Breaks 400ppm

They put a CO2 tester on a freaking volcano and expect to use the data in some sort of global warming conspiracy?
It's the annual average that matters and it looks to be no more than 397 or so. But it'll get there, it'll get there. Nobody's cut their emissions enough to do diddly squat.

ps: Whitehall, wise up

"The observatory is under the Earth System Research Laboratory which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). According to the NOAA, Mauna Loa is the world's oldest continuous CO2 monitoring station, and the world's primary benchmark site for measurement of the gas. [1]"

"Mauna Loa was originally chosen as a monitoring site because, located far from any continent, the air was sampled and is a good average for the central Pacific. Being high, it is above the inversion layer where most of the local effects are present and there was already a rough road to the summit built by the military. The contamination from local volcanic sources is sometimes detected at the observatory, and is then removed from the background data.[6]"
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Who cares. CO2 is an essential gas, the more the merrier. To date there is zero empirical data to show that CO2 has the slightest effect on the temperature.
Matthew.. I hope you're aware that while you're staring at the gauges, CO2 is highly SEASONAL and a variance component of at LEAST 6 or 8 ppm rides on top of the "average" level..

This is gonna take a couple YEARS to cross that boundary.. Have fun.. Blink occassionally...

That's GOT absolutely NOTHING to do with CO2 measurements or Global Warming GnarlyOne.
To deflect like that would signal that you couldn't care LESS about the facts or the science of either

Light Rail eh? No the "market systems" are doing MORE than light rail would do in countries who can AFFORD to aggressively attack REAL pollution..
The whole CO2 thing is nothing but a wild theory.

Like those crazies with their round Earth and little tiny animals INSIDE your body that you can't see but make you sick and the Earth going AROUND the sun! What a bunch of maroons!
Matthew.. I hope you're aware that while you're staring at the gauges, CO2 is highly SEASONAL and a variance component of at LEAST 6 or 8 ppm rides on top of the "average" level..

This is gonna take a couple YEARS to cross that boundary.. Have fun.. Blink occassionally...


Let's have a look at a little more up to date data

I'd guess it's extremely likely the annual average will cross 400 ppm in less than five years. Likely less than three.

These data point something out quite clearly. When the deniers say that all our efforts haven't accomplished anything, they're right. But not - as they contend - because cutting emissions has had no effect, but because we haven't cut emissions a single iota.

FCT: why did you use a four year old CO2 graph? I would think you had to hunt to find that and though from the same source, was obviously many years older than Matthew's graph. And since the topic was crossing the 400 ppm boundary, how is it that you didn't note that your graph didn't do so? Or did you? Did you pick that graph precisely because it would tell the incautious that we're a long ways from 400 ppm? Eh?
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Westwall and FLC must be too stupid to read.

"Even if global warming is a major hoax we cannot deny pollution has effects on humanity."

My point was to cut through your stupid hoax theory by saying even if you fuckers are right, you are still fucking doing nothing about fucked up shit. FUCK! As long as white faces aren't keeling over you don't seem to care?

Stop responding to my posts if all you plan to do is ignore what I typed.
Even if global warming is a major hoax (and we know it is for Jesus told me so) we cannot deny pollution has effects on humanity. Market systems ignore the solution and cannot offer it: light rail.
We cannot regulate China and light rail is very expensive to install, resource intensive and good select areas only. This is not Europe, Americans want freedom of movement and have greater distances to travel with much more open space.
We already have rights of way with our extensive intra and interstate highway system. Build it elevated. Main arteries first, then, when folks have gotten used to its costs and benefits, move into the capillaries.
CO2 will bump a little higher, as it tops out in mid-May of each year, right before the northern hemisphere starts to seriously green up and absorb CO2.

In 2013, it hit 400 ppm on May 10. In 2014, March 12. At that rate, it will be over 400 ppm for good ... it will be close in 2 years, definitely there in 3.

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