Brexit dividend - drive a 7.5 tonne truck without training

Ive driven a 2.5 tonne truck. But I has ben drivin cars for 3 years by then. I think that is big enough for an untrained kid.
This isnt a blow for freedom. Its a cynical response to a self imposed crisis.

Every 12-14 years old farmer boy here normally starts to use much more bigger machines without any license. Young people learn fast.
The British don't have what it takes to revolt.

No matter how corrupt and tyrannical your government becomes, you'll just sit there like pussies and submit to it.

Long ago, you foolishly allowed your government to strip you of any means to defend yourself against it.
OMG now where is my tank. I thought I left it in the garage.

What does appear to be whispering and being answered is voices from the past who believe that people do have rights and should not be treated like dirt. Who are remembering the work done in the past which was lost and destroyed. Maybe the UK will have a time of increased addiction and suicide from working class people like happened in the US, but already people are moving to let them know there is another way.

I knew to some degree that this would happen. I believed that there was going to be a gradual shrinking in well being of the working and middle class leading eventually to them being a lower class with next to nothing in the post capitalist world where workers were rarely needed. What I did not expect was for them to try so quick and to try when people still had some strength. There is no space to do what Reagan/Thatcher did, take from the people and give to the most wealthy. This cannot happen this time. This has to be the time when the people redraw the lines back again and there I hear the rumbles. Though it is a bit too late, great also for us to get working on saving the planet for our children and grandchildren. Yes, all in all looks good.
The UK is a Plutocracy.

The UK ... is ... ahm - what is the UK? ...

So is the US. They work for the hand which feeds them and that is not a little vote every four or five years. As far as elections are concerned they hold little focus groups to find some insignificant thing that they can appear to 'answer' the people on. If my memory serves me well this time the Tories are apparently going for racism...but they will never go for something those who pay them do not want. In a Plutocracy as both the US and UK are the Government serves the few most wealthy. Actually now is a very good example of this. We are experiencing inflation which it is believed is going to carry on for at least another year, maybe two. Now, I need to do some work and find out why but this inflation is apparently caused by the most wealthy few. It is resulting in people finding themselves in a situation where they simply will be unable to both keep the house warm and put food on the table this winter. It is the worst reduction in the standard of living ever known to have happened. Two choices here. Make the few most wealthy pay taxes and get the money to give to everyone in need or make those whose real spending money has dropped and dropped since 2008 move so that they need to bring back soup kitchens and what not. Clearly our Torie Government will go for the few most wealthy and has told them so...........

Do you know what our govermemnt is doing? Because the energy prices explode they save a company with the name "Uniper" - never anyone heard from this company. I found out it's like a kind of outsourced "bad bank" of a company which had earned an unbelievable amount of money in Germany in the energy-business. They say this company is system relevant. So because the prices for energy grow exorbitant high - same problem as in GB "unable to both keep the house warm and put food on the table this winter" - they made additional a kind of tax called "levy" for gas consumers to save this company. And this levy is also value-added taxed so the people will have to pay a tax for to be taxed too. ... I fear this winter we will have to die laughing because of the "warm" hearts of our government. Fortunatelly we will have nothing to eat because to laugh and to eat is life-endangering. Astonishingly make many energy companies worldwide exorbitant high profits. And the strange thing - we have more a kind of opposite of a conservative government like the Torries.

The UK ... is ... ahm - what is the UK? ...

Do you know what our govermemnt is doing? Because the energy prices explode they save a company with the name "Uniper" - never anyone heard from this company. I found out it's like a kind of outsourced "bad bank" of a company which had earned an unbelievable amount of money in Germany in the energy-business. They say this company is system relevant. So because the prices for energy grow exorbitant high - same problem as in GB "unable to both keep the house warm and put food on the table this winter" - they made additional a kind of tax called "levy" for gas consumers to save this company. And this levy is also value-added taxed so the people will have to pay a tax for to be taxed too. ... I fear this winter we will have to die laughing because of the "warm" hearts of our government. Fortunatelly we will have nothing to eat because to laugh and to eat is life-endangering. Astonishingly make many energy companies worldwide exorbitant high profits. And the strange thing - we have more a kind of opposite of a conservative government like the Torries.

That does sound quite similar to ours though the Government let many firms go bust. Those who were using them were transferred usually having to pay more. However for the UK there is another part of it. Only 5% of our gas comes from Russia so why these exorberant prices? Our Gas will be going up 400% over two years, maybe more. Here is a bit I have not yet understood which it looks possible you might have as well. We all sign up with a firm - the idea being that this will keep prices down but it never has. When Gas prices go up, they go up for us as well but when they go down we usually see none of that. Anyway we sign up with someone and we believe they own and are providing the fuel.....but they are not. I am not sure exactly what they are doing but they seem to buy the gas from the producers and sell it to us. That is all. They have apparently been losing out. However behind all this are the people who own the gas and they are making such a profit there are not banks big enough to put it in. Put simply. We need Gas and electricity. We sign up and pay a firm for it. The firm buys it from a Producer. The producer puts up the price and we are all living like the poverty of people 200 years ago. Unless I am missing something the situation where people in my country and possibly yours will have to choose between keeping warm or eating does not need to happen. There is no shortage of fuel. Presumably it would have happened even if there had been no war with Russia.
Pay drivers more.
Doesn't work here, there are places paying $30 plus per hour and sign on bonuses, some upward of $10000. There are drivers making six figure incomes. I work in this sector and we can't hire drivers and it is a nation wide issue. Any other ideas to recruit drivers and get new blood in the transportation industry to help ease supply chain shortages.

