
I came very close to leaving this place a few days ago, myself.

The straw that very nearly broke my back was when somebody decided to N-bomb BAC.

He was probably less offened than I was. My offence came from the fact that people who write here everyday ought to have more sense than to attack each other so vilely.

I am frankly getting weary of the racist blather that gets a pass here.

I don't know why Chloe and Sky Dancer left, but I will miss them both.

They seemed like sweet people so I can see why they decided that this place wasn't their cup of tea.

The rancor and the childish macho crap that seems to impress a lot of us here is rather a waste of time.

Having to wade past the mindless crap from people who take every opportunity to turn the discussion from rational debates to insult-fests grows increasingly tedious, as well.

People here take great joy in attacking others personally. Much more joy, obviously, than they take having a discussion about issues.

That is pretty obvious, isn't it?

I must've missed the n bomb but I have a question which has never been answered to my satisfaction...yes I know this will probably start another war. Why is it blacks can call each other the "n" word but whites can't call them the "n" word. Seems to me, that if blacks really want that word banished, they would stop using it altogether.

People do repeat words they hear so if a white hangs around with a bunch blacks and they use the "n"word, he's much more likely to slip and use it too.

This is one of my pet peeves with the "f" word as well. People use it so often that everyone uses it in everyday speech. It's lost it's effect in a lot of ways but worse, people overseas learn that as one of their first English words. Imagine finding homes for Japanese students and most of those homes are good Christian Americans and their little Japanese visitor lets slip the "f" word and they have no idea how off color it is as they hear it in all the American movies. We had a young Japanese boy say the word "****" and the family almost kicked him out right then and there.

I guess what I'm saying is that I wish we were all adults as stayed away from the off color words, especially in our movies that are seen overseas and give them the impression that everyone in America talks that way.
It seems that that type of activity takes place at all message boards that allow free speech.
It truly becomes unfortunate when one allows them self to get caught up in the mindless insults. I will admit that I've been guilty of it myself at times.

Me too, and I seriously try not to, I'm just not that kind of person, I seldom even use cuss words, this gives me an advantage when I do use them. I remember one day at work, it was a really bad day and I banged my knee on my desk and said "shit". Everybody in the whole office looked at me, and for the rest of the day they tiptoed around me and were very nice. I think they thought I was about to lose it since I never use that kind of language. If it had come from anybody else, it would have been business as usual.
It seems that that type of activity takes place at all message boards that allow free speech.
No, not really. I came here from a completely free speech board which has far less of this crap happening than here.

I am talking now about the nasty racist crap that's getting a pass here.

Yopu'd be free to do that there, but people would pretty much just stop engaging you in any kind of discussion if you openly attacked somebody based on race there.

And that place has far more conservatives (who can think clearly) than this one does, too, so it's not about liberalism v conservatism, either.

This place is rife with people obsessed with race, folks.

The obsessional threads we have regarding Israel is proof enough of that.

Flaming is one thing. Setting out to truly hurt other people quite another.

There's people here who are truly sick of heart.

So, just out of curiosity, would you consider me a racist? Why or Why not? I know some do and some don't. I think that too is a word that's been used so much that it's lost it's meaning.
Their accounts are not deactivated. They turned off their own PMs.

I don't know what SD's deal is, but apparently chloe thinks it's perfectly okay for someone from another board to come poaching off this one and appears genuinely clueless to the dishonesty of such behavior and copped n attitude with me for calling it dishonest behavior.

If people want to toss little hissy fits and leave, that's on them.

Okay, just a question...what do you mean by poaching off this board? Like, trying to get people from this board to go to another one? Or posting messages from this board on another one? I have on occasion posted something I got here on aol and vice verse, is that wrong? I do say where it came from.

Just don't want to get into trouble here.
Okay, just a question...what do you mean by poaching off this board? Like, trying to get people from this board to go to another one? Or posting messages from this board on another one? I have on occasion posted something I got here on aol and vice verse, is that wrong? I do say where it came from.

