Dems Desperate to bury their own Actual Russia - Ukraine Collusion



He fired the man who has been exposing our attacks!


This guy is our best useful idiot ever!


Ehhhhh...heh heh...

You have to remember, Trump was stupid enough to fall for the birther hoax. And he led a whole raft of idiots to follow him.

And now all these tards are lining up to follow Trump as he chases another hoax. :lol:

It's a birther thing.

Obama was born in Kenya glargle-glargle-glargle!


The DNC server is in the Ukraine glargle-glargle-glargle!
Dear Putin Bot 5000.

None of what you posted refutes the Evidence of Obama and Clinton's Corrupt and Criminal Activities.

Why do you think Hillary and Obama were so desperate to win the 2016 Election that they asked for Putin's Help?

You have to have some kind of theory on that.

Never in US History has a sitting President solicited Russia for Propaganda to be used to attack a rival candidate, and never before has a sitting president launched a COUP against an incoming president like Obama did while still sitting in office.

Care to explain that instead of try to deflect like you are?

Or would you rather just remain as Putin's Personal Butt Puppet and troll?





Obama warns against blocking Iran nuclear deal
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Dear Putin Bot 5000.

None of what you posted refutes the Evidence of Obama and Clinton's Corrupt and Criminal Activities.

Why do you think Hillary and Obama were so desperate to win the 2016 Election that they asked for Putin's Help?

You have to have some kind of theory on that.

Never in US History has a sitting President solicited Russia for Propaganda to be used to attack a rival candidate, and never before has a sitting president launched a COUP against an incoming president like Obama did while still sitting in office.

Care to explain that instead of try to deflect like you are?

Or would you rather just remain as Putin's Personal Butt Puppet and troll?

Stop drinking the birther piss, kid. You look like an idiot.
there asshats are f'n senile ...

once a week they post bs about bs that has been debunked more times than they have iq points -

D-E-B-U-N-K-E-D -

Actually none of this has been debunked. All of it was highly improper. Mueller himself knew before he accepted The Special Counsel Role that Russian Collusion was False. He also lied to Congress about being interviewed and then rejected by President Trump for The FBI head position. Also he concealed the fact he was kicked out of a Trump Resort for failing to pay his dues.


your Clinton-Uranium horseshit got laughed at waaaaaaaaaaaay back when.

youre not worth the keystrokes worthy of a revisit to you in la-la land ............

cya fumbduck
No one is listening to you because Everyone Knows that you are Not FOR AMERICA. If you were making honest efforts to clean up Washington and Politics, you would not be a a 3 year witch hunt to find anything you could (and you haven't found jack yet) on Trump to pin something you could leverage on him to force him out of office.

If you were an honest man with honorable intentions, You'd be criticizing the fact that Clinton and Obama purchased Russian Propaganda, and delivered it in to the core of our Government weaponizing it to try to blow up our entire Democracy and reverse the results of the 2016 Election.

If you were a true American, you'd have already accepted the results of the 2016 Election

But Alas, you are a mere troll, and hater, OFFERING NOTHING OF VALUE BUT YOUR OWN ANGER, Bias, and Hatred for all things American.

If you cared about America at all, you''d be asking the same questions America is asking.

Why the witch hunt against President Trump? Why did we do The Uranium One Deal with Putin, when we knew he was scheming to use Rosatom (his company) to purchase Uranium One and gain control of our Uranium?

We knew there were bribes being thrown around all over the place, so why was that hidden from The Public by Mueller and Comey until AFTER the Rosatom-Uranium One deal was approved?

What's with all the strange Clinton Foundation Donations, timed around some very suspicious sweetheart deals?

Why did Obama in The Dark of Night violate International Law, Circumvent Congress and fly $150 Billion to Iran?

Why is Iran now purchasing US Uranium now through Putin's Rosatom corp?

Why is Iran using the money Obama sent them to purchase Russian Weapons and to fund terrorists in it's area?

Why did Joe and Hunter Biden cash in on The Ukraine and China when Hunter Biden was just a drug addict using Daddy's name to take payments to influence The White House?

Why did Obama and Clinton feel like they needed to purchase Russian Propaganda to beat Trump?

