Buckle Up: CDC Lays Groundwork for Next Pandemic


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Buckle Up: CDC Lays Groundwork for Next Pandemic
27 Jun 2024 ~~ By Mark A. Hewitt

As if on cue, the Centers for Disease Control issued their latest attempt to terrify the public on...spin the wheel...the ball lands on vingt-deux: the horrors of Dengue Fever!
Before Barack Obama wandered onto the political scene, the CDC were the undisputed leader in protecting public health and safety through controlling and preventing disease, injury, and disability in the U.S. and the world. After Obama, you would have to be blind not to see that the CDC have been fully compromised and are no longer a responsible public health organization.
The COVID debacle was not their finest moment. If you value your health, you have to question and scrutinize everything that comes from them.
Nicole Acevedo is the latest fear porn reporter and cites an array of statistics to prove the CDC’s thesis on the dangers of Dengue Fever. The number “of cases” suggests that the occurrence of Dengue is increasing in America. That may be so, but I challenge her reporting.
My reference is a pre-Obama/Fauci CDC (when they weren’t compromised) product: the U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-11.9, titled “POTENTIAL MILITARY CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL AGENTS AND COMPOUNDS,” with the latest edition published in 2005. You can find a list of “potential” bioweapons agents on page IV-2. Right there on the page, nine viruses above the “racist” Monkeypox and Marburg virus is Dengue Fever.
Dengue Fever was not directly transmitted from person to person before Obama and Fauci and Biden. I’m sure it isn’t today, either.
However, it’s been a fascinating movie to watch. The world’s craziest or deadliest endemic viruses, like Ebola, Dengue Fever, Lassa, Marburg, and Monkeypox, are found in very meager numbers — but when you let millions of untested, unvaccinated, and infected illegal aliens from all over the planet into the country, the media will seek to terrify you in this election year, and the CDC will suggest they have a vaccine to protect you. The next pandemic emergency is likely a few days away...for a virus that is not directly transmitted from person to person.

Similarly, Nile disease, Malaria, Zika, and Chikungunya are infections that are spread by spread of the Aedes family of mosquitoes and not air borne viruses like Covid-19 or Avian Flu.
I don't believe that the coming "October Surprise" will consist of viruses this time around. More lkely, it will be something even more novel, more nefarious, than Covid. This administration didn’t let hoards of bad people cross our border for no reason. This administration isn’t demonstrating global weakness for no reason. This administration didn’t let the Chinese spy balloon fly unchallenged across our country for no reason. Think; highly coordinated domestic terrorist attack, WWIII, EMP attack or other massive disabling of electric power, communications, etc.
Personally, I am more worried about the millions of military aged men brought in by the resident. Democrat's are housing and feed them, just as the military does with our soldiers. This will not end well.
As a side note, the CDC is considering designating personal firearms as a health hazard. Which would allow them a false end-run around the Second Amendment and banning then confiscation of same. Hopefully this fails like the last time it was presented.
Huh, I figured it would be gay ebola what with it being "pride" month and all. ;)


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