BREAKING ! Trump signs executive order on healthcare

Oh piss off and stop playing mindless games, I watched Trump sign it on Brietbart Live

What does the order say?

Google it, dumb ass and get past I'm playing your little troll game. By now you have to know I think you're a clown. Now be gone

So you haven't actually seen the executive order, and don't know what it does.
The premiums for 2018 have already gone up because of uncertainly especially with Trump's threat to cut off the subsidies. This will make it worse,. Then the Orange Asshole will blame the ACA.

This works for Trumps stupid, ignorant base.

You obama lovers are the biggest dumbasses on the planet such fkn zombies man you do not understand the system whatsoever and that is why assholes like Obama can feed you morons nothing but shit and you aasholes believe it all.

A man in Georgia, Jay Wells, is already paying over $700 a month for a low-tier family plan with a $5500 deductible. In January, he will have to pay nearly $1900 a month for the exact same plan, or $22,000 a year, which is nearly the poverty line for a family of four.

Gruber on Rising Premiums: Obamacare Working as Designed

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That's what happens when Trump signed EO so healthy young people don't have to buy ACA insurance. Now only sick people are buying it, so price spirals. Hope you don't get sick.

Buying across state lines might be great as long as ACA sets the coverage floor so there is no disastrous race to the bottom of coverage.
What does the order say?

Google it, dumb ass and get past I'm playing your little troll game. By now you have to know I think you're a clown. Now be gone

So you haven't actually seen the executive order, and don't know what it does.
The premiums for 2018 have already gone up because of uncertainly especially with Trump's threat to cut off the subsidies. This will make it worse,. Then the Orange Asshole will blame the ACA.

This works for Trumps stupid, ignorant base.

You obama lovers are the biggest dumbasses on the planet such fkn zombies man you do not understand the system whatsoever and that is why assholes like Obama can feed you morons nothing but shit and you aasholes believe it all.

A man in Georgia, Jay Wells, is already paying over $700 a month for a low-tier family plan with a $5500 deductible. In January, he will have to pay nearly $1900 a month for the exact same plan, or $22,000 a year, which is nearly the poverty line for a family of four.

Gruber on Rising Premiums: Obamacare Working as Designed

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That's what happens when Trump signed EO so healthy young people don't have to buy ACA insurance. Now only sick people are buying it, so price spirals. Hope you don't get sick.

Buying across state lines as long as ACA sets the coverage floor so there is no disastrous race to the bottom of coverage.

We have insurance...thank you very much
The ACA coverage needs lower coverage limits for a cheaper bronze plan. $5 million limit, death panels, generic drugs, no viagra, gender reassignment surgery, male pregnancy or abortion coverage.
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No such executive order has been signed yet.

That's a press release, not an executive order.

So then let's see it.

Show me the order.

So then let's see it.

Show me the order.

Oh piss off and stop playing mindless games, I watched Trump sign it on Brietbart Live

What does the order say?

OMFG, if it was signed it wouldn't be at the gawd dam WHITE HOUSE SITE those vaccines are really eating away your common sense.

Once an order is signed, it's published. It has not been published yet, so any discussion of what the order contains is moot.

So then let's see it.

Show me the order.

Oh piss off and stop playing mindless games, I watched Trump sign it on Brietbart Live

What does the order say?

Google it, dumb ass and get past I'm playing your little troll game. By now you have to know I think you're a clown. Now be gone

So you haven't actually seen the executive order, and don't know what it does.

Ah, so now they've published it.

But it's not an executive order, it's a memo.

Which means it accomplishes nothing.


Ah, so now they've published it.

But it's not an executive order, it's a memo.

Which means it accomplishes nothing.
Losing is bad enough without being pathetic about it. Grow up ffs!


Tell me - if I "lost", what did you "win"?

Did you get a trophy?
Doc in denial. Eight times, no less! Then he slithered into his safe space. ::)
Didn't like Executive Orders then, don't like them now.
The executive is permitted to issue orders in order to administer laws. In this case this is administering the ACA more effectively.

I imagine you sang this same tune when Obama wielded his pen and the power of the Executive Order?

Just because a person can, doesn't mean they should. Just because a person can, doesn't mean one has to like it.

Using the Executive Order privilege for something like this feels like an end run around the system. Trump wasn't able to get ACA repealed, so he's got a work around. Trump couldn't lead his party to the water, much less make them drink. That says something, don't you think? Does it say something about the man's ability to lead, or does it say something about the public's overall opinion of ACA? Both?

Look, if any President wants to declare October 13th National Frozen fucking Yogurt Day, go for it. But shit like this? I don't like it, never have. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth...
It is not as easy as an executive order to sell insurance across state lines

An insurer must meet state guidelines, establish networks of doctors, hospitals and pharmacies, set rate structures, negotiate fees

That is why most insurers are not nationwide

time to break up the monopoly
Trump signs executive order on healthcare
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order allowing the purchase of health insurance across state lines, aimed at creating more choice on the marketplace and reining in the rising insurance premiums.

View attachment 153962

The sheep will lose it, if they only knew and understood how Obamacare was created to screw them they'd keep their pathetic mouths shut.

The PPACA was originally a Heritage Foundation idea from the mid 1970s as a way to create competitive competition between insurance companies.

You have a problem with that?
Didn't like Executive Orders then, don't like them now.
The executive is permitted to issue orders in order to administer laws. In this case this is administering the ACA more effectively.

I imagine you sang this same tune when Obama wielded his pen and the power of the Executive Order?

Just because a person can, doesn't mean they should. Just because a person can, doesn't mean one has to like it.

Using the Executive Order privilege for something like this feels like an end run around the system. Trump wasn't able to get ACA repealed, so he's got a work around. Trump couldn't lead his party to the water, much less make them drink. That says something, don't you think? Does it say something about the man's ability to lead, or does it say something about the public's overall opinion of ACA? Both?

Look, if any President wants to declare October 13th National Frozen fucking Yogurt Day, go for it. But shit like this? I don't like it, never have. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth...
Democrats wrote the bill. Remember "the Secretary shall"? That left an opening to alter the law without congress. Trump just found a few of those " the Secretary shall". Live with cheaper insurance or pay the higher rate. Up to you. Think "Choice".

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