Fantastic that we are doing away with all this silly health and safety. Our roads should be safeish.
Got my "permit" in 1966 age 13. "farm truck". 28 foot overloaded flatbed of pulpwood to the mill
Doesn't work here, there are places paying $30 plus per hour and sign on bonuses, some upward of $10000. There are drivers making six figure incomes. I work in this sector and we can't hire drivers and it is a nation wide issue. Any other ideas to recruit drivers and get new blood in the transportation industry to help ease supply chain shortages.
Shortage of drivers is a direct result of brexit. Its not just drivers though. Most areas are suffering.

Shortage of labour drives up labour costs and that leads to lower paid jobs staying vacant.

Wages have gone up and that will eventually sort itself out. My mate drives a truck and he also moans about the quality of truck stops. He moans about everything to be fair.

Pay is the big issue over here though.
Shortage of drivers is a direct result of brexit. Its not just drivers though. Most areas are suffering.

Shortage of labour drives up labour costs and that leads to lower paid jobs staying vacant.

Wages have gone up and that will eventually sort itself out. My mate drives a truck and he also moans about the quality of truck stops. He moans about everything to be fair.

Pay is the big issue over here though.
It seems to be deeper than that, we are facing worker shortages as well and pay is rising. The real issue is this is a tough industry to break into, driving skills, health and it takes a toll, it is never as easy as just paying more and never is for a company.

Not sure if no special training is wise however there needs to be some stream lining in getting a driver prepared for the road. No easy cure but please don't be naïve enough to think money is the driving force behind a shortage, that is just a flat out lie.
That does sound quite similar to ours though the Government let many firms go bust. Those who were using them were transferred usually having to pay more. However for the UK there is another part of it. Only 5% of our gas comes from Russia so why these exorberant prices? Our Gas will be going up 400% over two years, maybe more. Here is a bit I have not yet understood which it looks possible you might have as well. We all sign up with a firm - the idea being that this will keep prices down but it never has. When Gas prices go up, they go up for us as well but when they go down we usually see none of that.

That's an old economic law. Fuel becomes more expensive when the prices of crude oil are rising but when the crude oil price sinks the prices for fuel are rising.

By the way: We reduced the imports from Russia to 75% but we pay now 125% for this imports. (About 67% more money)

Anyway we sign up with someone and we believe they own and are providing the fuel.....but they are not. I am not sure exactly what they are doing but they seem to buy the gas from the producers and sell it to us. That is all. They have apparently been losing out. However behind all this are the people who own the gas and they are making such a profit there are not banks big enough to put it in. Put simply. We need Gas and electricity.

There's by the way something I hate very much in this context. If I pay electricity then I pay also money to the Russians or money to the Arabs. But if I like to pay money to the Norwegians for waterpower electricity I don't have any chance to do so.

We sign up and pay a firm for it. The firm buys it from a Producer. The producer puts up the price and we are all living like the poverty of people 200 years ago. Unless I am missing something the situation where people in my country and possibly yours will have to choose between keeping warm or eating does not need to happen. There is no shortage of fuel. Presumably it would have happened even if there had been no war with Russia.

I guess you are right. With or without this war: it's produced the same amount of energy now. It exists not really any need for this price explosion.Heating material costs here in the moment about 700% more money.
It seems to be deeper than that, we are facing worker shortages as well and pay is rising. The real issue is this is a tough industry to break into, driving skills, health and it takes a toll, it is never as easy as just paying more and never is for a company.

Not sure if no special training is wise however there needs to be some stream lining in getting a driver prepared for the road. No easy cure but please don't be naïve enough to think money is the driving force behind a shortage, that is just a flat out lie.
America must be different. Wages have been depressed over here since 2010. Inflation has highlighted that and most of the UK is either striking or voting with their feet.
My daughter is a philosophy graduate who wanted to teach infants. But she can make twice as much fixing false lashes as teaching. Its stuff she did to get through Uni but now she does it full time because teacher pay is shit.
Pay is a big issue. our economy is totally fucked.
America must be different. Wages have been depressed over here since 2010. Inflation has highlighted that and most of the UK is either striking or voting with their feet.
My daughter is a pholosophy graduate who wanted to teach infants. But she can make twice as much fixing false lashes as teaching. Its stuff she did to get through Uni but now she does it full time because teacher pay is shit.
Pay is a big issue. our economy is totally fucked.
Well to me universities and their education is way overrated and I have a college education.

I don't work for the big bucks and I could go anywhere else and make more money however I work for a mom and pop and I like the family atmosphere and hate corporate behemoths. To me it is love what you do and the rest takes care of it's self.
I couldn't live in Britain, the pay you say is bad, the taxes are way too high and to tax people for owning a TV is just archaic. You claim to have a better life but I am not willing to sacrifice my freedoms.
M1 is what?
My daughter is a philosophy graduate who wanted to teach infants.

Sounds like your daughter is as wise as you are.

What market did she think there was going to be for teaching philosophy to infants?

We have that problem here in the U.S. too—young idiots who waste their resources getting a useless college degree in a major with no real-world applications, and then wondering why they have such a hard time getting a decent job.

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