BREAKING: Vice President Kamala Harris' communications director resigns


Platinum Member
Jul 19, 2015
Everyone is figuring out how Kamal(a) turned into VP has become a joke. First domino to fall into this Biden Depression. Those rumors of her being replaced might actually come into fruition the next year or so.

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The resignation comes amid historically bad poll numbers for Harris​

For the life of me, I can't imagine what Kammy has even had to communicate these past 10 months!

But the funny thing is their shock over a VP polling badly when she ran against Joe in the Primary, she polled so bad then that she was the first to drop out for lack of funding!
Probably after the wrath of Kali toward her staff.

If anyone thinks Harass is just the jovial buffoon she portrays then they have a very short memory of her all out vicious nasty conduct as a Senator etc.
For the life of me, I can't imagine what Kammy has even had to communicate these past 10 months!

But the funny thing is their shock over a VP polling badly when she ran against Joe in the Primary, she polled so bad then that she was the first to drop out for lack of funding!
The egos of people to know better or not know better when offered something takes precedence over the good of the people to many times. Frankly, Biden and Harris are not to good. Both with their massive egos torpedoing the United States in their wake.
The train wreck continues ....

Now it's making sense why this higher up resigned. The sellout met with the Mexican President today trying to showboat about the border on camera, until then they kicked the media out. I can promise you she did not communicate efficiently with the Mexican leaders. What's she going to talk about? Being Montel Jordans ex?
Everyone is figuring out how Kamal(a) turned into VP has become a joke. First domino to fall into this Biden Depression. Those rumors of her being replaced might actually come into fruition the next year or so.

I wonder who will "buy out her contract". She can hold out for BIG money to step aside. The real question is who will take her place. That might sound like a desirable job until you factor in that the Dems will be the minority in about 11 months.

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