Deliberately and repeatedly off topic posting

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And the fact that the worst offending authoritarian leftists always show up to support this status quo tells you everything you need to know about the bias involved.
We need to lay traps for them , not get sucked into their Mishegoss thread trees
One of which sprung into immediate action to smite any poster who opposed child grooming.
We are too quick to join a rat packing of a Conservative poster but tippy toe around when a Far left Nut job and his lib bot / AI overwatch gets somehow backed onto the Ropes
We need to lay traps for them , not get sucked into their Mishegoss thread trees
The reason I said this is because I asked for a new reaction to be added and was told "there is no room", which I was skeptical of. I can't imagine you get a different reply, but I'd be happy for ya if they say yes. I won't cry or complain.
Totally fair. 👍

I kind of suspect that you’re right. I’d be skeptical of the “no room” reply, too.
Totally fair. 👍

I kind of suspect that you’re right. I’d be skeptical of the “no room” reply, too.
It doesn't even make sense to me. And my request would be pretty much universally appreciated, regardless of your politics. Oh well. I'm not sure this board has ever added features based off of user requests.
It doesn't even make sense to me. And my request would be pretty much universally appreciated, regardless of your politics. Oh well. I'm not sure this board has ever added features based off of user requests.
If it has, I don’t recall it.

(I have been guilty of posting off topic and been called on it. I have also been immature enough to engage in what amounts to bickering with certain folks. And it has sure been done to me on a regular basis. Frankly, I’d prefer to just hit an “off topic” icon than hit the “report” button, in almost all cases.)
I did not bother to hit the “report” button. But there are some posters who insist on discussing matters which are deliberately off topic — time and time and time again.

Even when their deliberate rules violations are brought to their attention in that very thread, some of these trolls just blithely continue.

So, instead of a “report” button, I wonder if the board can add an icon to the “thanks” menu which simply notes that the “contribution” is “off topic”?
Report the "off topic" replies, please.

On another note, I have already talked to admin about adding new icons/thanks - there isn't any room for another one. The forum software only has so many spaces set aside for them and ours is full.
In one thread about Islam, I had one mod DEMAND that I talk about the Amish, instead.

When I refused, I was thread banned.
Send me that link in PM, please.
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