"Burn Your Masks!" Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
So you think what from this? that the Covid virus doesn't exist and that the millions it has killed is a lie . The right should be charges with murder because more then half of the deaths in this country were because of these hate Nazi's and their stupidity. Like the comment above.

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
It doesn't seem to bother you gun Bubbas with the NRA.

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
It doesn't seem to bother you gun Bubbas with the NRA.

You think it would bother you that they want to take guns away from law abiding citizens while only the criminals and gov will have guns. Nope...no problem there. :rolleyes:

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
So you think what from this? that the Covid virus doesn't exist and that the millions it has killed is a lie . The right should be charges with murder because more then half of the deaths in this country were because of these hate Nazi's and their stupidity. Like the comment above.

It is all a lie and a hoax. Here learn something about it.

Fiona Hine and Dr Andy Kaufman


i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
It doesn't seem to bother you gun Bubbas with the NRA.

You think it would bother you that they want to take guns away from law abiding citizens while only the criminals and gov will have guns. Nope...no problem there. :rolleyes:
Can't sell that bullshit to anyone who can think, every gun taken out of the system cuts down on the potential of death by gun. That's every single one

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
So you think what from this? that the Covid virus doesn't exist and that the millions it has killed is a lie . The right should be charges with murder because more then half of the deaths in this country were because of these hate Nazi's and their stupidity. Like the comment above.

It is all a lie and a hoax. Here learn something about it.

Fiona Hine and Dr Andy Kaufman

Ok Qanon

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
So you think what from this? that the Covid virus doesn't exist and that the millions it has killed is a lie . The right should be charges with murder because more then half of the deaths in this country were because of these hate Nazi's and their stupidity. Like the comment above.

It is all a lie and a hoax. Here learn something about it.

Fiona Hine and Dr Andy Kaufman

Andy Kaufman? Hoax? LOL

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
So you think what from this? that the Covid virus doesn't exist and that the millions it has killed is a lie . The right should be charges with murder because more then half of the deaths in this country were because of these hate Nazi's and their stupidity. Like the comment above.

It is all a lie and a hoax. Here learn something about it.

Fiona Hine and Dr Andy Kaufman

Andy Kaufman? Hoax? LOL

Germ Theory-Hoax....It was proved wrong by scientific experiment in the early 1900s. Your problem is that you believe the big pharma lies so you think anyone that goes against them is a hoax.

i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
So you think what from this? that the Covid virus doesn't exist and that the millions it has killed is a lie . The right should be charges with murder because more then half of the deaths in this country were because of these hate Nazi's and their stupidity. Like the comment above.

It is all a lie and a hoax. Here learn something about it.

Fiona Hine and Dr Andy Kaufman

Ok Qanon

I guess we need to settle your love of the Q:


i see a troll here is laughing over a video he did not even watch.

You can tell when people believe everything the MSM tells them. It really brought these people out during this plannedemic. The COVID Cult or Covidiots and their gods Bill Gates/Fauci.
So willing to stamp the word idiot on his forehead before the mouth opens.

The obvious thing is, that anyone can figure out with just a little bit of research is there is an
incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government health regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, which primarily work for the pharmaceutical industry to maximize their profits, and are not very concerned about public health at all.

Most of the people appointed to these government agencies come out of the pharmaceutical industry, and then return there once they are finished working for agencies like the FDA and the CDC.
So you think what from this? that the Covid virus doesn't exist and that the millions it has killed is a lie . The right should be charges with murder because more then half of the deaths in this country were because of these hate Nazi's and their stupidity. Like the comment above.

It is all a lie and a hoax. Here learn something about it.

Fiona Hine and Dr Andy Kaufman

Ok Qanon

I guess we need to settle your love of the Q:

You nonsense about my support of Qanon is a hoot, I think every last one of you kooks are goofball.
Why corrupted politicians and police animals continue genocide against humanity called Covid-1984 scamdemic? Because they know the point of no return had been already passed and after peoples become free they will send all Corona criminals to the Nuernebrg 2.0. It's difficult to believe they become minor penalties because Covid-1984 scam took already lives of more as 100m Covid measures victims worldwide. Any police gangster, any lying presstitiute, any grocery owner, any security, any snitch and of course any politician will know the rage of peoples who become free again

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science - which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