Why did Hillary Clinton and The DNC Hire Pakistani Hackers they knew had Criminal Records to hack in to Congressional Files and steal data and look for dirt on their opponents?

What was John Podesta paying Manafort and Gates to do in The Ukraine on behalf of Obama, Biden and Clinton?

And why were Podesta Group records sealed and The Podesta Group and Clinton Campaign given immunity?

Clusterfuck bombs are illegal internationally!

You should get sanctioned for crimes against message boards
Glad to see you admit your party's guilt and by proxy your own in participating in The Russian Collusion Hoax, and Trump Witch Hunt to over turn the results of The 2016 Election.

Get over it. 2016 is history, it's over. The Russian's won. Donnie is still President. He has a pen and a phone with all his autocrats, dictators and strongmen on speed dial.

Donnie and his sympathizers are toast even if the Republicans don't break with the Trumpturds.
Keep paying attention kids and what you will learn is all this huffing and puffing by The Radical DemNazi Clinton - Obama - Marixst Cabal is only to hide the fact that Obama and Clinton and The DNC actively invited The Ukraine and Russia to interfere in our elections because they were fearful of a Trump Presidency exposing a Corrupt Web of public Officials installed by Obama Bin Lying and Clinton.

They just didn't know how to beat the man even with their smear machine running 24-7 at full throttle and outspending him 6-1, so they invited Russia and The Ukraine in to American Politics in the hopes the dirtiest and most corrupt propagandist and political hit men they knew could help take out The Don.

Russian Reset was just an invitation for Russian Money to be funneled to American Politicians associated with The Obama and Clinton Crime families and many of their pay to pay influence selling schemes. Biden got paid, Clinton got paid Obama and all his friends got paid.

The below article just scratches the surface.

Pelosi and Schiff are fulfilling Putin’s goals | Flopping Aces

Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are Putin’s puppets. Let’s see why. For the last three years Donald Trump has been falsely under assault from the left. Why? The phony dossier and more.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC desperately wanted dirt on Trump. So they hired Fusion GPS who employed a British spy to collect disinformation from Russian operatives which they then fed to the FBI via the State Department. Knowing that they had fools desperate for trash, Russian operatives fed Steele as much salacious nonsense as he would accept- hookers urinating on beds and more.

On top of that the DNC sent an operative to Ukraine to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country’s president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly’s office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Chalupa later tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment on Manafort’s Russian ties on a U.S. visit during the 2016 campaign, the ambassador said.
Chaly says that, at the time of the contacts in 2016, the embassy knew Chalupa primarily as a Ukrainian American activist and learned only later of her ties to the DNC. He says the embassy considered her requests an inappropriate solicitation of interference in the U.S. election.

This was also reported by Politico in 2017

In an interview this month, Chalupa told Politico she had developed a network of sources in Kiev and Washington, including investigative journalists, government officials and private intelligence operatives. While her consulting work at the DNC this past election cycle centered on mobilizing ethnic communities — including Ukrainian-Americans — she said that, when Trump’s unlikely presidential campaign began surging in late 2015, she began focusing more on the research, and expanded it to include Trump’s ties to Russia, as well.

She occasionally shared her findings with officials from the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, Chalupa said. In January 2016 — months before Manafort had taken any role in Trump’s campaign — Chalupa told a senior DNC official that, when it came to Trump’s campaign, “I felt there was a Russia connection,” Chalupa recalled. “And that, if there was, that we can expect Paul Manafort to be involved in this election,” said Chalupa, who at the time also was warning leaders in the Ukrainian-American community that Manafort was “Putin’s political brain for manipulating U.S. foreign policy and elections.”

To give you an indication of how responsive Adam Schiff is to Vladimir Putin, consider that on September 27 Putin baited Schiff:

Russia hopes the U.S. doesn’t release transcripts of President Donald Trump’s conversations with Vladimir Putin as it did this week with his talks with the Ukrainian leader, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.

