Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

Donald Rumsfeld said the intel didn't come from torture. Donald Rumsfeld. Remember him?

Bush said he didn't think about Bin Laden. He truly wasn't "concerned" about him. And, in 2006, Bush disbanded the CIA commission that was set up to find Bin Laden.

Only an idiot moron, such as yourself, can see all the facts, right in front of his face, and come to the opposite conclusion. Unless you are saying Bush is a liar? On that we can agree.

Wait, if you're saying Bush is a liar, and I'm not arguing that he isn't. All politicians are, something I bet you wouldn't acknowledge as it concerns a certain party, then why do you INSIST that Bush was being honest when he said he didn't think about UBL?

I try to take Republicans at their word. But it's so hard. Because their word is "worthless". Isn't that what you're suggesting?

i don't believe that for a second. If you actually were doing that you wouldn't be so partisan.
You're a disgusting human being. Can you at any time, in anyway, leave your partisanship out of a post? ALL politicians are liars PERIOD. That's not even debatable.

Which is pathetically sad isn't it?
I can't believe this is being argued about when it seems no one even knows why Bush decided not to go... There are thousands of reasons why Bush might not be able to go, or simply not want to go.

I feel like Obama is milking this if anything. I don't like the "celebrate me" mentality much no matter who they are.

OBL is dead, what else needs to be done? Is Obama going to thank the victims for a reason to have a war where more American lives were lost than on 911? Maybe he will tank the victims from helping the US invade 2 countries and partake in killing hundreds of thousands of civilians? Maybe Obama will say without you guys we couldn’t be in 4 wars and spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year destroying other countries?

That’s my take on it at least. I guess when you have no other meaningful accomplishments you make a huge deal over something that won’t change anything for the better.

Yay, OBL is dead... let's forget all of our problems that have been piling up over the last 10 years.
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory. bush standing next to the president would just emphasize how bush blew it at tora bora.

Give it a frilken rest will you? Bush declined because Obama is the President now ok? Say what you want about Bush, but he does have enough class to let Obama be the president you can't see beyond your hatred for Bush and yes it was good of Obama to invite him. I thought you could let this go without the stupid hate Bush crap. :eusa_eh:

i'm sorry. are you my post police?

there is nothing in my post that indicates hatred. i don't hate bush. i DO think he was the worst president we've had in my lifetime and i've just spent the last two days watching the intellectually impaired rightwingnuts talk about how HE was responsible for getting bin laden.

now THAT'S nuts.

and near as i can tell, you've done a bang up job injecting partisan hatred into this thread. :thup:
Wait, if you're saying Bush is a liar, and I'm not arguing that he isn't. All politicians are, something I bet you wouldn't acknowledge as it concerns a certain party, then why do you INSIST that Bush was being honest when he said he didn't think about UBL?

I try to take Republicans at their word. But it's so hard. Because their word is "worthless". Isn't that what you're suggesting?

You're a disgusting human being. Can you at any time, in anyway, leave your partisanship out of a post? ALL politicians are liars PERIOD. That's not even debatable.

the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory. bush standing next to the president would just emphasize how bush blew it at tora bora.

Give it a frilken rest will you? Bush declined because Obama is the President now ok? Say what you want about Bush, but he does have enough class to let Obama be the president you can't see beyond your hatred for Bush and yes it was good of Obama to invite him. I thought you could let this go without the stupid hate Bush crap. :eusa_eh:

i'm sorry. are you my post police?

there is nothing in my post that indicates hatred. i don't hate bush. i DO think he was the worst president we've had in my lifetime and i've just spent the last two days watching the intellectually impaired rightwingnuts talk about how HE was responsible for getting bin laden.

now THAT'S nuts.

and near as i can tell, you've done a bang up job injecting partisan hatred into this thread. :thup:

Can you give me a list of differences between Bush and Obama, Police only... Thanks.

I would like to see how far up or below Obama ranks compared to the "worst president we've had" in your lifetime.
well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

YOu mean like here?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwJqhPL28Zw]YouTube - Osama Bin Laden Dead, New Yorkers Celebrate.[/ame]
Watch Obama use the "I Got Osama Celebration at Ground Zero" footage in his reelection campaign
well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

do much drugs? because that isn't even in the ballpark.

ny voted for the president and will vote for him again.
Give it a frilken rest will you? Bush declined because Obama is the President now ok? Say what you want about Bush, but he does have enough class to let Obama be the president you can't see beyond your hatred for Bush and yes it was good of Obama to invite him. I thought you could let this go without the stupid hate Bush crap. :eusa_eh:

i'm sorry. are you my post police?

there is nothing in my post that indicates hatred. i don't hate bush. i DO think he was the worst president we've had in my lifetime and i've just spent the last two days watching the intellectually impaired rightwingnuts talk about how HE was responsible for getting bin laden.

now THAT'S nuts.

and near as i can tell, you've done a bang up job injecting partisan hatred into this thread. :thup:

Can you give me a list of differences between Bush and Obama, Police only... Thanks.

