Brexit is a ‘complete disaster’ and ‘total lies’, says Tory business boss

Hasn't been a complete disaster. I've made a ton of money trading Lloyd's Banking stock since Brexit. It is up and down but is cheap enough you can buy and sell, rinse and repeat on a ton of shares.
Ive done well with Lloyds as well. But it hasnt been related to brexit. It has been in spite of Brexit,
Check out Begbie Traynor. They specialise in insolvencies and are set for a growth spurt.
If only you weren't deluded and knew the actual workings of your own country....maybe you should follow your own advice here. I don't live in the UK and have no desire to...because people like you exist there.
What law requires people to get royal assent to import or export ?
Ive done well with Lloyds as well. But it hasnt been related to brexit. It has been in spite of Brexit,
Check out Begbie Traynor. They specialise in insolvencies and are set for a growth spurt.
They don't seem available on our Merica Damn It exchanges unfortunately, but thanks for the tip nonetheless. LYG alone has paid for a future semester at university for one of the kiddies' at least thus far. I keep hoping it slides back down closer to $2 so I can rinse and repeat again. Trading around $2.58 right now. Made about $3K when I unloaded it at $2.60 after buying at less than $2 sometime last november on the most recent cycle
What law requires people to get royal assent to import or export ?
Again....why don't you do some real learning?

If I wanted to sell something to the UK specifically the Royals are my first stop....
But if I don't care to sell exclusively to the UK because my goods are more of a commodity than specialty....the UK doesn't necessarily get any.

And Port Taxes are specifically under the Crown's purview. (So are "exemptions" and credits)

And why does a "Yank" have to explain the UK to one of their own?
Again....why don't you do some real learning?

If I wanted to sell something to the UK specifically the Royals are my first stop....
But if I don't care to sell exclusively to the UK because my goods are more of a commodity than specialty....the UK doesn't necessarily get any.

And Port Taxes are specifically under the Crown's purview. (So are "exemptions" and credits)

And why does a "Yank" have to explain the UK to one of their own?
"The Crown"is the state not the king you thick fucker.
"The Crown"is the state not the king you thick fucker.
I'm not the one who is thick here.

The Royal family was especially helpful with some precision steel valves we needed.
They helped us find them and get them out of the port without a fuss. Plus they helped themselves by purchasing other much needed parts and supplies the precision machined valve makers needed.

That's the Royals job...they assist in doing trade. Without them it's like banging your head against a brick wall of self important idiots who believe they know everything and find fault everywhere but do nothing to actually accomplish anything.

Yes. Dont we know it. A fantasy built on a parcel of lies pumped by russian backed agemts.. In years to come there will be books written about acts of self harm and collective madness. Brexit will be chapter one.

Guy Hands is a tory to his soul.And has been for decades. I first heard of him when his company took on the contract to run army housing. He made a fortune and left our troops living in squalor. You cant get more conservative than that.

The article is interesting. The word that stands out most is "lies" . How apt for a story of a conservative debacle.

Somewhere past a couple of dozen, I lost count of how many instances of this same thread you've started, complaining that your shithole of a nation is incapable of governing itself, and needs a distant, unaccountable, outside power to govern it. It's funny that you don't think that you British can govern your own country, yet you still feel entitled to continually preach to us Americans about how we should govern ours.

By the way…

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What is your job? What do you do for a living, that entitles you to look down on me for my profession?
You should probably get some help.

Get help.

You should probably take your own advice. Unfortunately, our Dr. Kevorkian is no longer available, so I don't know where you will find the help that you truly need. But then, the same condition by which you lost part of a leg will probably finish the job soon enough anyway. Type 2 Diabetes doesn't fuck around, when you neglect it as badly as you have.

If you had bothered to take care of yourself, you could have been, like me, at the same age, still a healthy, productive man, instead of a pathetic, self-crippled welfare parasite.
You should probably take your own advice. Unfortunately, our Dr. Kevorkian is no longer available, so I don't know where you will find the help that you truly need. But then, the same condition by which you lost part of a leg will probably finish the job soon enough anyway. Type 2 Diabetes doesn't fuck around, when you neglect it as badly as you have.

If you had bothered to take care of yourself, you could have been, like me, at the same age, still a healthy, productive man, instead of a pathetic, self-crippled welfare parasite.

Tommy's only real interest is keeping his country white. One thing Wales is very, very good at (maybe the only thing) is keeping brown and black people out.
Somewhere past a couple of dozen, I lost count of how many instances of this same thread you've started, complaining that your shithole of a nation is incapable of governing itself, and needs a distant, unaccountable, outside power to govern it. It's funny that you don't think that you British can govern your own country, yet you still feel entitled to continually preach to us Americans about how we should govern ours.

By the way…

What is your job? What do you do for a living, that entitles you to look down on me for my profession?
This is the only thread on this subject Bob..This story was only reported today.

Maybe the Europe forum is too onfusing for you ? You have never got a comment of interest to make.
This is the only thread on this subject Bob..This story was only reported today.

As I said, I lost count well past a couple dozen, of how many of the same thread you have started, with the same complaint that you Brits are incapable of governing your own country, and need to be governed by an outside power. This is just one more of the same.
That is bullshit russian tripe.
“Russian tripe”? :cuckoo:





That along with anti-immigrant racism, bigotry, and hatred.
The tide is turning. Wrexham were live on the BBC on sunday plating in the FA Cup.
Across the nation veiwers were hearing the whole crowd singing "Fuck the Tories."
This in a seat where folk voted tory in 2019.
Peoople have had enough.

Yes. Dont we know it. A fantasy built on a parcel of lies pumped by russian backed agemts.. In years to come there will be books written about acts of self harm and collective madness. Brexit will be chapter one.

Guy Hands is a tory to his soul.And has been for decades. I first heard of him when his company took on the contract to run army housing. He made a fortune and left our troops living in squalor. You cant get more conservative than that.

The article is interesting. The word that stands out most is "lies" . How apt for a story of a conservative debacle.

Pretty obvious, but once people have bought the lies, they refuse to accept they got duped.
Pretty obvious, but once people have bought the lies, they refuse to accept they got duped.
I think the dam is starting to burst. It is difficult to admit you were wrong.

At some point Starmer will conclude that it is safe to go back in. But at the moment he is winning and cant risk that.

I think in the first term he will see what he can do without holding a referendum.In the second term he ill have to address it.
I think the dam is starting to burst. It is difficult to admit you were wrong.

At some point Starmer will conclude that it is safe to go back in. But at the moment he is winning and cant risk that.

I think in the first term he will see what he can do without holding a referendum.In the second term he ill have to address it.

Starmer wouldn't go back in, his chances of even winning a GE aren't good in the first place, a second term...
Realistically the UK is just going to have to try and find a way of bringing certain things back without being in the EU, like Norway and Switzerland have.
The conservative govt has negotiated several trade deals. None of them are as good as the ones we had in the EU.
Conservatism in action.

I seem to recall that your country voted for this.

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