“We would like to hope that things won’t come to such situations in our bilateral relations, which already have plenty of quite serious problems,” Peskov told a conference call when asked for the Kremlin’s reaction to the U.S. decision to release the transcript of the call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

And right on cue two days later Schiff jumps at his puppet master’s lure:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Congress is determined to get access to Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, the U.S. House Intelligence Committee’s chairman said on Sunday, citing concerns that the Republican president may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders – and in particular with Putin – that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

This certainly must be coincidence. It’s not just Biden.


All how the Trumpkins try to take direction away from your Nervous Nancy calling on Ukraine and China to investigate his political rival.
Actually none of this has been debunked. All of it was highly improper. Mueller himself knew before he accepted The Special Counsel Role that Russian Collusion was False. He also lied to Congress about being interviewed and then rejected by President Trump for The FBI head position. Also he concealed the fact he was kicked out of a Trump Resort for failing to pay his dues.


your Clinton-Uranium horseshit got laughed at waaaaaaaaaaaay back when.

youre not worth the keystrokes worthy of a revisit to you in la-la land ............

cya fumbduck
No one is listening to you because Everyone Knows that you are Not FOR AMERICA. If you were making honest efforts to clean up Washington and Politics, you would not be a a 3 year witch hunt to find anything you could (and you haven't found jack yet) on Trump to pin something you could leverage on him to force him out of office.

If you were an honest man with honorable intentions, You'd be criticizing the fact that Clinton and Obama purchased Russian Propaganda, and delivered it in to the core of our Government weaponizing it to try to blow up our entire Democracy and reverse the results of the 2016 Election.

If you were a true American, you'd have already accepted the results of the 2016 Election

But Alas, you are a mere troll, and hater, OFFERING NOTHING OF VALUE BUT YOUR OWN ANGER, Bias, and Hatred for all things American.

If you cared about America at all, you''d be asking the same questions America is asking.

Why the witch hunt against President Trump? Why did we do The Uranium One Deal with Putin, when we knew he was scheming to use Rosatom (his company) to purchase Uranium One and gain control of our Uranium?

We knew there were bribes being thrown around all over the place, so why was that hidden from The Public by Mueller and Comey until AFTER the Rosatom-Uranium One deal was approved?

What's with all the strange Clinton Foundation Donations, timed around some very suspicious sweetheart deals?

Why did Obama in The Dark of Night violate International Law, Circumvent Congress and fly $150 Billion to Iran?

Why is Iran now purchasing US Uranium now through Putin's Rosatom corp?

Why is Iran using the money Obama sent them to purchase Russian Weapons and to fund terrorists in it's area?

Why did Joe and Hunter Biden cash in on The Ukraine and China when Hunter Biden was just a drug addict using Daddy's name to take payments to influence The White House?

Why did Obama and Clinton feel like they needed to purchase Russian Propaganda to beat Trump?

Why did Hillary Clinton and The DNC Hire Pakistani Hackers they knew had Criminal Records to hack in to Congressional Files and steal data and look for dirt on their opponents?

What was John Podesta paying Manafort and Gates to do in The Ukraine on behalf of Obama, Biden and Clinton?

And why were Podesta Group records sealed and The Podesta Group and Clinton Campaign given immunity?

Clusterfuck bombs are illegal internationally!

You should get sanctioned for crimes against message boards
Glad to see you admit your party's guilt and by proxy your own in participating in The Russian Collusion Hoax, and Trump Witch Hunt to over turn the results of The 2016 Election.

Get over it. 2016 is history, it's over. The Russian's won. Donnie is still President. He has a pen and a phone with all his autocrats, dictators and strongmen on speed dial.

Donnie and his sympathizers are toast even if the Republicans don't break with the Trumpturds.
We will get over it when you and your Party quits colluding with Russians and Ukrainians, and CIA Moles and Spies to over turn the 2016 Election.

What's wrong little Putin Bot? Don't want to talk about The Nothing Burger Mueller Report? What a slap to the face that must have been.

Now you are relying on 3rd hand gossip and Super Duper Double Secret Hearings with Secret Transcripts and Secret Accusations?

How about you just swim back to Mother Russia?

Traitors and Seditionists are never happy with Treason and Sedition.

They need a continual diet of anarchy or they riot in the streets until the blood starts flowing.

Hopefully it's the traitors and seditionists who bleeds this time.

