This is more about Biden than Trump. The Democrats want Biden out.
I tend to agree.

However, saw a report on CNBC yesterday that Wall Street dimocrat donors/fundraisers would sit out or back Trump in ‘20 if Pocahontas is the nominee.

Now, it is an arm of the National Bullshit Company so who knows?
This is more about Biden than Trump. The Democrats want Biden out.
I tend to agree.

However, saw a report on CNBC yesterday that Wall Street dimocrat donors/fundraisers would sit out or back Trump in ‘20 if Pocahontas is the nominee.

Now, it is an arm of the National Bullshit Company so who knows?

They are lying. They will back the Democrat nominee even Warren who has already cut a deal with them should she be the nominee.
He’s Done!

Adam Schiff buried him with his spy-mole stunt and subsequent disgusting behavior during a laughable hearing.

Evidence is in how Dem Candidates react to questions about whether or not they’d let their son sit on the board of a Foreign company and get paid for...well nothing.

Warren Flustered After Being Asked Hypothetical Question About How She Would've Addressed Biden VP Controversy

So apparently the new "best candidate ever" gets flustered pretty easily.
He’s Done!

Adam Schiff buried him with his spy-mole stunt and subsequent disgusting behavior during a laughable hearing.

Evidence is in how Dem Candidates react to questions about whether or not they’d let their son sit on the board of a Foreign company and get paid for...well nothing.

Warren Flustered After Being Asked Hypothetical Question About How She Would've Addressed Biden VP Controversy

So apparently the new "best candidate ever" gets flustered pretty easily.
Notice the difference between Trump and Biden.

Trump gets asked about The Ukraine, and talks to the press openly about it, releases The DNI Transcript of The Phone Call, and The President of The Ukraine gives testimony as well about the phone call.

Biden refuses to talk about it, refuses to release any documents about it, and Adam Schiff stands up and bold face lies to The American People and even tries to get The DNI to break the law.

Warren gets flustered.

You can cut the hypocrisy with a knife.
Poor wingnuts.

We need to see all Biden's emails to Ukraine and his son and transcripts of phone calls over the 5 years that Hunter Biden was accepting $84,000 a month from The Ukrainian-Russian Mafia.
Notice the difference between Trump and Biden.

Trump gets asked about The Ukraine, and talks to the press openly about it, releases The DNI Transcript of The Phone Call, and The President of The Ukraine gives testimony as well about the phone call.

Biden refuses to talk about it, refuses to release any documents about it, and Adam Schiff stands up and bold face lies to The American People and even tries to get The DNI to break the law.

But, but, but he went on Jimmy Kimmel... He has to be telling the truth...
I’m declaring Joe Biden’s Campaign run for President of Cell Block C as Official.

Bondi is showing us exactly why The Democrats wanted to take Trump out before The Leftist Obama & Clinton Graft and Bribery Machine was exposed.

The Gravy Train is over Bitches!
How can anyone not be laughing their ass off at watching The Biden Campaign be outted and going down in flames on National TV Right Now?

Notice the difference between Trump and Biden.

Trump gets asked about The Ukraine, and talks to the press openly about it, releases The DNI Transcript of The Phone Call, and The President of The Ukraine gives testimony as well about the phone call.

Biden refuses to talk about it, refuses to release any documents about it, and Adam Schiff stands up and bold face lies to The American People and even tries to get The DNI to break the law.

But, but, but he went on Jimmy Kimmel... He has to be telling the truth...

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