Brit Police to cutoff Intel to US


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Somebody over here is spilling info to the media about the Manchester bombing, and the BP is not too happy about it for a number of reasons. I hope we find out who is doing this on our side, not just the information about Manchester but every other freakin' leak that's been going on since Trump came in. I don't care who it is, we need to prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law.

The BBC reported that British police are “furious” because they believe the photos were leaked by U.S. law enforcement, and they’ve stopped sharing information with the U.S. One U.K. official said the leaks were “on another level” and had caused “disbelief and astonishment” throughout the British government.

U.S. officials had already been accused of reveling details like the number of casualties and the identity of bomber Salman Abedi. British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she was “irritated” that Abedi’s name was made public, and had warned Washington that “it should not happen again.” There were concerns that the leaks may have hampered efforts to track down Abedi’s possible accomplices, and determine how he obtained the bomb.

The nations regularly share information as part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement. Manchester police reportedly hope to continue sharing information with the U.S. soon.

“We greatly value the important relationships we have with our trusted intelligence, law enforcement and security partners around the world,” the National Counter Terrorism Policing unit of Britain’s National Police Chiefs Council said in a statement. “When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families.

“This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation,”

Trump Orders DOJ to Probe Leaks to U.S. Press About Manchester Investigation
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The "Deep State" has lost their collective mind.

Trump vanquished the Dems, Rep establishment, Hollywood, MSM, two political dynasties, Academia and now the last vestige of opposition, an entrenched bureaucracy is working against the interests of the people in what they perceive as national interests and against the will of the electorate.

This is not how democracy works. Still, it is only a matter of time that Trump will prevail.
Somebody over here is spilling info to the media about the Manchester bombing, and the BP is not too happy about it for a number of reasons. I hope we find out who is doing this on our side, not just the information about Manchester but every other freakin' leak that's been going on since Trump came in. I don't care who it is, we need to prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law.

The BBC reported that British police are “furious” because they believe the photos were leaked by U.S. law enforcement, and they’ve stopped sharing information with the U.S. One U.K. official said the leaks were “on another level” and had caused “disbelief and astonishment” throughout the British government.

U.S. officials had already been accused of reveling details like the number of casualties and the identity of bomber Salman Abedi. British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she was “irritated” that Abedi’s name was made public, and had warned Washington that “it should not happen again.” There were concerns that the leaks may have hampered efforts to track down Abedi’s possible accomplices, and determine how he obtained the bomb.

The nations regularly share information as part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement. Manchester police reportedly hope to continue sharing information with the U.S. soon.

“We greatly value the important relationships we have with our trusted intelligence, law enforcement and security partners around the world,” the National Counter Terrorism Policing unit of Britain’s National Police Chiefs Council said in a statement. “When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families.

“This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation,”

Trump Orders DOJ to Probe Leaks to U.S. Press About Manchester Investigation
Put a few leakers in front a firing squad and set an example.
Somebody over here is spilling info to the media about the Manchester bombing, and the BP is not too happy about it for a number of reasons. I hope we find out who is doing this on our side, not just the information about Manchester but every other freakin' leak that's been going on since Trump came in. I don't care who it is, we need to prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law.

The BBC reported that British police are “furious” because they believe the photos were leaked by U.S. law enforcement, and they’ve stopped sharing information with the U.S. One U.K. official said the leaks were “on another level” and had caused “disbelief and astonishment” throughout the British government.

U.S. officials had already been accused of reveling details like the number of casualties and the identity of bomber Salman Abedi. British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she was “irritated” that Abedi’s name was made public, and had warned Washington that “it should not happen again.” There were concerns that the leaks may have hampered efforts to track down Abedi’s possible accomplices, and determine how he obtained the bomb.

The nations regularly share information as part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement. Manchester police reportedly hope to continue sharing information with the U.S. soon.

“We greatly value the important relationships we have with our trusted intelligence, law enforcement and security partners around the world,” the National Counter Terrorism Policing unit of Britain’s National Police Chiefs Council said in a statement. “When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families.

“This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation,”

Trump Orders DOJ to Probe Leaks to U.S. Press About Manchester Investigation
Put a few leakers in front a firing squad and set an example. are suggesting putting trump in front of a firing squad. Interesting.
The only people that could possibly have been the Manchester leakers are the FBI agents that went to assist in the investigation. They got the intel, they got the photographs of the evidence. It was one or more of the FBI agents. It's not hard to figure out. But, blaming Trump is so important, so vital, that all rational thought will be thrown into the Thames. Democrats know this will happen. They know that Trump will be blamed for everything. That's what's important, not some silly little terror investigation. The American investigators would gladly see the whole of England burned to the ground if it would hurt Trump.

The British better wake up and start dealing with a whole new reality.
Somebody over here is spilling info to the media about the Manchester bombing, and the BP is not too happy about it for a number of reasons. I hope we find out who is doing this on our side, not just the information about Manchester but every other freakin' leak that's been going on since Trump came in. I don't care who it is, we need to prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law.

The BBC reported that British police are “furious” because they believe the photos were leaked by U.S. law enforcement, and they’ve stopped sharing information with the U.S. One U.K. official said the leaks were “on another level” and had caused “disbelief and astonishment” throughout the British government.

U.S. officials had already been accused of reveling details like the number of casualties and the identity of bomber Salman Abedi. British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she was “irritated” that Abedi’s name was made public, and had warned Washington that “it should not happen again.” There were concerns that the leaks may have hampered efforts to track down Abedi’s possible accomplices, and determine how he obtained the bomb.