If you want a 2nd Revolution like Nazi Pelosi is calling for, we are happy to give it to you.
Dear Putin Bot 5000.

None of what you posted refutes the Evidence of Obama and Clinton's Corrupt and Criminal Activities.

Why do you think Hillary and Obama were so desperate to win the 2016 Election that they asked for Putin's Help?

You have to have some kind of theory on that.

Never in US History has a sitting President solicited Russia for Propaganda to be used to attack a rival candidate, and never before has a sitting president launched a COUP against an incoming president like Obama did while still sitting in office.

Care to explain that instead of try to deflect like you are?

Or would you rather just remain as Putin's Personal Butt Puppet and troll?

Stop drinking the birther piss, kid. You look like an idiot.
You look like your chin regularly serves as Putin's Balls Rest.

What is it like to serve as Putin's Personal Butt Puppet?

Why do you look at a hairy man butt and go "yummy, it's din din time!"
We will get over it when you and your Party....
:yapyapyapf: Trumpublicans like you love to dish it out but you just can't take it. In fact when confronted with actual words that came out of their own mouths, they get indignant and blame the audiences ears.....

What's wrong little Putin Bot? Don't want to talk about

Poor Little Putin Bot. When are you ever going to stick up for America, American Values, our Democratic Republic, and our President?

Well, if you are a scum bag, like you are who doesn't give a shit about America, the answer is NEVER.

What country is your party going to run to for help in 2020? Libphuckistan?

I mean What is LibPhuckistan going to do for you when California already tried to keep Trump off the ballot and got bitch slapped?

Your Pakistani Hackers didn't help you much either, but then again, neither did your Russian Propaganda.

Don't you have some Butt Stained Putin Underwear to go purchase off of the Dark Web?
If witnesses are to be called, we need to ask The Obama Administration why they spent so much money opposing The Election of an Anti-Corruption Government in the Ukraine.
"investigate" is a polite term for "spy on"

Obama spied on Trump's campaign, my friends!
"investigate" is a polite term for "spy on"

Obama spied on Trump's campaign, my friends!
That is a FACT. Obama and Clinton spied on The Trump Campaign and Used Russian Propaganda that they paid for to file Fraudulent Affidavits in FISA to Illegally Spy on a Rival Campaign.
Keep paying attention kids and what you will learn is all this huffing and puffing by The Radical DemNazi Clinton - Obama - Marixst Cabal is only to hide the fact that Obama and Clinton and The DNC actively invited The Ukraine and Russia to interfere in our elections because they were fearful of a Trump Presidency exposing a Corrupt Web of public Officials installed by Obama Bin Lying and Clinton.

They just didn't know how to beat the man even with their smear machine running 24-7 at full throttle and outspending him 6-1, so they invited Russia and The Ukraine in to American Politics in the hopes the dirtiest and most corrupt propagandist and political hit men they knew could help take out The Don.

Russian Reset was just an invitation for Russian Money to be funneled to American Politicians associated with The Obama and Clinton Crime families and many of their pay to pay influence selling schemes. Biden got paid, Clinton got paid Obama and all his friends got paid.

The below article just scratches the surface.

Pelosi and Schiff are fulfilling Putin’s goals | Flopping Aces

Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are Putin’s puppets. Let’s see why. For the last three years Donald Trump has been falsely under assault from the left. Why? The phony dossier and more.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC desperately wanted dirt on Trump. So they hired Fusion GPS who employed a British spy to collect disinformation from Russian operatives which they then fed to the FBI via the State Department. Knowing that they had fools desperate for trash, Russian operatives fed Steele as much salacious nonsense as he would accept- hookers urinating on beds and more.

On top of that the DNC sent an operative to Ukraine to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country’s president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly’s office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Chalupa later tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment on Manafort’s Russian ties on a U.S. visit during the 2016 campaign, the ambassador said.
Chaly says that, at the time of the contacts in 2016, the embassy knew Chalupa primarily as a Ukrainian American activist and learned only later of her ties to the DNC. He says the embassy considered her requests an inappropriate solicitation of interference in the U.S. election.

