Brexit and Trump, this is what happens when dumb people are allowed to vote!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!

Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!

Two words: Want Ads.

You need a real job in order to be productive.
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!

You can always leave.
I hear Africa is nice this time of year.
No turmoil or chaos there, nothing but smart you.
This is what hubris looks like. The arrogant declarations of those who are intellectually and morally inferior, but still somehow imagine and declare themselves to be smarter than everyone else, more moral than everyone else, and in every way superior to everyone else, and therefore, claim to know better for others what is in the best interests of those others. Here, tigerred59 is giving us a perfect demonstration of this.

Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!
I have to agree with you here, Tigahred. The proof is that the dumbest asses in the world voted for the flop eared faggot twice. Now that is super dumb.
Its funny how the intelligence level seems to rise and fall by who liberals think should have won. Seriously why don't all of you just hold your breath until you get what you want.
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!
Racist, tiggered? The last I checked Islam was a religion, not a race. There are Asian Muslims, white Muslims, black Muslims, Hispanic Muslims, Middle-Eastern Muslims and of course, Arab Muslims. What has been pouring into Europe has been hordes of people who believe that nations should be ruled by Islamic law, not western secular freedoms.
Britain voted for Brexit because they saw their country being overrun with people who have a political and religious ideology that threatens not only their freedom of worship, but also their other basic freedoms, an ideology that would make women no better than breeders who are worth nothing besides that.
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!

all academic tests show blacks are the dumbest folks in the country, I agree we are a joke for allowing you to vote
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!

all academic tests show blacks are the dumbest folks in the country, I agree we are a joke for allowing you to vote
Part of that can be attributed to those inner city blacks who refuse to learn and pressure those blacks who do work at getting good grades in school as, "trying to be like whitey." Their preferred method of achievement is to sell drugs as they consider starting at the bottom in the retail or service industry as a dead end rather than just the beginning of where they might go
Everyone starts at the bottom, during high school for me it was being a part time dishwasher in the evenings at a Chinese restaurant.
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!


Here's another liberal calling voters in two whole countries stupid.

Is there anything other than "they're stupid" to explain your disagreement with how they voted?
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!
Allow me to thank you and your attitude for he reason why we won.
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!


Here's another liberal calling voters in two whole countries stupid.

Is there anything other than "they're stupid" to explain your disagreement with how they voted?
Etherion, you have to remember that tiggered is and will probably always be....a racist....and thus, sees racism in everything. It's just the way she is.
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!
Obuthole was elected by dumb people, very dumb people, twice.
Brexit didn't think it would pass, Trump didn't think he would win....and yet dumb people put all their hopes and dreams into these facets with nothing but chaos and turmoil to ensue. Trump running around with his dick in his hands, Britain still haven't figured out where to go from here.....all because racist people don't like anything but white sugar in their coffee.

Two so called civilized nations, being the joke of the planet!!
Obuthole was elected by dumb people, very dumb people, twice.
The sad part of this voting thing is that when it comes to voting, people vote for very dumb reasons instead of the actual issues. When it came to Obama, many a voter turned out and voted for him solely because he was black, no other reason. Many years ago, my stepmother voted for candidates based upon whether she considered the candidates "cute" or not. In Clinton's case, many women voted for her simply because she was a woman. Others voted for her because they for some insane reason, don't think nations should have borders and border protection; just let in any crazy loon that strolls over it.

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