The nations regularly share information as part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement. Manchester police reportedly hope to continue sharing information with the U.S. soon.

“We greatly value the important relationships we have with our trusted intelligence, law enforcement and security partners around the world,” the National Counter Terrorism Policing unit of Britain’s National Police Chiefs Council said in a statement. “When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families.

“This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation,”

Trump Orders DOJ to Probe Leaks to U.S. Press About Manchester Investigation
Put a few leakers in front a firing squad and set an example. are suggesting putting trump in front of a firing squad. Interesting.
Are you really this stupid? Trump did not leak bomb investigation info.
Intelligence has always been porous and neither Washington nor London have a good record of keeping secrets. Nations are only as sick as their secrets. An ongoing police investigation might be impeded somewhat by leaking the status of progress but a free press is best for all.
The only people that could possibly have been the Manchester leakers are the FBI agents that went to assist in the investigation. They got the intel, they got the photographs of the evidence. It was one or more of the FBI agents. It's not hard to figure out. But, blaming Trump is so important, so vital, that all rational thought will be thrown into the Thames. Democrats know this will happen. They know that Trump will be blamed for everything. That's what's important, not some silly little terror investigation. The American investigators would gladly see the whole of England burned to the ground if it would hurt Trump.

The British better wake up and start dealing with a whole new reality.

Hey if Obama was in charge, what would you be doing...
The only people that could possibly have been the Manchester leakers are the FBI agents that went to assist in the investigation. They got the intel, they got the photographs of the evidence. It was one or more of the FBI agents. It's not hard to figure out. But, blaming Trump is so important, so vital, that all rational thought will be thrown into the Thames. Democrats know this will happen. They know that Trump will be blamed for everything. That's what's important, not some silly little terror investigation. The American investigators would gladly see the whole of England burned to the ground if it would hurt Trump.

The British better wake up and start dealing with a whole new reality.

Hey if Obama was in charge, what would you be doing...
In a sense, Obama is still in charge of those who betray and compromise state security. Do you really think they're Trump's people?
Somebody over here is spilling info to the media about the Manchester bombing, and the BP is not too happy about it for a number of reasons. I hope we find out who is doing this on our side, not just the information about Manchester but every other freakin' leak that's been going on since Trump came in. I don't care who it is, we need to prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law.

The BBC reported that British police are “furious” because they believe the photos were leaked by U.S. law enforcement, and they’ve stopped sharing information with the U.S. One U.K. official said the leaks were “on another level” and had caused “disbelief and astonishment” throughout the British government.

U.S. officials had already been accused of reveling details like the number of casualties and the identity of bomber Salman Abedi. British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she was “irritated” that Abedi’s name was made public, and had warned Washington that “it should not happen again.” There were concerns that the leaks may have hampered efforts to track down Abedi’s possible accomplices, and determine how he obtained the bomb.

The nations regularly share information as part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement. Manchester police reportedly hope to continue sharing information with the U.S. soon.

“We greatly value the important relationships we have with our trusted intelligence, law enforcement and security partners around the world,” the National Counter Terrorism Policing unit of Britain’s National Police Chiefs Council said in a statement. “When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families.

“This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation,”

Trump Orders DOJ to Probe Leaks to U.S. Press About Manchester Investigation

Welcome to the World of the hate Trumpers.
obama hold overs are leaking this information to attack Trump.....they are insane. They will leak information that is vital to national security, all in the attempt to embarras and cripple Trump.....

When clinton left office they vandalized the White House like, after obama leaves, they are leaking classified information......this is nuts....
Somebody over here is spilling info to the media about the Manchester bombing, and the BP is not too happy about it for a number of reasons. I hope we find out who is doing this on our side, not just the information about Manchester but every other freakin' leak that's been going on since Trump came in. I don't care who it is, we need to prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law.

The BBC reported that British police are “furious” because they believe the photos were leaked by U.S. law enforcement, and they’ve stopped sharing information with the U.S. One U.K. official said the leaks were “on another level” and had caused “disbelief and astonishment” throughout the British government.

U.S. officials had already been accused of reveling details like the number of casualties and the identity of bomber Salman Abedi. British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she was “irritated” that Abedi’s name was made public, and had warned Washington that “it should not happen again.” There were concerns that the leaks may have hampered efforts to track down Abedi’s possible accomplices, and determine how he obtained the bomb.

The nations regularly share information as part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement. Manchester police reportedly hope to continue sharing information with the U.S. soon.

“We greatly value the important relationships we have with our trusted intelligence, law enforcement and security partners around the world,” the National Counter Terrorism Policing unit of Britain’s National Police Chiefs Council said in a statement. “When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families.

“This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorized disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation,”

Trump Orders DOJ to Probe Leaks to U.S. Press About Manchester Investigation
Put a few leakers in front a firing squad and set an example.

Start with Donald Trump who leaked the location of US submarines to the President of the Phillipines, after congratulating him for dealing with drug addicts by declaring open season on them.

More than 10,000 people have been murdered there vigilante style. Police and roving bands of shooters are killing suspected drug users. Trump thinks this is a good idea.
Comrade Trumph is doing it on purpose. His and Putin's goal is to drive a wedge between the USA and our greatest allies.
Comrade Trumph is doing it on purpose. His and Putin's goal is to drive a wedge between the USA and our greatest allies.

There are some posts that are truly idiotic. This one is one of those.

Who did the Brits give the information too?

Comrade is secretly plotting to destroy Western Style Liberal Democracy. United we stand and divided we fall.

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