This was also reported by Politico in 2017

In an interview this month, Chalupa told Politico she had developed a network of sources in Kiev and Washington, including investigative journalists, government officials and private intelligence operatives. While her consulting work at the DNC this past election cycle centered on mobilizing ethnic communities — including Ukrainian-Americans — she said that, when Trump’s unlikely presidential campaign began surging in late 2015, she began focusing more on the research, and expanded it to include Trump’s ties to Russia, as well.

She occasionally shared her findings with officials from the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, Chalupa said. In January 2016 — months before Manafort had taken any role in Trump’s campaign — Chalupa told a senior DNC official that, when it came to Trump’s campaign, “I felt there was a Russia connection,” Chalupa recalled. “And that, if there was, that we can expect Paul Manafort to be involved in this election,” said Chalupa, who at the time also was warning leaders in the Ukrainian-American community that Manafort was “Putin’s political brain for manipulating U.S. foreign policy and elections.”

To give you an indication of how responsive Adam Schiff is to Vladimir Putin, consider that on September 27 Putin baited Schiff:

Russia hopes the U.S. doesn’t release transcripts of President Donald Trump’s conversations with Vladimir Putin as it did this week with his talks with the Ukrainian leader, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.

“We would like to hope that things won’t come to such situations in our bilateral relations, which already have plenty of quite serious problems,” Peskov told a conference call when asked for the Kremlin’s reaction to the U.S. decision to release the transcript of the call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

And right on cue two days later Schiff jumps at his puppet master’s lure:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Congress is determined to get access to Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, the U.S. House Intelligence Committee’s chairman said on Sunday, citing concerns that the Republican president may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders – and in particular with Putin – that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

This certainly must be coincidence. It’s not just Biden.


Somebody calling himself "Dr. John" on a website called "Flopping Aces"

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Just because something is posted on the internet Tree, that doesn't make it true.

Still promoting lies and Russian propaganda, and claiming to be right with God.
Keep paying attention kids and what you will learn is all this huffing and puffing by The Radical DemNazi Clinton - Obama - Marixst Cabal is only to hide the fact that Obama and Clinton and The DNC actively invited The Ukraine and Russia to interfere in our elections because they were fearful of a Trump Presidency exposing a Corrupt Web of public Officials installed by Obama Bin Lying and Clinton.

They just didn't know how to beat the man even with their smear machine running 24-7 at full throttle and outspending him 6-1, so they invited Russia and The Ukraine in to American Politics in the hopes the dirtiest and most corrupt propagandist and political hit men they knew could help take out The Don.

Russian Reset was just an invitation for Russian Money to be funneled to American Politicians associated with The Obama and Clinton Crime families and many of their pay to pay influence selling schemes. Biden got paid, Clinton got paid Obama and all his friends got paid.

The below article just scratches the surface.

Pelosi and Schiff are fulfilling Putin’s goals | Flopping Aces

Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are Putin’s puppets. Let’s see why. For the last three years Donald Trump has been falsely under assault from the left. Why? The phony dossier and more.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC desperately wanted dirt on Trump. So they hired Fusion GPS who employed a British spy to collect disinformation from Russian operatives which they then fed to the FBI via the State Department. Knowing that they had fools desperate for trash, Russian operatives fed Steele as much salacious nonsense as he would accept- hookers urinating on beds and more.

On top of that the DNC sent an operative to Ukraine to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country’s president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly’s office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Chalupa later tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment on Manafort’s Russian ties on a U.S. visit during the 2016 campaign, the ambassador said.
Chaly says that, at the time of the contacts in 2016, the embassy knew Chalupa primarily as a Ukrainian American activist and learned only later of her ties to the DNC. He says the embassy considered her requests an inappropriate solicitation of interference in the U.S. election.

This was also reported by Politico in 2017

In an interview this month, Chalupa told Politico she had developed a network of sources in Kiev and Washington, including investigative journalists, government officials and private intelligence operatives. While her consulting work at the DNC this past election cycle centered on mobilizing ethnic communities — including Ukrainian-Americans — she said that, when Trump’s unlikely presidential campaign began surging in late 2015, she began focusing more on the research, and expanded it to include Trump’s ties to Russia, as well.

