Bubba's Encore: I Did Not Have Sex With That Sex Slave

But you know, Romney tied his dog's cage to the top of his car, and Sarah Palin posted a pic of Trig standing on the dog. Those are so much worse than Bubba sexually exploiting underage girls (and setting himself up for blackmail while his wife was Sec of State.)
We know as fact that Trig stepped on the dog, stood on it, and we know for a fact that Romney drove his car with his dog in a cage on the roof. We do not know for fact that any of these allegations about Clinton are true or that he had any involvement with underage women. Allegations are not fact.
:lmao: :lol: :lmao:

Oh, you're serious??
Dream on, poser

We know as fact that Trig stepped on the dog, stood on it, and we know for a fact that Romney drove his car with his dog in a cage on the roof. We do not know for fact that any of these allegations about Clinton are true or that he had any involvement with underage women. Allegations are not fact.

If Bubba Clinton was THERE he HAD SEX with everything that was female.

BEELZEBUBBA - Rapist Bill Clinton
But you know, Romney tied his dog's cage to the top of his car, and Sarah Palin posted a pic of Trig standing on the dog. Those are so much worse than Bubba sexually exploiting underage girls (and setting himself up for blackmail while his wife was Sec of State.)
We know as fact that Trig stepped on the dog, stood on it, and we know for a fact that Romney drove his car with his dog in a cage on the roof. We do not know for fact that any of these allegations about Clinton are true or that he had any involvement with underage women. Allegations are not fact.

What a tool. SRSLY

Don't you have some White Privilege People whose brunch you should be disrupting right about now?
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But you know, Romney tied his dog's cage to the top of his car, and Sarah Palin posted a pic of Trig standing on the dog. Those are so much worse than Bubba sexually exploiting underage girls (and setting himself up for blackmail while his wife was Sec of State.)
We know as fact that Trig stepped on the dog, stood on it, and we know for a fact that Romney drove his car with his dog in a cage on the roof. We do not know for fact that any of these allegations about Clinton are true or that he had any involvement with underage women. Allegations are not fact.

We do know that Clinton would jump anything with a heartbeat and a hole, and he did go where the action was as a 'guest' a number of times. Sometimes 2 and 2 actually make 4.
But you know, Romney tied his dog's cage to the top of his car, and Sarah Palin posted a pic of Trig standing on the dog. Those are so much worse than Bubba sexually exploiting underage girls (and setting himself up for blackmail while his wife was Sec of State.)
We know as fact that Trig stepped on the dog, stood on it, and we know for a fact that Romney drove his car with his dog in a cage on the roof. We do not know for fact that any of these allegations about Clinton are true or that he had any involvement with underage women. Allegations are not fact.

We do know that Clinton would jump anything with a heartbeat and a hole, and he did go where the action was as a 'guest' a number of times. Sometimes 2 and 2 actually make 4.

Bubba also has a history of preying on powerless young women.
Oh, this is getting good. And the Dems are DOOMED if they select Hillary as their 2016 candidate.

It's hard to decide who is the bigger sleazeball: Prince Andrew or Bubba, but I'm going to go with the latter.

A new lawsuit has revealed the extent of former President Clinton's friendship with a fundraiser who was later jailed for having sex with an underage prostitute.

Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who served time in 2008 for his illegal sexual partners, included up multiple trips to the onetime billionaire's private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves.

The National Enquirer has released new details about the two men's friendship, which seems to have ended abruptly around the time of Epstein's arrest.

Tales of orgies and young girls being shipped to the island, called Little St. James, have been revealed as part of an ongoing lawsuit between Epstein and his former lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards.

It is unclear what the basis of the suit is, but they go on to call witness testimony from some of the frequent guests at Epstein's island to talk about the wild parties that were held there in the early 2000s.

Flight logs pinpoint Clinton's trips on Epstein's jet between the years 2002 and 2005, while he was working on his philanthropic post-presidential career and while his wife Hillary was a Senator for their adopted state of New York.


Clinton's connection to Epstein, who worked as a financier and education philanthropist before more than 40 women came forward with claims about him being a sexual predator, has been long-established, but The Enquirer also tells how the former president was also friends with some of Epstein's seedy acquaintances.

The lawsuit claims that Clinton was friends with an unnamed woman who 'kept images of naked underage children on her computer, helped to recruit underage children for Epstein... and photographed underage females in sexually explicit poses'.

While he cut off ties with Epstein, this woman's abuses apparently did not end their relationship as she was reportedly one of the 400 guests at Chelsea Clinton's 2010 wedding....

Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Daily Mail Online

This is just too good. I can't imagine Hillary would even run if she has to answer questions about whether Bill intends to keep sex slaves domiciled in the White House.
Oh, this is getting good. And the Dems are DOOMED if they select Hillary as their 2016 candidate.

It's hard to decide who is the bigger sleazeball: Prince Andrew or Bubba, but I'm going to go with the latter.

A new lawsuit has revealed the extent of former President Clinton's friendship with a fundraiser who was later jailed for having sex with an underage prostitute.

Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who served time in 2008 for his illegal sexual partners, included up multiple trips to the onetime billionaire's private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves.

The National Enquirer has released new details about the two men's friendship, which seems to have ended abruptly around the time of Epstein's arrest.

Tales of orgies and young girls being shipped to the island, called Little St. James, have been revealed as part of an ongoing lawsuit between Epstein and his former lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards.

It is unclear what the basis of the suit is, but they go on to call witness testimony from some of the frequent guests at Epstein's island to talk about the wild parties that were held there in the early 2000s.

Flight logs pinpoint Clinton's trips on Epstein's jet between the years 2002 and 2005, while he was working on his philanthropic post-presidential career and while his wife Hillary was a Senator for their adopted state of New York.


Clinton's connection to Epstein, who worked as a financier and education philanthropist before more than 40 women came forward with claims about him being a sexual predator, has been long-established, but The Enquirer also tells how the former president was also friends with some of Epstein's seedy acquaintances.

The lawsuit claims that Clinton was friends with an unnamed woman who 'kept images of naked underage children on her computer, helped to recruit underage children for Epstein... and photographed underage females in sexually explicit poses'.

While he cut off ties with Epstein, this woman's abuses apparently did not end their relationship as she was reportedly one of the 400 guests at Chelsea Clinton's 2010 wedding....

Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Daily Mail Online

This is just too good. I can't imagine Hillary would even run if she has to answer questions about whether Bill intends to keep sex slaves domiciled in the White House.

He already did, and Hillary didn't mind it at all. They were called White House Interns at the time.

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