Please keep posts short and to the point.

Those of you advocating the bumper sticker / sound byte mentality can politely recluse yourselves

Those of you that possess the ability to rise above the fray can ignore those who refuse to do so

There are some here that post overly long comments which I don't bother to read. Remember brevity is the soul of wit.

I just hit em with something like this if they get writing books in here
The Devil is in the detail .
And also often the very necessary full context .
I don't mind long original posts as much as I do long cut and pastes.

Most of the words posted by our top racist and most favored poster are not his own.
Long posts don't bother me. What scorches my grits are long videos. Who wants to sit through a low information density half hour or hour and a half video when the same information could be obtained by reading for nine or eleven minutes.
Post a brief text, summary, or description and then use the long video as a supplement
There are some here that post overly long comments which I don't bother to read. Remember brevity is the soul of wit.
Weren't we just discussing the "sound bite" mentality on another thread?

The lack of attention span by some shouldn't force changes to content.
Indeed.....Though johnwk's OPs are longish, they're packed with content.

A few posters (i.e. the ones I mentioned) mistake windiness with wisdom.
Don’t forget the generally verbose DumpHole.

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