She occasionally shared her findings with officials from the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, Chalupa said. In January 2016 — months before Manafort had taken any role in Trump’s campaign — Chalupa told a senior DNC official that, when it came to Trump’s campaign, “I felt there was a Russia connection,” Chalupa recalled. “And that, if there was, that we can expect Paul Manafort to be involved in this election,” said Chalupa, who at the time also was warning leaders in the Ukrainian-American community that Manafort was “Putin’s political brain for manipulating U.S. foreign policy and elections.”

To give you an indication of how responsive Adam Schiff is to Vladimir Putin, consider that on September 27 Putin baited Schiff:

Russia hopes the U.S. doesn’t release transcripts of President Donald Trump’s conversations with Vladimir Putin as it did this week with his talks with the Ukrainian leader, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.

“We would like to hope that things won’t come to such situations in our bilateral relations, which already have plenty of quite serious problems,” Peskov told a conference call when asked for the Kremlin’s reaction to the U.S. decision to release the transcript of the call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

And right on cue two days later Schiff jumps at his puppet master’s lure:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Congress is determined to get access to Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, the U.S. House Intelligence Committee’s chairman said on Sunday, citing concerns that the Republican president may have jeopardized national security.

“I think the paramount need here is to protect the national security of the United States and see whether in the conversations with other world leaders – and in particular with Putin – that the president was also undermining our security in a way that he thought would personally benefit his campaign,” Democrat Adam Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

This certainly must be coincidence. It’s not just Biden.


Somebody calling himself "Dr. John" on a website called "Flopping Aces"

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Just because something is posted on the internet Tree, that doesn't make it true.

Still promoting lies and Russian propaganda, and claiming to be right with God.
The Russia Hoax was debunked and you wasted 3 years and $100 Million trying to frame The President for something you people did and you came up empty.

Nothing says "From Russia With Love" more than Clinton & Obama Paying and arming Al Queda to Assassinate Qaddafi so that Russia and Putin could take over Libyan Oil fields.

Nothing says "From Russia With Love" more than a Putin Gift Wrapped Dirty Dossier from The Kremlin for Obama and Clinton to help defeat Orange Man Bad > Cash On Delivery!

Nothing says "From Russia With Love" more than selling Putin 20% of our Uranium, Giving him 4 of our Aleutian Islands, and Then Begging Him For Help in the 2016 Election.

Nothing says "From Russia With Love" more than Obama Bin Lying giving Russia's Number One Ally, Iran $150 Billion in Obama Bucks to pay PUTIN for Russian Made Obama Bombs and Russian Weapons and to help Iran afford Russian Help to Build Obama Nukes and Obama Missiles to Kill Americans and Israelis by Weaponizing our Own Money against us to build Iran's Russian Made Military.

Obama says "Russia-Iran...You didn't build that...I, Obama Bin Spying Built That!"

The Democrat Party Laundering State Department Funds through the Ukraine Embassy and in to their own pockets happened. Burisma Happened. Biden, Romney, Pelosi, and John Kerry's sons working for Burisma happened.

$6 to $7 Billion in State Department Funds disappeared in To The Ukraine Embassy under Hillary Clinton and The Embassy also says they cannot account for it.

Clinton, Podesta, Manafort, Gates, Joe Biden, Brennan and Clapper all in the Ukraine right before their elections and ours happened.

The Obama Administration giving Russia The Crimea, and letting them invade The Ukraine and giving them blankets when they needed javelin missiles happened.

Trump giving Ukraine Javelin Missiles Happened.

The Obama Administration opposing an Anti-Corruption Government in Ukraine and spending billions to stop them from being elected in The Ukraine, happened.

Soros NGOs in Ukraine getting US tax dollars to fund opposition to The Anti-Corruption Government running for election in Ukraine, HAPPENED.

Obama and Biden's corrupt Ukraine Politician Friends fleeing to Russia when they lost happened.
And just like I thought, the little left tard troll ran away.

I'd like to know what The Ukraine Embassy is hiding. $7 Billion Dollars disappeared through there during The Obama Administration and they cannot account for it.
Now we have The Biden Administration playing kissy face with both Russia and China. How clever.

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