Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

Well, since your butt buddy Asswipias just stated that most Democrats are liberals, and since all racist laws were passed, signed, and enforced by Democrats, I would say that they were probably liberals. The same liberals who enslaved the same black people to welfare in order to keep them on the plantation after their racist laws were struck down by conservative Republicans. If you two were smart enough to recognize that you wouldn't still be on the plantation. But then again, maybe you would, because your laziness would probably trump any ambition you might have had.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.
I never got the twisted logic you fools employ. Lets see. Dems want to help Black people achieve equality almost to the point of hindering them from being self sufficient. Reps want Black people shot and put in prison. Somehow your logic doesnt add up.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.
I never got the twisted logic you fools employ. Lets see. Dems want to help Black people achieve equality almost to the point of hindering them from being self sufficient. Reps want Black people shot and put in prison. Somehow your logic doesnt add up.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post

that does not prove what he asked for.

and again, you probably shouldn't call anyone else "moron" given your intellectual and educational deficits.
Who enforced Jim Crow laws, Conservatives or Liberals?

I already know you will fail this again.
Well, since your butt buddy Asswipias just stated that most Democrats are liberals, and since all racist laws were passed, signed, and enforced by Democrats, I would say that they were probably liberals. The same liberals who enslaved the same black people to welfare in order to keep them on the plantation after their racist laws were struck down by conservative Republicans. If you two were smart enough to recognize that you wouldn't still be on the plantation. But then again, maybe you would, because your laziness would probably trump any ambition you might have had.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.

They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.

History says you're wrong, dickhead.

That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
Who enforced Jim Crow laws, Conservatives or Liberals?

I already know you will fail this again.
Well, since your butt buddy Asswipias just stated that most Democrats are liberals, and since all racist laws were passed, signed, and enforced by Democrats, I would say that they were probably liberals. The same liberals who enslaved the same black people to welfare in order to keep them on the plantation after their racist laws were struck down by conservative Republicans. If you two were smart enough to recognize that you wouldn't still be on the plantation. But then again, maybe you would, because your laziness would probably trump any ambition you might have had.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.

They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.

History says you're wrong, dickhead.

That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
You're calling a propaganda organization (Southern Poverty Law Center) a history book? Nice try, dickhead, but you failed again.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.
I never got the twisted logic you fools employ. Lets see. Dems want to help Black people achieve equality almost to the point of hindering them from being self sufficient. Reps want Black people shot and put in prison. Somehow your logic doesnt add up.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post

that does not prove what he asked for.

and again, you probably shouldn't call anyone else "moron" given your intellectual and educational deficits.
Learn how to read, bitch.
Well, since your butt buddy Asswipias just stated that most Democrats are liberals, and since all racist laws were passed, signed, and enforced by Democrats, I would say that they were probably liberals. The same liberals who enslaved the same black people to welfare in order to keep them on the plantation after their racist laws were struck down by conservative Republicans. If you two were smart enough to recognize that you wouldn't still be on the plantation. But then again, maybe you would, because your laziness would probably trump any ambition you might have had.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.

They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.

History says you're wrong, dickhead.

That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
Well, since your butt buddy Asswipias just stated that most Democrats are liberals, and since all racist laws were passed, signed, and enforced by Democrats, I would say that they were probably liberals. The same liberals who enslaved the same black people to welfare in order to keep them on the plantation after their racist laws were struck down by conservative Republicans. If you two were smart enough to recognize that you wouldn't still be on the plantation. But then again, maybe you would, because your laziness would probably trump any ambition you might have had.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.

They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.

History says you're wrong, dickhead.

That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
You're calling a propaganda organization (Southern Poverty Law Center) a history book? Nice try, dickhead, but you failed again.

FORTY-FOUR reference links in the Bibliography on pp. 57-58, DUMBASS.

