Britain has universal health care, but they just can't get treated...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....this is the miracle of socialized medicine.... you run out of money, and the bureaucrats don't care about you...

The Wonders Of Socialized Medicine: Some Are Waiting Up To 62 Hours For An Ambulance In The UK

Now, for some parts of the UK, it could take up to 62 hours to get an ambulance to come to your door. So, if you’re elderly, fall, and break your hip, you have to lie in agony for hours…because socialism (via BBC):

patient waited 62 hours for an ambulance, while four trusts took more than 24 hours to respond to 999 calls, new figures have shown.

The longest delays in the UK were recorded by Welsh Ambulance Service, which kept four patients waiting for more than 50 hours.

A spokesman said the figures were "not typical" and "represent the extreme end of the waiting time spectrum".

The Patients Association said they were "extremely concerning".

Between June 2017 and June 2018, ambulances from four services took 24 hours to reach patients, including some with breathing and mental health problems.

The trusts said the longest waits were for "less serious calls", and they had to prioritise responding to people in life-threatening or urgent conditions.


Caroline Hardaker's mother Sylvia, 79, lay on paving stones in her back garden for three-and-a-half hours after falling and breaking her hip in High Wycombe.

She said: "I think I rang six times in the end, and each time they said they would have a clinician call back and then they didn't.

"It was so frustrating, just thinking 'how long are they going to take'? And my mum was going into shock, her arms were shaking. Her arm had gone numb.

"She was obviously cold because she was lying on a pave
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

Are you really so dense as to think that the government provides good services? I didn't think anybody was that dumb. No fucking bureaucrat or politician gives a shit about you. If you think they do then you are one naive little puppy. Just see what kind of treatment you get if the budget runs short. Everybody in a voting block bigger than the one you are in will get treatment before you do.

Let me tell you a little story.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I am a veteran and eligible to get government treatment from the VA.

I had private insurance but it was going to cost me $2K in co payment and deductible to get private treatment if I didn't get it from the VA.

I decided to go ahead an pay the money and get good care in a good facility and get it done quickly.

I was diagnosed in mid November and had the treatment complete by February. Very good care. I had three cancer treatment facilities competing for my business. Excellent treatment.

Had I put my care in the hands of the damn government for "free" I would probably have died of the cancer before I got the adequate treatment. It was going to take me until March just to get the first appointment with a VA doctor. I suspect I would have been lucky to have the treatment done in a year or two instead of a couple of months with private care.

The government is terrible at everything it does. That is why socialist health care is so bad in countries that have it and why taxes are so high to pay for the lousy service.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

Are you really so dense as to think that the government provides good services? I didn't think anybody was that dumb. No fucking bureaucrat or politician gives a shit about you. If you think they do then you are one naive little puppy. Just see what kind of treatment you get if the budget runs short. Everybody in a voting block bigger than the one you are in will get treatment before you do.

Let me tell you a little story.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I am a veteran and eligible to get government treatment from the VA.

I had private insurance but it was going to cost me $2K in co payment and deductible to get private treatment if I didn't get it from the VA.

I decided to go ahead an pay the money and get good care in a good facility and get it done quickly.

I was diagnosed in mid November and had the treatment complete by February. Very good care. I had three cancer treatment facilities competing for my business. Excellent treatment.

Had I put my care in the hands of the damn government for "free" I would probably have died of the cancer before I got the adequate treatment. It was going to take me until March just to get the first appointment with a VA doctor. I suspect I would have been lucky to have the treatment done in a year or two instead of a couple of months with private care.

The government is terrible at everything it does. That is why socialist health care is so bad in countries that have it and why taxes are so high to pay for the lousy service.
It seems odd that the US has lower health expectancies than most countries with socialised medicine.
Just one of those imponderables I suppose.

Also, you do realise that there is no compulsion to use the public health system in most, if not all of those countries with "free" health care don't you?
Just like you, they can choose to bypass the government provided healthcare and take out private insurance.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

Are you really so dense as to think that the government provides good services? I didn't think anybody was that dumb. No fucking bureaucrat or politician gives a shit about you. If you think they do then you are one naive little puppy. Just see what kind of treatment you get if the budget runs short. Everybody in a voting block bigger than the one you are in will get treatment before you do.

Let me tell you a little story.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I am a veteran and eligible to get government treatment from the VA.

I had private insurance but it was going to cost me $2K in co payment and deductible to get private treatment if I didn't get it from the VA.

I decided to go ahead an pay the money and get good care in a good facility and get it done quickly.

I was diagnosed in mid November and had the treatment complete by February. Very good care. I had three cancer treatment facilities competing for my business. Excellent treatment.

