the campaign officially like all other people. She might have told them she wont unless he picks her. Her endorsement is crucial.
Breaking: Romney Might Pick Palin Early In Race For VP Pick!!!

[ame=]CNN Laughs It Up Over Sarah Palin Interview - YouTube[/ame]


Of course you would pick two liberals who hate and disrespect Palin, but seriously, she can raise money. I think Nixon was chosen twice if my memory serves.

She's also been known to stick her foot in her mouth pretty much everytime she opens it.

God....I HOPE he chooses her!

What a DITZ and a complete PHONY!
Just heard on the radio from the guy filling in for Michael Savage and here is just breaking news on Drudge Report being released in this link that Romney intends to name a VP pick early in order to raise more funds. Palin isn't mentioned in the article just released:

Romney may name running mate early in election race | Reuters

The guy filling in for Savage, Jeff Kuhner (spelling?), just stated he was told that by a insider source about the pic and that it would be the smartest move to pick Palin because Romney just doesn't have the backbone to attack Obama viciously like Palin who is a pro at doing it. He said she envokes patriotism, exitement about America's exceptionalism and love for America's military and that she has the ability to draw massive crowds and envoke passion in the base. He stated she has been vetted already and she will attack the media which Romney flat out isn't doing. People like Hannity, Limbaugh and other conservative radio hosts have been hammering Romney on not fighting back against Obama. Kuhner stated that she could teach Romney a lesson how to stand up for himself and fight and he hinted that Ann Romney hinted that a woman was a possibility just last week. I think this is the route he will take if he wants to raise money. Jindal and Rubio are lightweights compared to Palin. I think for Romney, this would be a smart move. Palin will whip Obama's ass all over the place on the campaign trail like she did during the 2010 midterm elections. Stay tuned.
They called me today and wanted to know who I would like to see as Vice-President. I told them "Look, Romney has to work with someone someone he can work with well. He's the best judge of that, and no one else is."

I believe it too. I think he will pick someone who will lend him an assist with every matter the POTUS will face. It should be someone who he has every confidence in to do this work.

That said, it's very rare for a party to pick someone for the same job who lost the last election, although Mrs. Palin is experienced now. The question, is she unflappable enough to be a good VP?

Of course you would pick two liberals who hate and disrespect Palin, but seriously, she can raise money. I think Nixon was chosen twice if my memory serves.

She's also been known to stick her foot in her mouth pretty much everytime she opens it.

God....I HOPE he chooses her!

What a DITZ and a complete PHONY!
The problem is Romney won't open his mouth and say anything. Palin has learned a lot how the liberal attack system works and she handed the democrats their asses on a platter during the midterms. The woman is pretty savvy and can enrage libs like you are right now on this thread throwing insults at her.
Sarah Palin is not going to be the choice. That ship sailed several years ago.
Breaking: Romney Might Pick Palin Early In Race For VP Pick!!!

How novel, a liberal republican presidential candidate selects Palin for his VP in a desperate and pathetic attempt to win over the radical right base.
Just heard on the radio from the guy filling in for Michael Savage and here is just breaking news on Drudge Report being released in this link that Romney intends to name a VP pick early in order to raise more funds. Palin isn't mentioned in the article just released:

Romney may name running mate early in election race | Reuters

The guy filling in for Savage, Jeff Kuhner (spelling?), just stated he was told that by a insider source about the pic and that it would be the smartest move to pick Palin because Romney just doesn't have the backbone to attack Obama viciously like Palin who is a pro at doing it. He said she envokes patriotism, exitement about America's exceptionalism and love for America's military and that she has the ability to draw massive crowds and envoke passion in the base. He stated she has been vetted already and she will attack the media which Romney flat out isn't doing. People like Hannity, Limbaugh and other conservative radio hosts have been hammering Romney on not fighting back against Obama. Kuhner stated that she could teach Romney a lesson how to stand up for himself and fight and he hinted that Ann Romney hinted that a woman was a possibility just last week. I think this is the route he will take if he wants to raise money. Jindal and Rubio are lightweights compared to Palin. I think for Romney, this would be a smart move. Palin will whip Obama's ass all over the place on the campaign trail like she did during the 2010 midterm elections. Stay tuned.

McCain's first 'presidential decision' was made in haste, and it turned out to be a disaster for his campaign as Palin stumbled badly and had tantrums behind the scene as it was increasingly obvious that she was unprepared to be on a national ticket.

Now, what has Palin done to prepare herself for another bite at the apple of a national ticket? She's been a reality tv show personality. She's written a couple of books (which were essentially co-written with someone else). She's been an erstwhile Fox commentator on a few issues. And she's flown around the country giving speeches for buckets of bucks. Finally, she's widely regarded to have quit her responsibilities as Governor to merely cash in on her sudden national fame and notoriety. But NOWHERE has there been a suggestion that she's immersed herself in the issues or prepared in any way for another shot at the VP slot.

If Romney picked her, he would come across as a bigger dumbass than McCain was because McCain could at least argue that he didn't know what he was getting into.
If Mitt picks Palin he will lose. In fact I bet Obama gets a huge increase in funds and Dems now have a reason to vote.

Agreed, it would be a horrible choice. We saw how well it worked out for McCain. I think Romney has to pull someone out of left field, someone nobody is expecting. Of all the "visible" possibilities, I don't think anyone really brings any meaningful persuasion to the ticket. Maybe Jerry Sanders from San Diego? His gay-marriage friendly position might not go over well, though.
Palin isn't mentioned in the article just released:

So why is it mentioned in the thread title?

Because the article was released on Drudge at the same time I heard him mention Palin on the radio. Maybe the article was released without the author not knowing what Kuhner was told.

Oh... So the two things are unrelated and there's nothing new about Palin being a potential choice...


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