Look, I have a whole library on this shit. You want to challenge me on this, you're in for a ride, Junior.
Ipse dixit don't git it done here. You fucked up; you got called on it; you're an idiot. Accept that.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.
I never got the twisted logic you fools employ. Lets see. Dems want to help Black people achieve equality almost to the point of hindering them from being self sufficient. Reps want Black people shot and put in prison. Somehow your logic doesnt add up.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post
Obviously you dont know what a fact is idiot. Where is he telling Black people not to work? I want a quote from the article stating what you just claimed. We know you cant find it so let be the first to call you a dunce.
I never got the twisted logic you fools employ. Lets see. Dems want to help Black people achieve equality almost to the point of hindering them from being self sufficient. Reps want Black people shot and put in prison. Somehow your logic doesnt add up.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post

that does not prove what he asked for.

and again, you probably shouldn't call anyone else "moron" given your intellectual and educational deficits.
Learn how to read, bitch.
Yes you are a bitch and yes you should learn to read so you wont go around being stupid.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post

that does not prove what he asked for.

and again, you probably shouldn't call anyone else "moron" given your intellectual and educational deficits.
Learn how to read, bitch.
Yes you are a bitch and yes you should learn to read so you wont go around being stupid.

it proved my point, didn't it? :)
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.

They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
History says you're wrong, dickhead.

That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.

They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
History says you're wrong, dickhead.

That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
You're calling a propaganda organization (Southern Poverty Law Center) a history book? Nice try, dickhead, but you failed again.

FORTY-FOUR reference links in the Bibliography on pp. 57-58, DUMBASS.

Look, I have a whole library on this shit. You want to challenge me on this, you're in for a ride, Junior.
Ipse dixit don't git it done here. You fucked up; you got called on it; you're an idiot. Accept that.
I'm sure you do. A whole library of propaganda, nothing resembling actual history though. You think you can bluff your way into credibility? Think again, dickhead.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.

No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
That's a Google Image, not "history" -- and it's got absolutely zero to do with what I just schooled your sorry ass on.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
You're calling a propaganda organization (Southern Poverty Law Center) a history book? Nice try, dickhead, but you failed again.

FORTY-FOUR reference links in the Bibliography on pp. 57-58, DUMBASS.

Look, I have a whole library on this shit. You want to challenge me on this, you're in for a ride, Junior.
Ipse dixit don't git it done here. You fucked up; you got called on it; you're an idiot. Accept that.
I'm sure you do. A whole library of propaganda, nothing resembling actual history though. You think you can bluff your way into credibility? Think again, dickhead.


I just gave you half a page of a 55-page history backed up with 44 source references.

You provided -- what?

Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Fuck-all.

Do your homework next time and maybe you won't get schooled.
They were created by the Democratic Party and they were no different than today's Democrats who exploit them through welfare. They would rather have them in chains but the law won't allow it. You fuckwads own racism.
I never got the twisted logic you fools employ. Lets see. Dems want to help Black people achieve equality almost to the point of hindering them from being self sufficient. Reps want Black people shot and put in prison. Somehow your logic doesnt add up.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post
Obviously you dont know what a fact is idiot. Where is he telling Black people not to work? I want a quote from the article stating what you just claimed. We know you cant find it so let be the first to call you a dunce.
I didn't say he "told them" not to work, I said he is encouraging them by removing the work requirement. If you could read you would be able to grasp that.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post

that does not prove what he asked for.

and again, you probably shouldn't call anyone else "moron" given your intellectual and educational deficits.
Learn how to read, bitch.
Yes you are a bitch and yes you should learn to read so you wont go around being stupid.
See post #493. dumbfuck.
I never got the twisted logic you fools employ. Lets see. Dems want to help Black people achieve equality almost to the point of hindering them from being self sufficient. Reps want Black people shot and put in prison. Somehow your logic doesnt add up.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post
Obviously you dont know what a fact is idiot. Where is he telling Black people not to work? I want a quote from the article stating what you just claimed. We know you cant find it so let be the first to call you a dunce.
I didn't say he "told them" not to work, I said he is encouraging them by removing the work requirement. If you could read you would be able to grasp that.
No you just said he encouraged them not to work. I love when you are reduced to arguing semantics. It lets me know I have schooled you yet again. Where did he mention Black people anyway? Don't you get tired of being exposed as a big mouth fool?
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post

that does not prove what he asked for.

and again, you probably shouldn't call anyone else "moron" given your intellectual and educational deficits.
Learn how to read, bitch.
Yes you are a bitch and yes you should learn to read so you wont go around being stupid.
See post #493. dumbfuck.
Go see Hooked on Phonics so you can read the language of your ancestors properly. Its your first language. How can you fuck it up that badly?
No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
No, they were not. They were created by a half-dozen bored young men with no known political affiliation, as a joke. They were then infiltrated by insurgents who were active all over the South, other such groups being the White Line, the White League, the Knights of the White Camellia and the White Brotherhood. None of them political, all of them intent on continuing the War.