Had I put my care in the hands of the damn government for "free" I would probably have died of the cancer before I got the adequate treatment. It was going to take me until March just to get the first appointment with a VA doctor. I suspect I would have been lucky to have the treatment done in a year or two instead of a couple of months with private care.

The government is terrible at everything it does. That is why socialist health care is so bad in countries that have it and why taxes are so high to pay for the lousy service.
It seems odd that the US has lower health expectancies than most countries with socialised medicine.
Just one of those imponderables I suppose.

Also, you do realise that there is no compulsion to use the public health system in most, if not all of those countries with "free" health care don't you?
Just like you, they can choose to bypass the government provided healthcare and take out private insurance.

The US has the best health care in the world. Our lower life expectacy is a function of being a high immigration country and the side effect of fluency.

I lived close to the Canadian border for seven years. The doctors offices were all filled with Canadians passing up government treatment for "free" to come across the border to pay for it here.

There are four main things wrong with socialized medicine.

1. Some people get it without paying much into the system. Filthy ass welfare. Welfare is always wrong.

2. It is always high cost when you consider the taxation.

3. You have no choice but to participate even if you are wealthy enough to afford private care. Whys should you have to pay for something you don't use?

4. It is terribly inefficient and is subject to stupid government management, which is always disastrous.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

Let me clue you in: any commercial service has to be timely, efficient, and effective. Otherwise, they're out of business in one quick hurry. A gov't provided service doesn't have to be ANY of these things, and so they aren't. Which means there is not one damn thing the gov't does better than the private sector, and that is reality. There is NOTHING, repeat NOTHING that a gov't service does better. NOTHING.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Oh don't worry...commercial services have their issues as well.

One patient got a $3,660 bill for a 4-mile ride. Another was charged $8,460 for a trip from one hospital that could not handle his case to another that could. Still another found herself marooned at an out-of-network hospital, where she’d been taken by ambulance without her consent.

Patients usually choose to go to the doctor, but they are vulnerable when they call 911 — or get into an ambulance. The dispatcher picks the ambulance crew, which, in turn, often picks the hospital. Moreover, many ambulances are not summoned by patients. Instead, the crew arrives at the scene having heard about an accident on a scanner, or because police or a bystander called 911.

Taken for a ride? Ambulances stick patients with surprise bills
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Every system has its problems.
Making the blanket statement that government servces are bad and commercially-run services are good is just wrong.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

Are you really so dense as to think that the government provides good services? I didn't think anybody was that dumb. No fucking bureaucrat or politician gives a shit about you. If you think they do then you are one naive little puppy. Just see what kind of treatment you get if the budget runs short. Everybody in a voting block bigger than the one you are in will get treatment before you do.

Let me tell you a little story.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I am a veteran and eligible to get government treatment from the VA.

I had private insurance but it was going to cost me $2K in co payment and deductible to get private treatment if I didn't get it from the VA.

I decided to go ahead an pay the money and get good care in a good facility and get it done quickly.

I was diagnosed in mid November and had the treatment complete by February. Very good care. I had three cancer treatment facilities competing for my business. Excellent treatment.

Had I put my care in the hands of the damn government for "free" I would probably have died of the cancer before I got the adequate treatment. It was going to take me until March just to get the first appointment with a VA doctor. I suspect I would have been lucky to have the treatment done in a year or two instead of a couple of months with private care.

The government is terrible at everything it does. That is why socialist health care is so bad in countries that have it and why taxes are so high to pay for the lousy service.
It seems odd that the US has lower health expectancies than most countries with socialised medicine.
Just one of those imponderables I suppose.

Also, you do realise that there is no compulsion to use the public health system in most, if not all of those countries with "free" health care don't you?
Just like you, they can choose to bypass the government provided healthcare and take out private insurance.

They cheat when they make those comparisons..... this has been shown over and over again.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

Let me clue you in: any commercial service has to be timely, efficient, and effective. Otherwise, they're out of business in one quick hurry. A gov't provided service doesn't have to be ANY of these things, and so they aren't. Which means there is not one damn thing the gov't does better than the private sector, and that is reality. There is NOTHING, repeat NOTHING that a gov't service does better. NOTHING.

You have to remember that these stupid Moon Bats think that some corrupt government bureaucrat is going to look after their well being.

It is comical, isn't it?
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Oh don't worry...commercial services have their issues as well.

One patient got a $3,660 bill for a 4-mile ride. Another was charged $8,460 for a trip from one hospital that could not handle his case to another that could. Still another found herself marooned at an out-of-network hospital, where she’d been taken by ambulance without her consent.

Patients usually choose to go to the doctor, but they are vulnerable when they call 911 — or get into an ambulance. The dispatcher picks the ambulance crew, which, in turn, often picks the hospital. Moreover, many ambulances are not summoned by patients. Instead, the crew arrives at the scene having heard about an accident on a scanner, or because police or a bystander called 911.

