Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

Why's Obama even going to New York anyway? They run away when they see Air Force 1.
inviting him was the right thing to do

declining the invitation was the right thing to do

where's the problem?

Obama wants Bush to go so America can remember what a real President looks like!:lol:
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory. bush standing next to the president would just emphasize how bush blew it at tora bora.
well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

Why's Obama even going to New York anyway? They run away when they see Air Force 1.

The real reason? Because he absolutely loves the perk of AFOne and can't help himself. I would love a breakdown of how much airtime he has compared to his predecessors. Someone should tell the sumbitch to stay home once in awhile.
well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

LOL! Like NYers are going to boo the president who got OBL and got him out of country to verify his ID and have him tossed into the sea like little more than the waste from the head.
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He should go...Obama should share the spotlight with him.

SEAL team of course can't go....but I'm sure they're getting free beer from their shipmates for a LOOOONG time.

Actually..no..he shouldn't.

Bush and Cheney..and their ideas should be swept into the dustbin of history..and discarded for the utter failures they were.

They deserve nothing but scorn.

If you did that none of this would have happened.
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory.

Not entirely correct. It is HIS victory, in the sense that he is an American, and the death of Bin Laden is a victory for all Americans.

Frankly I don't think Obama should be going to NYC either. That seems to be a "Mission complete" redux to me, and no the mission isn't complete, not as long as we have troops in harms way.

But, I do agree, if Obama is going to be there, I think he was right to invite Bush and I think Bush was right to decline.
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory. bush standing next to the president would just emphasize how bush blew it at tora bora.

I agree with your first two Comments at least :)

IMO Both Bush and Obama Deserve Credit for this day. Anyone who wants to ignore the fact that Bush laid the ground work, and gave Obama the Intelligence tools needed to make this day possible. Is clearly a raging partisan hack.
well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

Why's Obama even going to New York anyway? They run away when they see Air Force 1.

:lol: Doing a fly by of The Statue Of Liberty for a Photo Op was not at all well thought out. I think they got the message there. He does come here often. ;)
He should go...Obama should share the spotlight with him.

SEAL team of course can't go....but I'm sure they're getting free beer from their shipmates for a LOOOONG time.

Actually..no..he shouldn't.

Bush and Cheney..and their ideas should be swept into the dustbin of history..and discarded for the utter failures they were.

They deserve nothing but scorn.

If you did that none of this would have happened.


9/11 wouldn't have happened?

Shit..you might be right!!!!!
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory.

Not entirely correct. It is HIS victory, in the sense that he is an American, and the death of Bin Laden is a victory for all Americans.

Frankly I don't think Obama should be going to NYC either. That seems to be a "Mission complete" redux to me, and no the mission isn't complete, not as long as we have troops in harms way.

But, I do agree, if Obama is going to be there, I think he was right to invite Bush and I think Bush was right to decline.

i think most new yorkers are glad he's coming here. it's a kind of closure.. from the attacks, to bush's bullhorn speech, to this celebration. is it a mission accomplished moment? well, in the broadest sense, i suppose since the mission was accomplished and they're celebrating.
well, if obama invited him I give him props. That was the classy thing to do.

as to why he won't go again, if true, who knows, maybe he feels its obamas moment *shrugs*...

The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

Booed by New Yorkers? What kind of universe do you inhabit? Surely not ours, where 70% of registered voters in the City are Democrats , in which almost every elected position is held by Democrats (including 12 out of 13 of New York State's congressional districts), and in which no Republican candidate has carried since 1924. It's like saying Bush wanted to bring Obama along so he wouldn't get booed by rural Alabamans. :cuckoo:

Anyway, I kinda liked the link that R.D. posted, so I'll quote from it.

Obama was completely right in extending the invitation. In doing so, the current president is acknowledging that it took the combined efforts of both administrations to bring this to the successful conclusion experienced Sunday night.

The invitation might also go a long way to dispel the conservative criticism that Obama has sought too much credit for his effort to take down bin Laden – a charge that is both unfounded and unfair.

It was equally gracious on President Bush’s part to allow Obama his moment to celebrate a great success. This is in keeping with Bush’s extremely complimentary reaction to the decisions made and actions taken by President Obama leading to the successful mission. [...]

Maybe both sides can learn something from these two leaders – to get something big done often takes the extended efforts of leaders from both parties. It took the work of the Bush Administration to get this started and the work of the Obama Administration to get it finished.

It might not be a bad idea for Congress to follow the example.

Obama Invites Bush To Join Him At Ground Zero- Bush Declines - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes
The only reason Obama invited him is to insure he doesn't get booed by New Yorkers.

Why's Obama even going to New York anyway? They run away when they see Air Force 1.

The real reason? Because he absolutely loves the perk of AFOne and can't help himself. I would love a breakdown of how much airtime he has compared to his predecessors. Someone should tell the sumbitch to stay home once in awhile.

yeah, he should spend his time in crawford, texas. :rolleyes:
the president did the right thing inviting bush. bush did the right thing saying no. it isn't his victory.

Not entirely correct. It is HIS victory, in the sense that he is an American, and the death of Bin Laden is a victory for all Americans.

Frankly I don't think Obama should be going to NYC either. That seems to be a "Mission complete" redux to me, and no the mission isn't complete, not as long as we have troops in harms way.

But, I do agree, if Obama is going to be there, I think he was right to invite Bush and I think Bush was right to decline.

i think most new yorkers are glad he's coming here. it's a kind of closure.. from the attacks, to bush's bullhorn speech, to this celebration. is it a mission accomplished moment? well, in the broadest sense, i suppose since the mission was accomplished and they're celebrating.

I agree with jillian because she's smart and sexy.

Why's Obama even going to New York anyway? They run away when they see Air Force 1.

The real reason? Because he absolutely loves the perk of AFOne and can't help himself. I would love a breakdown of how much airtime he has compared to his predecessors. Someone should tell the sumbitch to stay home once in awhile.

yeah, he should spend his time in crawford, texas. :rolleyes:

Give me a break, there is NO contest to which travels more. I just see no reason for it. the White House has the most sophisticated communications suite in the world and yet Obama has to fly to Chicago to say hi to grammy? It's just too much.
President Obama’s Vacation Days | FactCheck.org

President Obama’s Vacation Days
January 11, 2010

Q: Has President Obama taken more vacation time than his predecessors?
A: According to one count, Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush spent more time on "vacation" during their first year than President Obama did. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton spent less time on "vacation."

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