Breaking! TRUMP Soars in Latest Poll – Up 38 Points on DeSantis – Most Republicans View Indictment a Political Hit

The majority of the American people believe in fairness. They saw that during the Hobby Lobby and Chik Fil A hateful hit jobs. Remember, the left are the hateful ones, not the average American. The left is deranged and they will never learn. They will be sinking in the quicksand yelling victory until they're dead.

Right wing animals are the haters. Neither Hobby Lobby or Chick-Fila were hit jobs as nothing happened. You rightwingers are the ones who are hateful and deranged.
It's already backfiring on democrats and RINO's. The American people know a political hit job when they see one. Oh, before you libs have a knee jerk reaction and complain about it being Gateway Pundit, their source is CBS News and they link to it like they do all their sources.

The Gateway Pundit... :heehee:
Anyone with a lick of common sense sees the abuse of power going on in the 7 year GET TRUMP campaign by the Democrats. They are literally destroying the US justice system to eliminate a political eneny. Up until now that only happened in banana Republics.

You don't have that much common sense. Trump is the only one who abuses power.
Don't you love it?

So, Trump got more popular with GOP voters? How does that help him come Nov 24?
Right wing animals are the haters. Neither Hobby Lobby or Chick-Fila were hit jobs as nothing happened. You rightwingers are the ones who are hateful and deranged.
Oh but something did happen. Both businesses prospered. Hating evil and destruction doesn't mean I'm hateful and deranged. It means you're blind.
It's already backfiring on democrats and RINO's. The American people know a political hit job when they see one. Oh, before you libs have a knee jerk reaction and complain about it being Gateway Pundit, their source is CBS News and they link to it like they do all their sources.

What was Grifty's lead on DeSantis, in the same poll, in the last week of May?
The polls don’t matter yet. I still
think Desantis is the more appealing candidate for Republican voters
We have a thing in America called presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law.
An Indictment isn't a conviction, unless you live in a Banana Republic, which we all know you dream of.
Smith isn't fucking around.

He has video and audio evidence.

Grifty is so fucking g'dammned stupid, he hung himself.

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