Taken for a ride? Ambulances stick patients with surprise bills

All of these ambulance services are heavily licensed and controlled by the dumbass government.

Another example of the failure of the government. They can't do anything right, can they?

I would trust a commercial facility to provide ambulance service for me for a profit than to have it run by a bunch of "I don't give a shit" government workers.

If you want to trust your health care to some government shitheads then you are dumber than a door knob.
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Oh don't worry...commercial services have their issues as well.

One patient got a $3,660 bill for a 4-mile ride. Another was charged $8,460 for a trip from one hospital that could not handle his case to another that could. Still another found herself marooned at an out-of-network hospital, where she’d been taken by ambulance without her consent.

Patients usually choose to go to the doctor, but they are vulnerable when they call 911 — or get into an ambulance. The dispatcher picks the ambulance crew, which, in turn, often picks the hospital. Moreover, many ambulances are not summoned by patients. Instead, the crew arrives at the scene having heard about an accident on a scanner, or because police or a bystander called 911.

Taken for a ride? Ambulances stick patients with surprise bills

Money as opposed to WAITING FOR DAYS TO GET PICKED UP. Are you truly that stupid? You do realize that time equals survival right?
Who in their right mind would want to put something as important as health care in the hands of stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are filthy corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If you get something for "free" don't expect much.

I would much rather put my health care in the hands of people trying to make a profit by producing a good product at a competitive price, just like other goods and services.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Every system has its problems.
Making the blanket statement that government servces are bad and commercially-run services are good is just wrong.

You equate having to pay money for service as bad. I can bet you a large sum of cash that people forced to wait in an ambulance for hours would disagree with you.
How is it "free"?

It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Every system has its problems.
Making the blanket statement that government servces are bad and commercially-run services are good is just wrong.

You equate having to pay money for service as bad. I can bet you a large sum of cash that people forced to wait in an ambulance for hours would disagree with you.
No I don't.
I'm saying that no system is flawless.
It's pretty shitty if you don't have the momey to pay for service.
How about quoting some of the millions of happy NHS customers?
It is not free. That is why I put it in quotations.

It is like the filthy ass government takes your money and then you get whatever the bureaucrats decide to give you. If you are a dumbass Liberal you think it is free because you don't have to pay when you get the treatment. However, you pay up your ass through taxes.

You are really an idiot to give the filthy government your money expecting to get good health care in return. It ain't gonna happen. Just like other government services that suck.
You really are an idiot if you think that any commercial service, just by virtue of being commercial, is automatically better than a government-provided service.

That's true, however I have never heard of a commercial ambulance company making a patient wait for 62 hours. You? Add to that the fact that because of the way they have to report when a patient arrives at the hospital it is not uncommon to have the ambulances driving around for hours so that they don't have to count the patient as delivered to the ER. Once again, please provide a link to ANY commercial company doing the same.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Highest number of people this winter were forced to wait in back of ambulances during Christmas week in England

Record numbers of patients were forced to wait in the backs of ambulances last week as hospitals in England struggled to cope with demand for medical treatment as the NHS’s winter crisis began in earnest.

In all, 16,900 people – the highest number this winter – were stuck in the backs of ambulances waiting to enter an A&E unit to be assessed and treated in the week from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.

Of those, 4,700 – again the most in any week this winter – had to endure a delay of at least an hour, according to NHS England’s latest figures, published on Thursday, on how the service is performing under the extra pressure that winter brings.

Theresa May, on a visit to Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, apologised for delays to operations and hospital admissions, saying she recognised it was difficult for somebody who had had their operation postponed, and hoped procedures could be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

16,900 people in a week kept in NHS ambulances waiting for hospital care
Every system has its problems.
Making the blanket statement that government servces are bad and commercially-run services are good is just wrong.

You equate having to pay money for service as bad. I can bet you a large sum of cash that people forced to wait in an ambulance for hours would disagree with you.
No I don't.
I'm saying that no system is flawless.
It's pretty shitty if you don't have the momey to pay for service.
How about quoting some of the millions of happy NHS customers?

You are complaining about costs, costs which have NO IMPACT on the quality of service. Yet you give a pass to a government run system that ACTIVELY HARMS ITS PATIENTS. Like I said, you're pretty silly to even try and make that comparison.

It's pretty shitty if you don't have the momey to pay for service.

I am sorry Moon Bat but it is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility.

That stupid socialized medicine bullshit is a crappy way to have a health care system but the sorry assholes that don't want to pay their own bills are pretty damn happy, aren't they?

The people that have to pay the health care bills for the sorry assholes that don't pay don't like it very much, do they?

Stop being greedy and start taking personal responsibility for your own well being. Stop being a welfare queen.

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