It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks....

(more at the link)​

Oh sorry, this isn't the Limblobbian Revisionist version.
Sorry, dickhead, but it IS history, you should pick up a history book once in a while, stupid fucking liberal asshole.

I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
You're calling a propaganda organization (Southern Poverty Law Center) a history book? Nice try, dickhead, but you failed again.

FORTY-FOUR reference links in the Bibliography on pp. 57-58, DUMBASS.

Look, I have a whole library on this shit. You want to challenge me on this, you're in for a ride, Junior.
Ipse dixit don't git it done here. You fucked up; you got called on it; you're an idiot. Accept that.
I'm sure you do. A whole library of propaganda, nothing resembling actual history though. You think you can bluff your way into credibility? Think again, dickhead.


I just gave you half a page of a 55-page history backed up with 44 source references.

You provided -- what?

Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Fuck-all.

Do your homework next time and maybe you won't get schooled.
You gave me a link to a propaganda site and called it history. No one is fooled by your weak attempt at deception, dickhead.
You're such a dumbfuck. If they wanted blacks to achieve equality and be self-sufficient they would stop encouraging them not to work. You are truly an idiot.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post
Obviously you dont know what a fact is idiot. Where is he telling Black people not to work? I want a quote from the article stating what you just claimed. We know you cant find it so let be the first to call you a dunce.
I didn't say he "told them" not to work, I said he is encouraging them by removing the work requirement. If you could read you would be able to grasp that.
No you just said he encouraged them not to work. I love when you are reduced to arguing semantics. It lets me know I have schooled you yet again. Where did he mention Black people anyway? Don't you get tired of being exposed as a big mouth fool?
Now you're tripping over yourself. You must be mad, eh? Yes, I said he "encourages" blacks not to work by removing the requirement to WORK! Again, if you could read and/or understand the written word you would grasp that. My God, you have to be the dumbest fucktard on this site.
Do you have a link to anyone encouraging Black people not to work or is that just another one of your wet dreams?
Yep, as a matter of fact I do, moron.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - The Washington Post
Obviously you dont know what a fact is idiot. Where is he telling Black people not to work? I want a quote from the article stating what you just claimed. We know you cant find it so let be the first to call you a dunce.
I didn't say he "told them" not to work, I said he is encouraging them by removing the work requirement. If you could read you would be able to grasp that.
No you just said he encouraged them not to work. I love when you are reduced to arguing semantics. It lets me know I have schooled you yet again. Where did he mention Black people anyway? Don't you get tired of being exposed as a big mouth fool?
Now you're tripping over yourself. You must be mad, eh? Yes, I said he "encourages" blacks not to work by removing the requirement to WORK! Again, if you could read and/or understand the written word you would grasp that. My God, you have to be the dumbest fucktard on this site.
I dont want to hear your opinion you illiterate fool. I want the quote where he encourages Blacks not to work. I'll wait.
I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
I just READ YOU the history book, shit-fer-brains. And it ain't going away. You got busted, again.
You're calling a propaganda organization (Southern Poverty Law Center) a history book? Nice try, dickhead, but you failed again.

FORTY-FOUR reference links in the Bibliography on pp. 57-58, DUMBASS.

Look, I have a whole library on this shit. You want to challenge me on this, you're in for a ride, Junior.
Ipse dixit don't git it done here. You fucked up; you got called on it; you're an idiot. Accept that.
I'm sure you do. A whole library of propaganda, nothing resembling actual history though. You think you can bluff your way into credibility? Think again, dickhead.


I just gave you half a page of a 55-page history backed up with 44 source references.

You provided -- what?

Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Fuck-all.

Do your homework next time and maybe you won't get schooled.
You gave me a link to a propaganda site and called it history. No one is fooled by your weak attempt at deception, dickhead.


Again -- do yer fuckin' homework and you won't be embarrassed like this. I gave you a history derived from 44 historical works. You gave us a wank. Face it -- you're a loser.

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