Can't go in ANY stores or buildings here without a mask
Why corrupted politicians and police animals continue genocide against humanity called Covid-1984 scamdemic? Because they know the point of no return had been already passed and after peoples become free they will send all Corona criminals to the Nuernebrg 2.0. It's difficult to believe they become minor penalties because Covid-1984 scam took already lives of more as 100m Covid measures victims worldwide. Any police gangster, any lying presstitiute, any grocery owner, any security, any snitch and of course any politician will know the rage of peoples who become free again

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science - which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

Can't go in ANY stores or buildings here without a mask

Same here. Well, at least in theory- police have come to our building to make sure we're wearing masks in here, but fortunately that's a rare event :p.
Why corrupted politicians and police animals continue genocide against humanity called Covid-1984 scamdemic? Because they know the point of no return had been already passed and after peoples become free they will send all Corona criminals to the Nuernebrg 2.0. It's difficult to believe they become minor penalties because Covid-1984 scam took already lives of more as 100m Covid measures victims worldwide. Any police gangster, any lying presstitiute, any grocery owner, any security, any snitch and of course any politician will know the rage of peoples who become free again

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science - which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

Can't go in ANY stores or buildings here without a mask

Same here. Well, at least in theory- police have come to our building to make sure we're wearing masks in here, but fortunately that's a rare event :p.

Don't believe you, nor should anyone.
If there ever were an actual pandemic -- and I haven't seen it yet -- it probably would be just what the doctor ordered to burn your used masks.
Why corrupted politicians and police animals continue genocide against humanity called Covid-1984 scamdemic? Because they know the point of no return had been already passed and after peoples become free they will send all Corona criminals to the Nuernebrg 2.0. It's difficult to believe they become minor penalties because Covid-1984 scam took already lives of more as 100m Covid measures victims worldwide. Any police gangster, any lying presstitiute, any grocery owner, any security, any snitch and of course any politician will know the rage of peoples who become free again

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science - which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

Can't go in ANY stores or buildings here without a mask

Same here. Well, at least in theory- police have come to our building to make sure we're wearing masks in here, but fortunately that's a rare event :p.

Don't believe you, nor should anyone.

And why is that?
Why corrupted politicians and police animals continue genocide against humanity called Covid-1984 scamdemic? Because they know the point of no return had been already passed and after peoples become free they will send all Corona criminals to the Nuernebrg 2.0. It's difficult to believe they become minor penalties because Covid-1984 scam took already lives of more as 100m Covid measures victims worldwide. Any police gangster, any lying presstitiute, any grocery owner, any security, any snitch and of course any politician will know the rage of peoples who become free again

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science - which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

Can't go in ANY stores or buildings here without a mask

Same here. Well, at least in theory- police have come to our building to make sure we're wearing masks in here, but fortunately that's a rare event :p.

Don't believe you, nor should anyone.

And why is that?
First and foremost , you belong to the hate party and that then not believing you is a automatic. I've found out by experience that I will get to the truth faster by assuming that you right wingers are lying and at that point it is simple math. You people lie the majority of the time, so it's only logical to assume you people are lying and then work backwards. Its faster easier and more productive for everyone if they just assume from the begin that what you say is bullshit. Also I looked at your other comments and I was right on again, you are a bullshitter party line Zombie.
I just love the willingness of the right to step right up and prove to the world how stupid they are. Last I heard drinking lestoil would cure it anyway. What a group of baffons

When leftist morons want to die they can do it, no problem, the world has enough idiots.
But frigging lefts enforce anyone to wear schizophrenic mask, lockdowns, 6ft distancing rules, the killer jab etc.
Put all this scam in your leftist as... an let us alone without your imbecile advises, cretins!
There is nothing better for this country then the fact that these right wingers won't wear mask, it is great for the gene pool.
Do you know that repeated and prolonged use of cotton and fiber masks even if washed regularly are showing signs of breakdown and are depositing potential cancerous fibers into your lungs?....
Bet CNN won't tell you that....
I just love the willingness of the right to step right up and prove to the world how stupid they are. Last I heard drinking lestoil would cure it anyway. What a group of baffons
Only hamster brains like you make this about left/right politics.
Listen to the science.
Want stupid try to get past this one , a airborne disease that masks don't help, first one in history.What idiot is going to believe that bullshit. VOICE FROM BEHIND THE FENCE (the whole right wing believes it because they are just that stupid.

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