I would like to see how far up or below Obama ranks compared to the "worst president we've had" in your lifetime.

Stem cell research
Health care bill
actually sticking with the plan to get bin laden
not going to war and killing 4k service member based on a lie.

Need more?
Give it a frilken rest will you? Bush declined because Obama is the President now ok? Say what you want about Bush, but he does have enough class to let Obama be the president you can't see beyond your hatred for Bush and yes it was good of Obama to invite him. I thought you could let this go without the stupid hate Bush crap. :eusa_eh:

i'm sorry. are you my post police?

there is nothing in my post that indicates hatred. i don't hate bush. i DO think he was the worst president we've had in my lifetime and i've just spent the last two days watching the intellectually impaired rightwingnuts talk about how HE was responsible for getting bin laden.

now THAT'S nuts.

and near as i can tell, you've done a bang up job injecting partisan hatred into this thread. :thup:

Can you give me a list of differences between Bush and Obama, Police only... Thanks.

I would like to see how far up or below Obama ranks compared to the "worst president we've had" in your lifetime.

you want me to address one issue and answer that question?

i'm sorry. are you my post police?

there is nothing in my post that indicates hatred. i don't hate bush. i DO think he was the worst president we've had in my lifetime and i've just spent the last two days watching the intellectually impaired rightwingnuts talk about how HE was responsible for getting bin laden.

now THAT'S nuts.

and near as i can tell, you've done a bang up job injecting partisan hatred into this thread. :thup:

Can you give me a list of differences between Bush and Obama, Police only... Thanks.

I would like to see how far up or below Obama ranks compared to the "worst president we've had" in your lifetime.

Stem cell research
Health care bill
actually sticking with the plan to get bin laden
not going to war and killing 4k service member based on a lie.

Need more?

you haven't even scratched the surface....
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

Not surprising to me at all. President Bush has publicly said he will not interfere with this current administration. Don't you wish carter and clinton had that much class?
I can't imagine that this isn't just a big photo op for Obama and the 2012 campaign. If Bush realizes that, can you be surprised that he doesnt want to participate?
I can't imagine that this isn't just a big photo op for Obama and the 2012 campaign. If Bush realizes that, can you be surprised that he doesnt want to participate?

I heard Obama is getting fitted for a flight suit and the sign is already made. :eusa_whistle:
i'm sorry. are you my post police?

there is nothing in my post that indicates hatred. i don't hate bush. i DO think he was the worst president we've had in my lifetime and i've just spent the last two days watching the intellectually impaired rightwingnuts talk about how HE was responsible for getting bin laden.

now THAT'S nuts.

and near as i can tell, you've done a bang up job injecting partisan hatred into this thread. :thup:

Can you give me a list of differences between Bush and Obama, Police only... Thanks.

I would like to see how far up or below Obama ranks compared to the "worst president we've had" in your lifetime.

Stem cell research
Health care bill
actually sticking with the plan to get bin laden
not going to war and killing 4k service member based on a lie.

Need more?

Wow, that's a weak list...

Ok so you do realize that Bush did Medicare part D right, kinda in the same boat there meaning their policy of "government in HC" is not so different.

Obama kept 2 wars going, expanded the Afghan war and started 2 other wars...

You have no idea what Bush was doing about OBL, maybe he felt announcing on television "We're coming after you boy!" would make OBL plan better?

Sooooo, being your list sucks do you wana see my list on Obama/Bush’s policies being almost identical? You know, torture, homeland security, Iraq. Afghanistan, Bush tax cuts, stimulus, bail-outs, illegal immigration just to name a few…
WASHINGTON (AP) — A spokesman for George W. Bush says the former president has declined an invitation from President Barack Obama to attend an observance at New York's ground zero.

The spokesman, David Sherzer, says the former president appreciated the offer to attend but has chosen to remain out of the spotlight during his post-presidency.

Sherzer says Bush celebrates bin Laden's death as an "important victory in the war on terror."

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