Britains Bernie Sanders, I have a mandate for change!


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Leader of the opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn

"As I travelled the country during the leadership campaign it was wonderful to see the diversity of all the people in the country.

Even more inspiring was the unity and unanimity of their values.

A belief in coming together to achieve more than we can on our own.

Fair play for all, solidarity and not walking by on the other side of the street when people are in trouble. Respect for other’s point of view. It is this sense of fair play, these shared majority British values, that are the fundamental reason why I love this country and its people.

These values are what I was elected on: a kinder politics and a more caring society.

They are Labour values and our country’s values.

We are going to put these values back into politics.

It’s because I am driven by these British majority values, because I love this country, that I want to rid it of injustice, to make it fairer, more decent, more equal.

And I want all of our citizens to benefit from prosperity and success."

Jeremy Corbyn: I have a 'mandate for change' - Politics live
During the last three months, our party has changed. The hopes of so many people – of a different Britain, a better Britain, a more equal, more decent Britain – have grown our movement to a size and strength we haven't seen for decades.

They are fed up with the inequality, the injustice, the unnecessary poverty – and if you are too, I say this: join us. Join us and help strengthen this movement. Join us, and help us beat the Tories in 2020.

So – will you join me as a Labour Party member?

Yes! I'll join
No, but I'll volunteer with my local party

I know there's a big British majority for building a more equal society, for eliminating poverty and homelessness. We are a rich country: these things are not necessary or inevitable. They can – and must – be changed.

Let us build a kinder politics, a more caring society together. Let us put our values, the people's values, back into politics.

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful movement.


Jeremy Corbyn
Leader of the Labour Party

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