Just don't want to get into trouble here.

i got no clue about any of this shit...i would say...shelia..that gunny is referring to the pm's that a lot of people got....asking them to consider chatting at another board...."poaching" you must remember someone pays for this bandwidth...and this program....we are not ask to kick anything in ...or there are no levels of membership on here..like in paltalk where you can be a "purple" name if you pay for your membership...if not ...you are a black name...

there is not a lot of bullshit on here about speech...i came here, from a board where you cant say balls...crackers....etc...makes it hard to talk...too narrow...but they have 10 k members...they are regional in nature...

the board i was on before that..was soapbox in excite chat...it closed down due to hackers.

this board is more difficult

I guess what I'm saying is that I wish we were all adults as stayed away from the off color words, especially in our movies that are seen overseas and give them the impression that everyone in America talks that way.

That's not going to happen Againsheila, you folks don't swear, really. Spend fifteen minutes in the front bar of any pub here and your ears would go red and fall off :lol:
Poaching. If it's sprayed right out there like spam on the forums then it should be removed for sure.

If someone sends a pm to someone else and suggests another forum then it depends.

If I get a recruiting pm from a spammer or new member I'll just ignore it.

If someone who is a regular sends an invite I'll probably go and have a look. If someone asks me which other political sites I go to then I'll tell them. Fortunately I don't have a list of them because there are only two or three at any given time, so I'm not exactly full of recruiting info.

What I don't like is smearing another forum. Pointless. Tasteless. Impolite.
i got no clue about any of this shit...i would say...shelia..that gunny is referring to the pm's that a lot of people got....asking them to consider chatting at another board...."poaching" you must remember someone pays for this bandwidth...and this program....we are not ask to kick anything in ...or there are no levels of membership on here..like in paltalk where you can be a "purple" name if you pay for your membership...if not ...you are a black name...

there is not a lot of bullshit on here about speech...i came here, from a board where you cant say balls...crackers....etc...makes it hard to talk...too narrow...but they have 10 k members...they are regional in nature...

the board i was on before that..was soapbox in excite chat...it closed down due to hackers.

this board is more difficult

yeah, I got that thing asking me to go to another board but I didn't recognize the sender and so just ignored it.
That's not going to happen Againsheila, you folks don't swear, really. Spend fifteen minutes in the front bar of any pub here and your ears would go red and fall off :lol:

I have a lot of friends who cuss, one of them I see only once every year or two, it usually takes me a couple of hours to get her to stop cussing. I could probably cuss with the best of them if I wanted to, but I grew up in a home where we were taught that well educated people didn't resort to that kind of language.

And like I said, not cussing does have it benefits. When you do cuss, people take notice.
I have a lot of friends who cuss, one of them I see only once every year or two, it usually takes me a couple of hours to get her to stop cussing. I could probably cuss with the best of them if I wanted to, but I grew up in a home where we were taught that well educated people didn't resort to that kind of language.

And like I said, not cussing does have it benefits. When you do cuss, people take notice.

I know some very well educated people here and they swear - but, as you pointed out - tactically ;)

As a young lad I worked on building sites, steel works and ship buildig yards, I heard all the effing and blinding until I just got sick of it, every second word.

However that didn't stop me - but there's a time and place for everything, the office isn't a place for effing and blinding that's a given or it should be.

Funny isn't it? Context is so very important.
Both Sky Dancer and Chloe have said goodbye in private messages to me. Sky Dancer even offered to send me her private email, but apparently both their accounts have been deactivated and aren't receiving private messages. So, wherever you are, goodbye, and you'll be missed.

What? When did Sky do this?
I was on another forum where Sky did the exact same thing.

She is always on the edge and gets very touchy at times.

I'm just glad she falls back on her buddhist religion to temper mood swings.

Otherwise, we would be reading about her in the newspaper someday!! :eek:

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