British mobility in Cyprus: “Aims to secure its interests and military bases on the island”


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A political figure emphasised regarding the latest developments on the divided island that Great Britain has never left Cyprus as it is a former colony and part of its Commonwealth.

The revival of Britain’s interest in its former colony was confirmed by both diplomatic sources on the island and the impressive mobility of the British Minister of Foreign Dominic Raab in view of the informal five-party meeting called by the United Nations.

The meeting will occur in early March and is about the future of the Cyprus issue, with participation of the Republic of Cyprus, the Turkish Cypriot community, as well as the guarantor powers (Greece, Turkey and Great Britain).

Britain is once again coming to the fore, claiming a leading role in the Eastern Mediterranean, as evidenced by the statements and recent talks of Raab.

It's never a good thing when Britain wants to "develop" anything.

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